IT Committee Meeting


10:00-11:30 AM

Standing Charges:

1.  Serve as a resource on developing issues related to information and technology that may be appropriate for individual member agencies as well as for the Association.

2.  Provide A/V support for the MVCAC Annual Conference

Discussion Topics

1.  NPDES support

2.  PART proposal

3.  Vendor pros/cons document

4.  PR Committee Website

5.  Webinar update

MVCAC Fall Quarterly Meeting 2012

IT Committee


Thursday October 25, 2012: 1:00pm-2:00pm

1.  Introductions

2.  New chair for 2013?

a.  Submit a committee recommendation to the incoming MVCAC President.

Discussion was made, and the committee will recommend to the incoming President another year of Peter Bonkrude as Committee Chair.

2.  Discussion and/or approval regarding the PART proposal; should the committee provide a vote of support for the PART proposal to the Association?

Similar concerns were raised from the prior proposal, but the main issues were:

·  The establishment of automated web services-still having issues in Gateway, will these continue in PART?

·  Maintenance; who will do it? And how much will it cost?

·  Bborie’s time

It was voted to let the Committee chair draft a support letter for the executive committee with the suggested caveats/reservations listed above.

3.  Gateway training session update

Bborie provided the following agenda; please contact Bborie or myself regarding any requested additions or changes.

The Gateway workshop will cover common pitfalls experienced by end users, concepts to keep in mind when making decisions and a guided tutorial on the use of reporting tools and calculators. Specific items that will be discussed are:

1. Surveillance sites over space and time

2. Aggregate Reports

3. Date Range and # of periods in the Pool Infection Rate Calculator

4. Historical Mean Type in the Abundance Rate Calculator

5. Risk Assessment calculator


I expect both participants and observers, so the two price points will be applicable. It must be stressed somewhere that participants are expected to bring their own laptops.

The room will need the following...

1. Internet access. Without this, there is no point to have the workshop.

2. Projection screen

3. Projector. One capable of providing 1920 x 1080 would be awesome but is optional.

4. Power strips so that participants can plug in their laptops. I'm assuming that some laptops may not have enough juice to survive 2 - 3 hours...

4.  Resource Guide Update

The chair has created a google doc and will be adding information and sending out access information to the committee members.

5.  Ideas for the December planning session.

*Investigate the use of 311 for general reporting potential-can we integrate into service requests, dead birds or neglected pools?

*Completion of pros/cons resource guide surrounding data collection tools

*Increasing our support and relevance within the association.

-Dan Fisher/ Sac-Yolo had some good committee communication tool ideas, and some other good resources for connecting and sharing information

6.  Open to membership

*San Diego has developed a smartphone app for reporting dead birds and neglected pools.

*Some discussion was made about how best to store and transmit archived webinars

*It was agreed that the listserv was helpful, use when needed