1.«Merge Record #»
2.Private Address«Merge Record #»
3.Post/Job Title«Merge Record #»
4.Post Number«Merge Record #»
5.Place of Work«Merge Record #»
or in any post appropriate to your scale point at such other place of employment in the Council’s service as may be required.
6.Line Manager«Merge Record #»
7.Start date of continuous service with this Authority«Merge Record #»
8.Date of continuous service «Merge Record #»
(See Paragraph A overleaf)
9.Date of starting duties in this post «Merge Record #»
10.The appointment is «Merge Record #»
11.Your working week is one of «Merge Record #»hours to be worked within the confines of the flexi-time system and as agreed with your Line Manager.
12.Pay: Salary Grade «Merge Record #»
Starting Salary SCP «Merge Record #»per annum
Subject to satisfactory service your first increment is due on «Merge Record #»and thereafter on 1 April each year.
Payable Monthlyby BACS through a bank/building society
13.«Merge Record #»Time
14.Overtime Rate: -Is payable when over 37 hours have been worked (with management agreement).
15.Holiday Entitlement
Note: Holiday entitlement including public/Bank Holidays for part-time employees are all on a pro-rata basis and should be calculated in hours.
Your holiday entitlement in a full leave year is 21 working days inclusive of one statutory day. This will increase by 5 days from the completion of 5 years’ continuous service with one or more local authorities. In addition, you will be entitled to 8 days’ public holidays and one extra statutory day’s holiday, which is fixed at Christmas time.
16.Special Conditions of Service
(a)The appointment is subject to a probationary period of 6 months.
(b)Current Car Allowance (see paragraph J overleaf) Casual.
(c) Any Others (see attached –NO)*.
17.The appointment is subject to termination by One Calendar Month notice from the employee. This should be in writing to the Service Unit Manager, who will pass it on to the Chief Personnel Officer. (See paragraph C overleaf)
18.Signed on behalf of employer: ______Position: Chief Personnel Officer
Date: «Merge Record #»
I acknowledge receipt of this Statement of Particulars and agree to the terms contained therein.
Signed: ______Date: ______
For Administrative Purposes only
19Date of Birth«Merge Record #»
20.National Insurance No.«Merge Record #»
21Sex (M/F) «Merge Record #»
22.If permanent Appointment, state ‘New Post’ or name of person replaced «Merge Record #»
Originating Officer (Initials):«Merge Record #»Tel. No 01823 356452
Date: «Merge Record #»
A.Continuous Service
Your period of continuous service dates from the date of commencement of your continuous service with this Authority as shown at item 8 overleaf except where:-
(i)Periods of previous service with other local authorities and related employers are allowed to count as continuous employment for specified purposes in the scheme of conditions of service and other agreements referred to in paragraph B below; or
(ii)You are made redundant, in which circumstances continuous service with this and other local authorities/bodies covered by the Redundancy Payments (Local Government) (Modification) Order, 1983
(as amended) will be counted for the purpose of calculating your redundancy payment, if any; or
(iii)You have a concurrent Contract of Employment with this Authority.
B.Terms and Conditions of Employment
Your terms and conditions of employment (including overtime and premium payments, entitlement to holidays, holiday pay, sick leave and sick pay)
are covered by collective agreements negotiated and agreed by the
National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government (see item 8 overleaf) service as amended and supplemented by local/provincial agreements and other local provisions contained within the Council’s ’Terms and Conditions of Employment’ document, referred to as the ‘Tartan Book’. Variation in your terms and conditions of employment will result from negotiations and agreement at national, provincial and/or local levels with the specified union and will be separately notified to you or otherwise incorporated in the documents which are available to you for reference. In either instance the effect will be that the changes are incorporated into your contract of employment.
Copies of the relevant documents are available for reference within your normal work base.
Employee's notice - as detailed in item 17 of Statement of Particulars. Employer - the statutory minimum period of notice to be given by the Authority under the Employment Rights Act (1996) will be as follows where the period of notice shownexceeds the period of notice stated in item 17 overleaf:-
Period of Continuous EmploymentMinimum Notice
One month or more but less than two years1 week
2 years or more, but less than 12 years1 additional week for each year of continuous employment
12 years or more not less than 12 weeks notice
(NOTE: If you are being appointed by this Authority on the basis of a fixed term contract ending on a specific date, then the lengths of notice set out above will apply if you or the Authority decide to terminate the contract before it has run its full period. Otherwise the contract will terminate on the date specified at item 9 overleaf).
D.Holiday Entitlement
You will be paid at your normal rate of pay for all authorised absence on annual leave.
An employee who joins or leaves the Local Government service is allowed 1/12th of his/her paid annual leave entitlement for each completed calendar month of service in the current leave year. If, on leaving Local Government service, you have exceeded this entitlement you will be required to repay the excess by deduction from your final salary/wage.
An employee who leaves local government service for maternity reasons and who subsequently returns will be entitled to recognise previous continuous service for annual leave purposes, provided that no permanent full-time paid employment has intervened and certain criteria are complied with.
E.Pension Scheme
You will normally be automatically admitted to the Local Government Pension Scheme. Taunton Deane Borough Council and your Unions support the Scheme and membership is highly recommended. You have the option to
‘opt out’ of the scheme if you wish. Any employee not in the scheme can elect to join at any time.
From the date of admission to the Local Government Scheme you will, in accordance with the Social Security Act 1975, be contracted out of the ‘earnings-related’ part of the State Pension Scheme.
Details of the Local Government Pension Scheme are available from the Financial Services Unit.
NOTE: If you have a personal pension scheme and wish to join the Local Government Pension Scheme you should contact The Pension Section at County Hall on 355239 for advice.
F.Membership of a Trade Union
The Council, as your employer, supports and encourages the system of collective bargaining in every way and believes in the principle of solving industrial relations’ problems by discussion and agreement. The Council recognises UNISON as its trade union for collective bargaining purposes.
You have the following rights in respect of trade union membership and activities:-
(a) The right to be a member of such trade union as you may choose;
(b) The right not to belong to a trade union; and
(c) The right where you are a member of a trade union to take part in its activities at appropriate times and to seek election to office in the union, and to hold office in the union.
G.Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures and Standards of Conduct
These documents are contained in the Council’s various Employee Handbooks and you should read them at your earliest opportunity.
Health and Safety at Work
The Council places great importance on the health, safety and welfare of its employees at work. Details are contained in the Council’s various Employee Handbooks and you should read them at the earliest opportunity.
You should not divulge Council business to anyone unless expressly authorised to do so.
In order to protect the public funds, which the Council administers, the information, which you have provided for personnel and payroll administration, may legally be used for the prevention and detection of fraud. This information may also be shared for the same purpose with other organisations, which may also handle public funds.
H.Other agreements (see paragraph B) directly affecting other terms and conditions of your employment currently cover: -
Appointment and promotionHarassment
Apportionment of salaries Redundancy
Job EvaluationTraining
Sick pay«Merge Record #»
Maternity support provisions
Travelling and subsistence allowances
Trade Union membership
Customer care
Data protection
Equal opportunities
I.Rights of Pregnant Employees
Subject to certain qualifying conditions, pregnant employees are entitled to return to their employment after absence for pregnancy and confinement. Full details are included in the documents referred to in paragraph B above.
J.Current Motor Car Allowance
If your post currently carries a motorcar allowance, this will be shown at item 16(b) overleaf. Your attention is particularly drawn to the fact that such allowances are allocated to specific posts (not individual employees).
The need for an allowance and its classification may be reviewed and, where necessary, it will be amended or withdrawn.
All employees authorised to use their motor vehicles on official business are advised that they will need to be insured by a reputable insurance company including in the policy of insurance a clause indemnifying the Borough Council against all third party claims (including those covering passengers) arising out of the use of the vehicle on official business.
Employees authorised to use their motor vehicle on official business are responsible for its safe operation and for ensuring that it is in a safe and roadworthy condition.
For those posts where driving is regularly required as part of the duties the loss by the employee of his/ her driving licence as a result of a driving disqualification may lead to a termination of employment.
K.Sickness Absence
If you are prevented from working due to sickness or injury, you must notify your Supervisor as soon as possible on the first day of any sick absence. Providing you do this and comply with the policy on self-certification of sickness set out in your employee Handbook you will be covered by the Sickness Pay Scheme set out in the National Agreement. The allowance is related to length of service as follows:-
Length of ServiceAllowance Full Pay Half-Pay
During first year1 month2 months (after completing 4 months service)
During second year2 months2 months
During third year4 months4 months
During fourth and fifth years5 months5 months
After five years6 months6 months
NOTE: Full pay is full pay less State Benefits whether Benefits are received or not. Half pay is half-pay with deduction of State Benefits except to the extent which the sum of sickness allowances plus State Benefits would exceed the normal salary.
Failure to follow the above procedure can result in loss of pay and may lead to exclusion from the sick pay scheme.
L.Policy about not Smoking at Work
The policy of the Borough Council is not to allow smoking in any part of its premises i.e. including offices, depots, establishments, workshops and vehicles.
There are few exceptions to the ban. Further details can be found in the various Employee Handbooks.
16.(c) Special Conditions of Service
«Merge Record #»
Taunton Deane Borough Council 1 of 7 28 September 2007