Rehabilitation of 110kV Ba Che – Nui Motelectric line

CPC / Commune People’s Committee
DEP / Distribution Efficient Project
ECOP / Environmental Code of Practice
EIA / Environmental Impact Assessment
EMF / Environmenatl Management Framework
EMP / Environmental Management Plan
EVN / Electricity of Vietnam
GOV / Government of Vietnam
HH / Household
HV / High voltage
LV / Low Voltage
MOIT / Ministry of Industry and Trade
MONRE / Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
MV / Medium Voltage
NGO / Northern Grid Company
NPC / Northern Power Corporation
OHL / Overhead Line
PAH / Project Affected Household
PCBs / Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PMU / Network Project Management Unit (under the NPC)
PPC / Provincial People’s Committee
ROW / Right of Way
WB / World Bank



2.Policy, Regulations, and Institutional Frameworks

2.1. Government Regulations:

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies


3.1.Objectives of the Subproject

3.2.Subproject Location

3.3.Subproject Management Organization

3.4.Subproject Components

3.4.1. 110kV electric line improvement component:

3.4.2. transformer station

3.4.3. Rehabilitation of 110kV electric line

3.4.4. Main work volume of the Project:


4.1Geography and Geology


4.2Natural Resources

4.2.1Soil Resources

4.2.2Forest Resources

4.2.3Mineral Resources

4.3Population, Culture, Society



6.1.Mitigation Measures.

6.2.Environmental Monitoring Plan


7.1Responsibilities for Implementing the Environmental Management Plan

7.1.1During Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Contract Documents

7.1.2During Construction Phase

7.2Capacity Building for EMP Implementation

7.3Reporting procedure

7.4Estimated cost for implementing the EMP



With existing electric network and source and projected load requirements in coming years in the region, Rehabilitation of Ba Che - Nui Mot 110kV electric line with its existing facilities and cross-section of the existing line will not be able to meet predicted power demand. Therefore, to prevent the system from overloading in the short term and ensure load capacity for the subsequent stages for the region, it is very necessary to implement the rehabilitation of the Ba Che - Nui Mot 110kV electric line.

Rehabilitation of 110kV Ba Che – Nui Mot electric line will solve out the following issues: i) Meeting load requirements as analyzed and forecasted; ii) Meeting electric power requirement for the existing and future loads; iii) Improving the quality of electric power supply; and iv) Enhancing reliability and convenience in the system operation and management.

Being aware of necessity for investment and construction of this works, Thanh Hoa province requested the World Bank to finance for this sub-project. Rehabilitation of the Ba Che - Nui Mot 110kV electric line sub-project is one of the sub-projects which will be implemented in Phase I of Distribution Efficiency Project (DEP) by Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) and financed by WB. The sub-project will be implemented in the area of two districts, namely Dong Son and Thieu Hoa in Thanh Hoa province.

Activities of the sub-project include:i) Expansion of Ba Chè 220kV transformer station: relocation of power capacitor, reactance and 110kV valve lightning-resistance for collector; installation of switchgear for the expansion cell; ii) Expansion of Nui Mot 110kV transformer station; uninstall of T3 transformer and 110kV valve lightning-resistance; installation of switchgear for one expansion cell iii) rehabilitation of 10,630m of the 110kV line. These activities may cause adverse impacts on the environment and local community in the pre-construction period, construction period and operation period.

To ensure potential adverse impacts to be identified during preparation and mitigated during the implementation of the sub-project and to comply with environmental assessment policy of WB (OP/BP 4.01), an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the sub-project has been prepared based on the guidance of Environmental Management Framework (EMF) of DEP project. This EMP includes: description of sub-project, applicable policies, environmental technical standards and regulations, potential adverse impact, mitigation measures proposed to be undertaken in the pre-construction, construction and operation stages, under implementation arrangement. EMP also includes Environmental codes of Practices (ECOP) which will be incorporated in tender documents constructon contracts

According to the Government EIA regulation, the Sub-project shall prepare Environmental Protection Commitment. The Sub-project’s commitment has been certified on 05 Jul 2011 by Dong Anh District People’s Committee in Thanh Hoa province.

II. Policy, Regulations, and Institutional Frameworks

2.1. Government Regulations

The following Vietnamese legislations are applicable to the Project:

  • Environment Protection Law 52/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly dated on 29/11/2005 regulating responsibilities of individuals and organizations regarding environmental protection.
  • Law on Cultural Heritage No. 28/2001/QH10,
  • The Law on Water resources no. 08/1998/QH10 dated 20 May 1998.
  • Decree no. 29/2011/NÐ-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental protection commitments.
  • Circular no. 26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 18 July 2011 detailing some articles of Decree no. 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental protection commitments.
  • Decree 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17th August 2005 on detailed regulations and guidance on implementation of some Articles of the Law on Electricity related to safe protection of high voltage networks.
  • Decree 81/2009/ND-CP dated 12th October 2009 on revision and addition of some Articles of Decree 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17th August 2005 on detailed regulations and guidance on implementation of some Articles of the Law on Electricity related to safe protection of high voltage networks.
  • Circular no. 12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April 2011 regarding the management of hazardous wastes.
  • National Technical Regulations: QCVN01:2009/BYT -National technical regulations on quality of drinking water; QCVN02:2009/BYT - National technical regulations on quality of domestic water; QCVN08:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulations on quality of surface water; QCVN09:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulations on quality of groundwater; QCVN05:2009/BTNMT - Air quality – Standards for ambient air quality; QCVN06:2009/BTNMT - Air quality – Maximum allowable concentration of hazardous substances in the ambient air.
  • EVN Guidance no. 2623/CV-EVN – KHCN&MT, dated 28 May 2007 regarding the management and pollution prevention and exposure to PCBs.

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies

The environmental screening in accordance with the criteria described in the Environmental Management Framework of DEP project has been carried out and it showed that the Sub-project shall apply Environmental Assessment Policy (OP 4.01), involuntary Resettlement Policy (OP 4.12) and information announcement policy of the World Bank. The implementation of policy OP 4.12 will be described in a separate social safeguard document.


3.1. Objectives of the Subproject

“Rehabilitation of the Ba Che - Nui Mot 110kV electric line in Thanh Hoa province” Project will be implemented with the following objectives:

+ To protect overload of 110kV electric line, feeder 172 Nui mot – Ba Che.

+ To meet power supply demand at present and in future

+ To ensure reliable power supply and quality of power.

+ To strengthen electric network capacity.

+ To accord with Thanh Hoa province electricity development plan for a period from 2005 to 2010 taking account of 2015.

+ To contribute to socio-economic development and expand electric power business.

3.2. Subproject Location

The electric line goes through such areas as Đong Thanh & Đong Tien communes in Đong Son district, Thieu Trung & Thieu Ly communes in Thieu Hoa district in Thanh Hoa province.

3.3.Subproject Management Organization

- Project Owner: Southern Power Corporation

- Design Consultant Agency: Branch of Power Joint Stock Company – PowerEngineeringDesignConsultantCenter.

- Project Management Agency: Electric Network Project Management Unit - Northern Power Corporation.

3.4. Subproject Components

3.4.1. 110kV electric line improvement component:

The length of each section of the line and areas of the communes through which the line goes are described as below:

No / Localities through which the line goes / Length (m) / Description
01 / Thieu Lycommune in Thieu Hoa district. / 171.0 / The line section from G15 – G16 has 2 steel poles to be improved. The line cuts through three 22kv power lines and 2 graves of Bac village in Thieu Ly commune.
02 / Thieu Ly commune in Thieu Hoa district. / 1,491.3 / G16 - G17has8 steel poles to be improved. The line mainly runs through rice fields, cuts through 8 power lines and 01 cable communications line. It affects 03 private houses within its corridor. G17 is located at a rather gently sloping treeless hill base.
03 / Thieu Ly commune in Thieu Hoa district. / 143.8 / G17 - G17Ahas 1 steel pole to be improved. The line mainly runs on the side of eucalyptus hill (70.8m). No private house is located in the line corridor.
04 / Thieu Trung communein Thieu Hoa district. / 550.0 / G17A - G18has 02 steel poles to be improved. The line runs on the side of eucalyptus hill (110m) to the rice field with 388m and cuts through 4 private houses which are affected in the line corridor, 01 power line and 01 cable communications line.
05 / Thieu Trung commune in Thieu Hoa district. / 1,120.5 / G18 - G19 has 05 steel poles to be improved. The line runs completely on the rice field of 1100m, crosses over small cannels; cuts and affects 05 private house in the line corridor and cuts through 01 power line and 01 cable communications line.
06 / Đong Thanh commune inĐong Sơn district / 1,426.5 / G19 - G20 has 06 steel poles to be improved. The line runs completely on the rice field, crosses over irrigational canals. It cuts through 02 cable communication lines and 05 power lines.
07 / Đong Thanh commune in Đong Sơn district / 1,574.0 / G20 - G21has 06 steel poles to be improved. The line cuts 2 small ponds, 03 power lines, cuts and affects 3 private houses within the corridor of the line. The house of Mr. Le Huu Tien is closest to the corridor, 6m.
08 / Đong Tien communein Đong Son district. / 2,392.9 / G21 - G22 has 06 steel poles to be improved. The line runs completely on the rice field. It cuts through 02 power lines. No private houses and small canals are affected within the corridor.
09 / Đong Tien commune in Đong Son district. / 1,773.7 / G22 - ĐC has 07 steel poles to be improved. There are 02 graveyards (244m +254m) in Đông Tân communes located in the corridor of the line. The line runs through rice field of 886m and crop area of 241m (mainly peanut). It runs through pond of 200m2 in area. It crosses over some small irrigational canals. ĐC is the existing steel pole 106 and etc.

3.4.2 Transformer station:

Expansion of 110kV connection at Nui Mot 110kV transformer station:

The connection expansion starts with its construction inside the fences of Nui Mot 110 kV Transformer Station. The Station is located at Dong Tien Commune, Dong Son District, ThanhHoaProvince and surrounded by the agricultural land; its front side is adjacent to highway 47.

Expansion of 110kV connection at Ba Che 220kV transformer station:

The connection expansion starts with its construction inside the fences of Ba Che 220kV Transformer Station. The Station is located at Thien Ly Commune, Thien Hoa District, Thanh Hoa Province the two sides of it is adjacent to the population area( 7.2m), the back side of it is adjacent to agricultural land and the front side of it is adjacent to the interdistrict 12m wide concrete road.

3.4.3. Rehabilitation of 110kV electric line.

-Voltage level: 110kV.

- No. of circuits: 2 circuits

-Beginning point : Nui Mot 110kV Transformer station

-End point : Ba Che 220kV transformer station

-Length: 10,6 km

-Conductor wire : ACSR240/32

-Earth wire: fibre cable combined with lightning OPGW - 57

-Insulating: use glass or pottery insulator which is fabricated under the standard IEC.

-Column: Erect dip-galvanized steel column erected by paland.

-Foundation: use cast-in-place reinforced concrete foundation.

Expansion of Ba Che 220kV transformer station:

  1. Single line component:

-The project will not install more transformers but only remove power capacitor, coercitive capacitor and 110kV valve lightning resistance of the power capacitor cell to a new location to take back land for construction of the expanded bay.

-110kV side: Install a switchgear for one expanded cell under a diagram of 2 busbar systems and loop busbar including main equipment such as switch, disconnector, current transformer. Equip with additional earthing equipment and lightning protection for the expandable and transportable equipment.

b. Secondary line component:

-Equip with control – measuring and protection equipment for the expansion cells and equipment in the station in accordance with the existing standards and regulations.

-Protection control boards shall be placed in the control house of the station.

c. Construction component:

-Construct pole foundation, poles and beam for the expansion cell and improved power capacitor cell.

-Construction of foundation of piers and equipment supports for the expansion cell and improved power capacitor cell.

-Construct cable trough system for the expansion cell and improved power capacitor cell.

Expansion of Nui Mot 110kV transformer station:

a. Single line component:

The Nui Mot 110kV transformer station has been put into operation since 90s. The station is operating three 110kV transformers with a total capacity of 2x40MVA +16MVA, out of which the transformers T1 and T2 have capacity of 40MVA. The transformer T3 is presently being separated from the power network and not operated. Its capacity is 16MVA.

After disassembling, the transformer T3 will be safely stored in the storage of Thanh Hoa Power Company which is the operation and management unit.

-Do not install more transformers; only disassemble transformer T3 and the existing 110kV valve lightning resistance to construct the expansion cell to Thanh Hoa.

-110kV side: Install the switchgear for one expansion cell under the diagram of 2 busbar systems and loop busbar including main equipment such as switch, disconnector, current transformer. Equip with additional grounding system and lightning resistance for the expandable and transportable equipment.

b. Secondary line component:

-Equip with control – measuring and protection equipment for the expansion cells and equipment in the station in accordance with the existing standards and regulations.

-Protection control boards shall be placed in the control house of the station.

c. Construction component:

-Construct pole ffoundation, poles and beam for the expansion cell.

-Construction of foundation of piers and equipment supports for the expansion cell.

-Construct a cable trough system for the expansion cell.

-Dismantle supports for 110kV valve lightning resistance and foundation of the existing transformer T3. Relocate the existing transformer T3 to the appropriate location.

3.4.4. Main work volume of the Project:

Construction component

Construct column foundation, column, beam for expansion cell and improved power capacitor cell.

Construct pier foundation, support for equipment for the expansion cell and improved power capacitor cell.

Construct cable trunk system for the expansion cell and improved power capacitor cell.

-Excavate pole foundation manually.

-Erect poles manually combined with winch and reel.

-Install beam, porcelain manually after erecting the pole.

-Stretch wire and take sagging manually combined with winch and reel.

Main activities before and during the construction period

General requirement:

The preparation work shall be carried out suitable for the construction progress, weather characteristics and infrastructure of the construction area.

Utilization of vacancy areas within the limit of the station to arrange equipment and material storages.

Camps shall be close to the construction site for facilitating the construction, life activities and personnel mobilization.

Based on quantity of the construction and erection work, quantity of materials and equipment, construction progress and etc., it is expected that the scale of temporary works and storage/yard will be as follows:

Temporary storage/yard
Indoor storage

Building structures made from bamboo, Neohouzeaua, wood, wallboard roof.

Storage area: 50,0m2

In which:

Used to store cement: 35m2, goods storage standard: 1,6 tấn/m2.

Used to store construction tools 15m2.

Outdoor storage, camp

Total area: 100m2

In which

Used to store steel: 30m2

Used to store formwork wood: 20m2

Used to fabricate steel: 50m2

Casting yard

Construction structure is made of bricks, plastered with cement motar and tin-roofed.

Concrete M50 with the thickness of 100, dense compaction, cement mortar finishing M50 of 2cm in thickness.

Area: 50m2

Construction materials stock yard

Structure: levelling, compaction

Area: Use the available graded plan in the station.

Office room – medical room on site

+ Structure: bamboo lattice, slender bamboo, palm leaves; with a good system waste water drainage and round-up, and lavatory.

+ Diving and living areas = 120m²

+ Running water taken from existing source of the region and bought from the locality. Therefore, it is necessary to buld a water pipe line and a water basin for daily life.

Electricity and water for use in the construction.

Water and power for the construction

Power used for construction:

For the electric power for the construction, the Contractor is requested to prepare a generator to take the initiative in sources for construction and erection. In addition, 380V/220V power source of the area 150m away from the station will be used.

Water for construction:

Water for construction will be taken from the existing source in the region. Water supply source is about 100m away from the station. Therefore, the construction of one pipeline and 1 water tank will be required to supply water for construction.

Main volume:

No / Description / Unit / Qty. / Remark
1 / Excavate foundation pit soil / m3 / 13,171
2 / Backfill foundation pit / m3 / 11,708
3 / Place lean concrete M100 / m3 / 304
4 / Place foundation concrete M200 / m3 / 1,159
5 / Fabricate & place reinforcement / Ton / 136.6
6 / Anchored bolt / Ton / 11.7
7 / Grounding / Ton / 1.14
8 / Erect steel pole / Ton / 298.48
9 / Wire conductor ACSR240/32 / Km / 65.48
10 / Fiber cable OPGW 57 / Km / 11,15
11 / Anchored chain + support for power line / Chain / 360
12 / Conductor antivibration CR4-22 / Each / 90

Quantity of construction of Ba Che 220kV bay

No. / Name / Unit / Quantity / Note
Support pier foundation for transformer 110 kV / piece / 3
Support pier foundation for cut-out 110 kV / piece / 12
Support pier foundation for current variable 110kV / piece / 3
Support pier foundation for cutter-off 110kV / piece / 2
Support pier foundation for stand porcelain 110kV / piece / 5
Support pier foundation for capacitor 110kV / set / 3
Support pier foundation for resistance reel 110kV / set / 3
Support pier foundation for lightning-proof valve 110kV / piece / 3
Support pier foundation for neutral current variable 110kV / piece / 1
Support pier for transformer 110 kV / piece / 3
Support pier for cut-out 110 kV / piece / 12
Support pier for current variable 110kV (TĐ-50) / piece / 3 / high 5m
Support pier for cutter-off 110kV / piece / 2
Support pier for stand porcelain 110kV / piece / 4
Support pier for capacitor / set / 3 / Re-use
Support pier for resistance reel / set / 3 / Re-use
Support pier for lightning-proof valve 110kV / pier / 3 / Re-use
Support pier for neutral current variable / pier / 1 / Re-use
Centrifugation concrete pile LT14d / column / 03
Centrifugation concrete pile LT20d / column / 02
Centrifugation pile support LT20d / column / 06
Pile foundation MT8 / foundation / 11
Steel beam 9m, tinned with heat / set / 5
Steel beam 6m, tinned with heat / set / 3
Tinned necking with heat / set / 13
Connection cabinet jack / piece / 01
Lightning-rod / set / 02
Buried cable ditch / m / 150

Demounting part