Boyd FFA
1. Name: ______Age: ______Year in Ag:______
2. Office Applying For: (Circle all that apply)
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter Sentinel
Yes / No - If I do not receive the office of my choice, I wish to run for each office thereafter.
Thought Questions: Attach additional pages to this packet (please type)
3. Why are you a member of the Boyd FFA and why do you want to be an officer?
- List FFA leadership and other activities you have participated in. What have you learned from these experiences?
- List 2 or 3 goals you would like to accomplish if elected as a Boyd FFA officer?
- How do you plan to motivate others to join FFA? How would you encourage other FFA members to become more active in the chapter?
- Other Information
Number of meetings or FFA activities attended within the past 2 years:______
Are you willing to spend extra time on parliamentary procedure, and planning and conducting meetings and activities?______
Are you willing to attend officer meetings during your lunch period, before school, or after school? ______
- Highest Degree Held (circle one)
Boyd FFA Officer Candidate Application 2017
Lone Star
Boyd FFA Officer Candidate Application 2017
- Campaign
Each officer candidate will be responsible for creating a campaign display in place of a speech. Campaign boards will be displayed in the ag building from now until voting. You may choose to include the following information:
Boyd FFA Officer Candidate Application 2017
- FFA involvement
- Leadership experience
- School Involvement
- Quotes or people that inspire you
- What you can contribute to the chapter
- Why members should vote for you!
Boyd FFA Officer Candidate Application 2017
Election Criteria:
Ballot Vote / Campaign Board
Test… over Parliamentary Procedure, the Official FFA Manual, and general local chapter information.
Freshman Class Presentation
Important Dates:
Application Due April 14th– no late applications will be accepted
Test and interviews will take place TBD in the ag building-Official dress is required for the interview and Freshman Class Presentations
Voting will take place during class TBD
Required Attendance/Participation 2017-2018 School Year:
Chapter FFA Banquet
Welcome Back BBQ
Monthly officer meeting (held during advisory)
Boyd FFA Chapter Officer Retreat
At least one formal District I or above District event (activity which requires O.D .)
Participation in FFA chapter fundraisers, BABA Fundraisers and community service
Attendance at the 2017 State FFA Convention and/or Leadership Camp
Other activities may be added as deemed necessary by the advisors
Boyd FFA Officer Contract 2016-2017
Officer Responsibilities:
a. All Boyd FFA officers must be in good standing with the chapter and must be a paid member.
b. All Boyd FFA officers must be actively involved in FFA activities.
c. All Boyd FFA officers must be willing to work toward chapter improvement when needed.
d. All Boyd FFA officers will serve as leaders and role models to everyone in the chapter and the school district.
e. All Boyd FFA officers will be required to attend Leadership Camp in June or State FFA Convention.
f. All Boyd FFA officers must be enrolled in an agricultural science course during their term of office.
g. All Boyd FFA officers must be academically eligible at the time of the general election.
Signed Agreement:
If elected, I hereby agree to all of the above responsibilities and requirements, and will serve the Boyd FFA Chapter to the best of my ability.
Signed: Date: ______
FFA member
Signed: Date: ______
Signed: Date Received:______
FFA Advisor
Boyd FFA Officer Candidate Application 2017