Basic BrailleNote Navigation
Basic commands
Task / Description / KeystrokeMain Menu / Exits current application & returns to the main menu from anywhere / Space + 1,2,3,4,5,6
Space / Advances through a list
Backspace / Backwards through a list
Enter / Enters a menu, file, setting, etc.
Exit / Space + e / Space + 1,5
Repeat / Space + r / Space + 1,2,3,5
Help / Context menu help- space + h from anywhere on the BrailleNote / Space + 1,2,5
Navigating Text
Back / Current / ForwardCharacter / Space + 3 / Space + 3,6 / Space + 6
Word / Space + 2 / Space + 2,5 / Space + 5
Sentence / Space + 1 / Space + 1,4 / Space + 4
Paragraph / Space + 2,3 / Space + 2,3,5,6 / Space + 5,6
Top/Bottom of file / Space 1,2,3 / Space + 4,5,6
*To delete word, sentence, or paragraph, use above combinations with backspace
Task / KeystrokeContinuous read / Space + g (1,2,5)
To stop continuous read / Backspace + Enter
Thumb keys
Key / DescriptionThumb key 1 / Up one line
Thumb key 2 / Displays previous portion of text
Thumb key 3 / Displays next portion of text
Thumb key 4 / Down one line
Thumb key 1 + space / Toggles speech on request, speech on and speech off
Space + o, then f / Toggles thumb keys on and off
Auto Scrolling with the Braille Display
Key / DescriptionSpace + dots 1,2,4,5,6 / Automatically scrolls forward through text
Thumb key 4 / Increase scroll speed
Thumb key 1 / Decrease scroll speed
Backspace + enter / Stop automatic scrolling
Task switching
Task / KeystrokeSwitching between documents / Space + 1,2,5,6
Switching between applications / Backspace + enter + hot key of application
(example: Backspace + enter + w for keyword)
Created by Stephanie Herlich and Yurika Vu
Permission to photocopy is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as this credit remains and the complete document remains unchanged.
March 31, 2015