Maths First Planner
Number, money and measure
Number, money and measure
Estimation and rounding / I can share ideas with others to develop ways of estimating the answer to a calculation or problem, work out the actual answer, then check my solution by comparing it with the estimate.MNU 1-01a /
Forward Number Word Sequence (FNWS)Produce FNWS from ‘one’ to ‘twenty’. Can produce the number word after without dropping back.
Produce FNWS from ‘one’ to ‘thirty’. Can produce the number word after without dropping back.
Produce FNWS from ‘one’ to ‘one hundred’. Can produce the number word after without dropping back.
Can count in 10s.
Can count in 10s on and off the decade.
Can count in 1s and 10s on and off the decade.
Backward Number Word Sequence (BNWS)
Produce BNWS from ‘twenty’ to ‘one’ from a given number. Produce number word before. (without dropping back)
Produce BNWS from ‘thirty’ to ‘one’ from a given number. Produce number word before. (without dropping back)
Produce BNWS from ‘hundred’ to ‘one’. Can produce the number word before without dropping back.
Can count backwards in 10s.
Can count backwards in 10s on and off the decade.
Can count backwards in 1s and 10s on and off the decade.
Understanding Numerals
Can identify and sequence numerals in the range ‘1’ to ‘20
Can identify and sequence numerals in the range ‘1’ to ‘30’
Can identify and sequence numerals in the range ‘1’ to ‘100’
Can determine the value of each digit within ‘one hundred’ . e.g. 56 is 5 tens and 6 ones or 56 ones.
Can identify and sequence numerals in the range ‘1’ to ‘100’ and beyond.
Can determine the value of each digit within ‘one thousand’ . e.g. 362 is 3 hundreds, 6 tens and 2 ones, or 36 tens and 2 ones or 362 ones.
Temporal Patterns
Can make a given number of sounds/movements (e.g. jump 3 times)
Can identify the number of sounds/movements (e.g. how many times did I clap?)
Finger Patterns
Can throw finger patterns 1-10
Uses 5 plus finger patterns
Uses doubles finger patterns
Can structure numbers by using 0, 5 and 10
Can throw finger patterns 1-10
` / Number Structures
Counts tens frames in 1s
Identify ten frames
Understands and Uses 5-plus patterns
Understands and Uses doubles
Can structure numbers by using 0, 5 and 10
Can structure numbers to 20 in a variety of ways.
Can structure numbers to 100 using tens and ones.
Can structure numbers to 100 in a variety of ways. (e.g. 32 is 3 tens and 2 ones, 2 more than 30, 20+12, 35-3, 8 less than 40, etc.)
Can structure numbers to 1000 through hundreds and decades.
(e.g. 376+84=380+80 or 456+4 or 376+24+60 or 376+4+20+60=460)
Can structure numbers beyond 1000.
Addition and Subtraction
Can count 2 or more perceived collections together. This may involve seeing, hearing and feeling items.
Can count on rather than count from ‘one’ to solve addition and missing addend tasks (for example, 6+[ ] =9).
Use a count-down-from strategy to solve removed items tasks (for example (17-3 as 16, 15, 14 – answer 14)
Use a count-down-to to solve missing subtrahend tasks (for example, 15 – [ ]=11) and written tasks such as 17-14 (16, 15, 14 – answer 3).
Can choose the more efficient from count-down-from and count-down-to strategies.
Can use understanding of number structures to develop and explain a range of non-count-by-ones strategies such as:
- compensation
- using a known result
- adding to ten
- commutativity,
- subtraction as the inverse of addition
- awareness of the ‘ten’ in a teen number.
Can use their understanding of number structures to develop and explain their own range of non-count-by-ones strategies to solve tasks within 100.
Can use both mental strategies and algorithms. Can choose the most efficient method for the problem given.
Can use understanding of number structures to develop and explain own range of non-count-by-ones strategies to solve tasks within 1000. Can use both mental strategies and algorithms. Can choose the most efficient method for the problem given.
Estimating and Rounding
Can round to the nearest 10
Can round to the nearest 100
Can round to the nearest 1000
/ Multiplication and Division
Can share items into groups of a given size (quotitive sharing),
Can share items into a given number of groups.
Can use an (early) multiplicative counting strategy to count visible items arranged in equal groups.
Can use an (early) multiplicative counting strategy to count items arranged in equal groups in cases where the individual items are not visible.
Can use an (early) multiplicative counting strategy to count items arranged in equal groups in cases where the individual items and groups are not visible.
Can count composite units (e.g. 3,6,9) in repeated addition and subtraction Can use the composite unit a specified number of times.
Can count groups and share groups in 2s
Can count groups and share groups in 3s
Can count groups and share groups in 4s
Can count groups and share groups in 5s
Can count groups and share groups in 6s
Can count groups and share groups in 7s
Can count groups and share groups in 8s
Can count groups and share groups in 9s
Can count groups and share groups in10s
Can regard both the number in each group and the number of groups as a composite unit. Can immediately recall or quickly derive many of the basic facts for multiplication and division.
x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10
Can identify the multiples and factors of numbers from familiar times tables. E.g. 14 is a multiple of 7 and 7 is a factor of 14
Can use understanding of number structures and equal groups to develop and explain own range of strategies for multiplying and dividing of tens and ones by a single digit. (e.g. 32x4, 56÷4, 34÷7)
Can use understanding of number structures and equal groups to develop and explain own range of strategies for multiplying and dividing by tens and ones. (e.g. 32x32, 84÷12, 87÷16)
odd and even numbers
Vocabulary for addition – plus, add, sum, total, altogether…
Vocabulary for subtraction – take away, subtract, difference, minus…
Vocabulary for multiplication – multiply, product, times…
Vocabulary for division – divide, share, group…
Whole numbers and fractions (rational numbers)
Factors and multiples
Number and number processes
including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and negative numbers / I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and can use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 1-02a
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.
MNU 1-03a
Multiples, factors and primes
Powers and roots
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / OrganiserTerm 1 / Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Term 2 / Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Term 3 / Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Term 4 / Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
Next Steps:
Number, money and measure
Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages including ratio and proportion
Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages including ratio and proportion / Having explored fractions by taking part in practical activities, I can show my understanding of:- how a single item can be shared equally
- the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions
- where simple fractions lie on the number line.
Through exploring how groups of items can be shared equally, I can find a fraction of an amount by applying my knowledge of division.
MNU 1-07b
Through taking part in practical activities including use of pictorial representations, I can demonstrate my understanding of simple fractions which are equivalent.
MTH 1-07c / Understanding Fractions and Decimals
Can share items by sorting them in equal groups
A whole object can be shared into parts
Can share an object by cutting it into equal parts
A fraction is a part of the whole amount
A fraction is an equal sharing of the whole amount
Halving the whole amount will give you two equal parts/shares
The bottom number in a fraction is called the denominator and tells us how many shares there are.
The top number in a fraction is called the numerator and tells us how many equal parts of the whole should be considered
Can describe why one half is written as ½
Two equal halves make a whole
½ can have the value 0.5 and can be put on the number line halfway between 0 and 1.
Can put simple fractions on an empty number line.
Can match fractions that have the same value and put them on an empty number line.
Can describe equivalent fractions
I can understand different kinds of fractions. e.g. proper fraction, improper fraction, equivalent and mixed numbers.
I can interpret a fraction and make a pictorial representation of it.
Can find the half of the whole amount by dividing it by 2.
To find the quarter of the whole amount we divide it by 4.
Can use the denominator to calculate the simple fraction of a quantity e.g ¼ of 40 is 40 divided by 4, ½ of 84 is 84 divided by 2 = 42
Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
Can use their understanding of decimal fractions to develop and explain their own range of strategies to solve tasks up to 2 decimal places.
Can use mental strategies, algorithms and calculators. Can choose the most efficient method for the problem given.
Whole numbers and fractions (rational numbers)
Numerator and denominator
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / Organiser
Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
Next Steps:
Number, money and measure
Pattern and Relationships
Patterns and relationships / I can continueand devise more involved repeating patterns or designs, using a variety of media.MTH 1-13a
Through exploring number patterns, I can recognise and continue simple number sequences and can explain the rule I have applied.
MTH 1-13b / / Patterns
continue a patterns or sequence
describe simple patterns or sequences
create simple patterns or sequences
describe patterns in the environment
Simple counting patterns
continue repeating pattern or sequence
describe repeating patterns or sequences
create repeating patterns or sequences
identify patterns in the environment
Explain the rule for simple counting patterns
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / Organiser
Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Number, Money and Measure
Money / I can use money to pay for items and can work out how much change I should receive.MNU 1-09a
I have investigated how different combinations of coins and notes can be used to pay for goods or be given in change.
MNU 1-09b / / Money
Recognising Money
Recognise coins: 1p 2p, 5p 10p 20p 50p £1 £2
Recognise Notes £1 £5, £10 £20 £50 £100
Using Money
Exchange coins to buy things: 1p 2p, 5p 10p 20p 50p £1 £2
Use a combination of coins or notes to buy things in whole pence or pounds:
up to 5p up to 10p up to 20p,
up to 50p up to 100p
up to £1 up to £2 up to £5
up to £10 up to £50 up to £100
beyond £100
Use a combination of coins and notes to buy things in pounds and pence.
up to £1 up to £2 up to £5
up to £10 up to £50 up to £100
beyond £100
Work out change from 10p
Work out change from 20p
Work out change from 50p
Work out change from £1
Work out change in pounds and pence by counting coins and notes.
Adding and Subtracting Money
Addition and subtraction of money using simple counting and knowledge of number structures :
up to 5p up to 10p up to 20p, up to 50p up to £1 up to £2 up to £5 up to £10
Add and subtract whole number amounts up to 2 digits (e.g. 57p + 23p, £21+£54)
Add/subtract money with 2 decimal places
Add/subtract money with 2 decimal places using a calculator
Work out change by subtracting an amount with 2 decimal places (e.g. £10.00-£3.62)
Finding the difference in amounts with 2 decimal places.
One shop sells computer game £36.50 and another sells for £42.99. What is the difference in price?
Multiplying and Dividing Money
Count coins and notes in multiples.
Multiply and divide 2 digit amounts using familiar tables.
(e.g. 14px6, £25x10)
x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
x8 x9 x10
Multiply and divide money with decimal places using familiar tables.
(e.g £1.40x6, £25.35x5, £65.01x3)
x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
x8 x9 x10
Multiply and divide money using a calculator.
Notation of Money
Read and record money using the ‘p’ sign e.g 14p
Read and record money using ‘£’ sign e.g £42
Read / record money using decimal notation (e.g. 2 pounds and 5 pence = £2.05)
Convert decimal notation into pounds and pence:
(e.g. £3.02 = 3 pounds and 2 pence = 302 pence)
Convert pounds and pence into decimal notation:
(e.g 4 pounds and 3 pence = £4.03, 6 pounds and 20 pence = £6.20
Read and interpret calculator notation into money
e.g 3.2 = £3.20 = 3 pounds and 20 pence
Comparing costs
Find the difference in amounts
Managing Money
Choose what to spend money on
Choose what to spend within a budget.
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / Organiser
Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
Next Steps:
Number, Money and Measure
Time / I can tell the time using 12 hour clocks, realising there is a link with 24 hour notation, explain how it impacts on my daily routine and ensure that I am organised and ready for events throughout my day.MNU 1-10a
I can use a calendar to plan and be organised for key events for myself and my class throughout the year.
MNU 1-10b
I have begun to develop a sense of how long tasks take by measuring the time taken to complete a range of activities using a variety of timers.
MNU 1-10c / Time
Place events in time in sequence: before, after, morning, afternoon, day, night.
Time activities in arbitrary standard units
Place days of week in sequence
Place months in sequence
Place Seasons in sequence
Tell the time in whole hours using analogue displays
Tell the time in whole hours using digital displays
Use the term half past
analogue digital
Use the terms quarter past/to,
analogue digital
Measure time:
non standard seconds minutes hours days weeks months
Measure time using:
sand timers stop clock (digital) stop clock (analogue) clock (analogue) clock (digital)
Calculate time required/taken:
weeks/days hours minutes hours and minutes
Use calendars
Read time in hours and minutes using digital displays
Use 24-hour times and equate with 12-hour times
Use 12 hour times for simple time tables (e.g. times of programmes)
Calculate time required/taken:
weeks/days hours minutes hours and minutes
Record time (e.g. 1.35am = twenty-five to two in the morning, 11.15pm = quarter past eleven at night)
Use the term half past /quarter past/to,
analogue digital
Tell the time on analogue displays
Tell the time on digital displays
Read time in hours and minutes using analogue and digital displays
Work with hours and minutes
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / Organiser
Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
Next Steps:
Number, Money and Measure
Linear Measurement
Measurement / I can estimate how long or heavy an object is, or what amount it holds, using everyday things as a guide, then measure or weigh it using appropriate instruments and units.MNU 1-11a
I can estimate the area of a shape by counting squares or other methods.
MNU 1-11b / Measure: linear measurement
Measure length in convenient arbitrary standard units
Know that length can be conserved when the shape changes (e.g. string)
Be aware of how linear measurement has moved from imperial units to metric units (brief history)
Recognise metre (m) as a standard unit of length
Recognise a centimetre and know that there are 100 cm in a metre
Estimate length and height in easily handled standard units: m, half m, tenth m, cm
Measure length in metres half metres
quarter metres centimetres
Use the abbreviations m and cm
Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation where each is labelled
Use abbreviations m and cm and equivalencies (e.g. 1m25cm = 1 metre 25 centimetres = 125cm)
Convert lengths in m and cm into cm and vice versa (e.g. 1 metre 25 centimetres = 1 m25cm = 125cm)
Convert cm to/from m, mm to/from cm
Select appropriate measuring devices and units for measuring length: metre tape or stick, m or cm
Measure small lengths in millimetres, large lengths like buildings in metres
Calculating linear measures
Add lengths, widths, etc in arbitrary standard units in applications
Be able to calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular straight sided shapes
Subtract lengths, widths, etc in arbitrary standard units in applications
In calculations, units must be consistent throughout.
Add and subtract 2 digit linear measures
Multiply and divide 2 digit linear measures
Add, subtract, multiply and divide linear measures in context
Use and understand vocabulary related to area
Compare areas: place pairs of objects in order of area
Know that area can be conserved when the shape changes
Measure area using convenient arbitrary standard units
Measure areas of shapes using tiles or grids in square centimetres and metres
Measure areas of composite shapes (composed of rectangles/squares/triangles) or irregular shapes using tiles or grids in square centimetres and metres
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / Organiser
Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
Next Steps:
Number, Money and Measure
Measurement: Mass
Measurement / I can estimate how long or heavy an object is, or what amount it holds, using everyday things as a guide, then measure or weigh it using appropriate instruments and units.MNU 1-11a
I can estimate the area of a shape by counting squares or other methods.
MNU 1-11b / / Mass
Use and understand vocabulary related to mass: heavy, light
Place pairs of objects in order of how much mass they have: heavier, lighter
Estimate the mass of objects
Measure mass in convenient arbitrary standard units using balance scales
Add weight in application in arbitrary standard units
Know that weight can be conserved when the shape changes
Recognise kilogram (kg) as a standard unit of measure.
Recognise a gram and know that there are 1000g in a kilogram
Measure weight in kilograms half kilograms quarter kilograms grams
Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation where each is labelled
Use abbreviations kg and g and equivalencies (e.g. 1kg 25g = 1 kilogram 25 grams = 1025kg)
Convert weight in kg and g into g and vice versa (e.g. 1 kilogram 25 grams = 1025g)
Weigh a wide range of objects accurately
Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation where each is labelled
Equate decimals to 3 d.p.s and measure e.g. 1.35kg=1kg 350g
Select appropriate measuring devices and units for weight
Estimate small weights
Be aware of common Imperial units
Measure small weights in grams , large volumes in kilograms
Calculating with Weight
Add weight in application in arbitrary standard units
Subtract weight in application in arbitrary standard units
Add and subtract 2 digit measure
Multiply and divide 2 digit measure
Evaluation & Next Steps / Teacher: / Class: / Organiser
Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
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Skills Focus: / Learning Evaluation:
Next Steps:
Number, Money and Measure