2.Implement a STOP Data Capture Sheet for a New Contractor

2.Implement a STOP Data Capture Sheet for a New Contractor

STOP™ for PDO and Contractors

SP1259 / REVISION 3.0 / Page 1 /
Embedding HSE into our Business


1.Introduction...... 5

2.Implement a STOP™ Data Capture Sheet for a New Contractor

...... 9

3.Scheduling of Detailed STOP™Interventions

...... 11

4.Conducting Detailed STOP™Interventions

...... 13

5.Conducting Ad Hoc STOP™Interventions

...... 14

6.Capturing Data in the PDO STOP™Database

...... 15

7.Capturing Data in an Excel STOP™Data Capture Sheet

...... 18

8.Capturing Data using STOP™Cards

...... 21

9.Create Reports and ProduceCharts using the PDO STOP™Database

...... 23

10.Produce Reports and Charts using the Excel Data Capture Sheet

...... 26

11.Uploading Data from the Excel Data Capture Sheetto the PDO Database

...... 28

12.The Implementation and use of STOP™ in the PDO Main Office

...... 29

13.Ensuring that actions from STOP™ are Followed-up and Closed-out

...... 29

14.Maintaining and Updating the PDO STOP™ Database

...... 32

14.Maintaining and Updating the Excel Data Capture Sheets

...... 33

15.Training New Users of the PDO STOP™ Database and the Excel Data Capture Sheet

...... 35

12.Ensuring Compliance to STOP™with Compliance Audits

...... 37


...... 39


2STOP™ Audit System Observation Screen

3Excel Data Capture Sheet

4STOP™ Card

6STOP™ Implementation and Compliance Audit document




SP 1259 is intended to provide a simple but detailed guide for all participants in STOP™ according to their roles and responsibilities.


This Specification applies to all PDO employees and to allContractors with contracts tendered by PDO where the adherence to this specification has been specified as mandatory.

Throughout this document, “shall” means that an activity or requirement is mandatory.

1.3Distribution/Target Audience

SP 1259is targeted at all employees in PDO and contractorsfor whom the adherence to this specification has been specified as mandatory (refer to ID PR 1171, Revision 4.0 of 01/01/02).

Distribution of this document is controlled by the Document Custodian.


Refer to Attachment 1

1.5Description of (STOP™) DuPont Safety Training Observation Program

The basic principle of STOP™ is that all injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented. The main objective of the STOP™program is to train each member of the line organization to eliminate incidents and injuries by skilfully observing people as they work, talking with them to correct their unsafe acts, and encouraging them to follow safe work practices.

The responsibility for safety is placed solidly within the line organization, from the top manager on down to the first-line Leader. Each Leader is accountable for the safety effort and performance of their area of responsibility.

STOP™ requires Leaders to:

  • Carry out Scheduled STOP™ Interventions according to a schedule whereby time should be set aside to carry out a ½ hour STOP™ audit on a specific area of the worksite.
  • Carry out Ad Hoc STOP™ Interventions on a daily basis.

STOP™ requires encouragement of good safety practice.

STOP™ is not just filling out an intervention card. It requires you to follow the intervention cycle, Decide – Stop – Observe – Act – Report. One of the most important aspects is the communication with the personnel during the STOP™ intervention. This is when the Leader can encourage good behaviour/practice and with the individual, identify and discuss unsafe acts and hazards. Also he must make sure the individual understands the unsafe acts and hazards.

STOP™ does not recommend establishing a quota system for the number of cards filled in as it can lead to a ‘safety competition’ environment with poor quality of observations and STOP™ cards.

There should be an audit system for STOP™cards submitted.

Submitted STOP™cards should be used at the worksite during HSE or toolbox meetings.

To help ascertain whether the Contractor’s interventions conform to those required of STOP™, there is a Joint Intervention Tour Checklist in Appendix 6 of the STOP™ Administrator’s and Leaders Guide.

Objective of STOP™

To eliminate incidents and injuries.The key to eliminating incidents and injuries is to modify behaviour by observing people as they work and intervene by talking with them to encourage safe working practices and eliminate at-risk behaviour.


STOP™ is based on a safety philosophy that consists of the following principles:

  • All injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented.
  • Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Management is directly accountable for preventing injuries and occupational illnesses.
  • Safety is a condition of employment.
  • Training is an essential element for safe workplaces.
  • Safety audits must be conducted.
  • Safe work practices must be reinforced and all unsafe acts and unsafe conditions must be corrected promptly.
  • It is essential to investigate injuries and occupational illnesses as well as incidents with the potential for injury.
  • Safety off the job is an important element of the overall safety effort.
  • Preventing injuries and occupational illnesses is good business.
  • People are the most critical element in the success of a safety and health program.

Main Concepts

  • Unsafe behaviour causes injuries.
  • Line management is accountable for safety.
  • Standards determine performance.
  • Silence is consent.
  • Behaviour indicates attitude.
  • Understanding increases motivation.
  • Hazards can be minimized.
  • Safety has the highest priority.
  • Safety is a daily responsibility.


STOP™ follows the Safety Intervention Cycle; Decide –Stop –Observe – Act –Report

Decide that safety auditing is an important priority. Allocate time to audit people’s work practices and behaviour on the job.

Stop near enough to the person so that you can clearly see what they are doing. Be alert for unsafe acts in the first 10 to 30 seconds.

Observe everything the person is doing in a careful systematic way as you review the audit categories in your mind; i.e. reactions of people, personal protective equipment, positions of people, tools and equipment, specifications and house keeping.

ACT by talking with the person to reinforce safe work practices and address at-risk behaviour.

Report your interventions and actions on a STOP™ safety intervention card.

The PDO STOP™ Database is a repository for capturing interventions and corrective actions according to the STOP™ checklist and it is a resource for producing statistics and graphic reports that will assist Leaders to proactively manage behavioural safety in PDO.

The PDO STOP™ Data Capture Sheet is a Microsoft Excel based audit scheduling and data capture sheet that has been designed to be used by PDO contractor companies and by their subcontractors in cases where such contractors and subcontractors do not have access to the PDO STOP™ Data Base.

1.6STOP™ Training

STOP™training is integrated into the core HSE Learning Ladders for new PDO and Contractor staff into the following courses:

  • HSE Induction,
  • HSE Tools & Skills,
  • Dealing with Hazards & Risks and
  • Safety Leadership courses, all of which form part of the HSEtraining ladder.

STOP™training is progressive through the courses for all new staff, so that by the time they finish the core HSE Learning Ladder, they will be fully familiar with the STOP™ system applicable to their role.

All staff may refer to HSEtraining specification document SP 1157which is available on the HSE Training web page. Contract Holdersare to ensure that their contractors are familiar with the document, which is accessible electronically from the external internet.

1.7STOP™ and the PDO Life-Saving Rules

The STOP™program should not be confused with the Life-Saving Rules. The Life-Saving Rules define minimum requirements that apply to all PDO and contractor staff and set out the consequences that will be applied when the rules are not adhered to. If a rule violation is observed the disciplinary procedure will be applied.

The main objective of the STOP™ program is to train each member of the line organization to eliminate incidents and injuries by skilfully observing people as they work, intervening with them to correct their unsafe acts, and encouraging them to follow safe work practices. STOP™ promotes safe behaviours and is unrelated to the disciplinary procedure.

1.8Deliverables of the PDO STOP Database and the Excel Data Capture Sheet

1.8.1Records and reports as produced by the PDO STOP™ Database as required in the case of PDO Employees and Contract Company Employees who have access to the PDO STOP™ Database or who use the Excel Data Capture Sheet. The accumulated data from STOP™ scheduled visits and observations in a centralized data repository will provide the means to produce reports and analyse trends in behaviour based safety key performance indicators (KPI’s)

1.8.2.KPI’s provide safety management information that may be used for decision making and for corrective action by line management to eliminate unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.

1.9Structure, Roles and Responsibilities

The PDO HSE Department provides support to the PDO line organization and to the Contractors of PDO through the following governance structure (figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1: PDO HSE Structure to Support STOP™ Implementation in PDO and for Contractors

However, the responsibility and accountability for Behavioural Safety rests solely with the line organisation.

The following STOP™ related roles or functions in the HSE Structureare important to this specification.

BS Corporate Focal Point

This refers to the position or function of the person in the HSE Governance Structure who has overall responsibility for the implementation, application and administration of STOP™ in PDO.

BS Contractor Focal Point

This refers to the position or function of the person (HSE Advisor or other) in the Governance Structure who has overall responsibility for the implementation, application and administration of STOP™ for a Contractor in PDO.

BS Area Focal Point

This refers to the position or function of the person in the Governance Structure who has overall responsibility for the implementation, application and administration of STOP™ in an area or location for a Contractor in PDO. This will be the Area HSE Advisor in the structure.

These roles and functions may be combined where all ofthe data administration functions may be performed by the BS Focal Point for an Area.

The line organisation will have the overall responsibility and accountability for their:

  • Compliance to the STOP™ Intervention schedule
  • Quality of STOP™ interventions
  • Reports produced from the STOP™ intervention data
  • Results achieved from STOP™.

The PDO HSE Department will be responsible to provide implementation and administrative support to the PDO line organisation with:

  • Implementation training for BS Focal Points
  • STOP™ Compliance Audits

Responsibilities may be delegated to PDO and Contractor personnel as indicated above. However the accountability would rest with the line or staff personnel charged with “ensuring”, as indicated below, that requirements are met. The following governance accountabilities may not be delegated:

1.9.1PDO departmental heads and their line managers shall ensure compliance to the schedule,the quality ofscheduled STOP™Interventionsand correct capturing of STOP™ data within their areas of responsibility.

1.9.2PDO Contract Holders shall ensure that their tendered contractors comply with the requirements of contractors and subcontractors as set out in this policy and specification.

1.9.3The corporate Behavioural Safety Champion (MSE11) shall ensure that the PDO STOP™ Database is maintained and updated where maintenance and updating is required.

1.9.4The Manager of a contract company that has a contract tendered by PDO shall ensure that there is compliance to the schedule and the quality of STOP™interventions and accurate capturing of STOP™ data within their contract company.

1.9.5The corporate Behavioural Safety Champion (MSE11) shall ensure that there is overall compliance to the STOP™ requirements.

2.Implement a STOP™ Data Capture Sheet in Excel for a Contractor who does not have access to the PDO Data Base

2.1Description for Implementing a STOP™ Data Capture Sheet

This is a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel format. The BS Contractor Focal Point will be required to prepare a Data Capture Sheet in the Microsoft Excel workbook that is to be obtained from the PDO BS Corporate Focal Point (MSE11). The BS Contractor Focal Point will only add data or make changes to the cells that are unprotected in the workbook. The workbook consists of the following worksheets that the Focal Point needs to be most familiar with as these worksheets require the observer to add data or to check that information is correct:

  • Contract Details – Contract company name, the contract holder name and the date of last version update to the sheet.
  • BiographicDetail – The year and month that the sheet commences, the Leader/Observers details, Department/Function, Area/Location and frequency of scheduled interventions. These lists will have to be populated with the information for each contract company.
  • Data Capture – All data from STOP™interventions will be captured from the STOP™ cards in the appropriate fields in this sheet. This includes the details of theintervention such as the year, month and week, the observers name,the area where the intervention took place, the observation type and the categories of the safe or unsafe acts observed.It includes a checklist for the STOP™ Sub-categories and a section for the observer to add comments.
  • Corrective Action Log – Corrective actions that arise from STOP™interventions will be captured to the Corrective Action Log from STOP™ cards. This includes the details of corrective actions such as the dateand area/location where the action was raised, a description of the deviation or non-conformance observed, the action taken or to be taken, the person responsible for the action and the status of the action (closed, verified and days till due or overdue).
  • % Compliance – This is a table that shows the level of compliance to the STOP™intervention schedule of each Leader in the structure. The name list is automatically updated when the Focal Point adds names to the biographical detail.
  • STOP™ Schedule and Compliance % Compliance – This table provides a record of the actual compliance to the required schedule of STOP™ interventions for each leader who participates in the Programme. The data in the table is automatically updated as Focal Points update biographical details and when they capture the data from STOP™ cards submitted by leaders following their scheduled audits.
  • Dashboard Charts – This sheet automatically produces acount of the top 3 main and subcategory unsafe acts observed and a standard selection of charts from the data in the data capture sheet.

Note that each cell heading in each of the sheets where the BS Contractor Focal Point is required to add data, perform editing or change fields contains a comment box with instructions to the Focal Point. Also note that protected cells have a grey backgoround.

2.2Purpose of the STOP™ Data Capture Sheet

The STOP™ Data Capture Sheet is created when a new Contractor is included as a mandatory user of STOP™ where such a contractor does not have the capability to use the PDO STOP™ Database.

The Sheet is designed to capture all data and produce KPI reports from STOP™ interventions where these have been captured on the PDO STOP™ Card. STOP™ data may be captured directly in the Capture Sheet where multiple users of a Contractor have access to the Capture Sheet in a shared foldervia a company network belonging to a Contractor.

2.3Specification to Implement a STOP™ Data Capture Sheet for a Contractor

  • The Contractor appoints a suitably qualified person as the BS Contractor Focal Point for STOP™
  • The PDO BS Area Focal Point provides the Microsoft Excel template and arranges with the Contractor for the Contractor’s Focal Point to be trained to use the Data Capture Sheet
  • The BS Contractor Focal Point enters the Contractors biographical data in the Data Capture Sheet by adding this data to the lists under the biographical data sheet headings (see cell comments for instructions to the Focal Point in the heading cells of the Biographical Detail worksheet)
  • Test that the drop-down list selections include the new (or changed) data from the biographical data list by testing the drop-down selections in the Data Capture sheet
  • Update and maintain the biographic information in the above manner as and when changes occur.

2.4Document Control and Flow of Documentation / Information

The template for the STOP™ Data Capture Sheet is to be given to all for whom STOP™ is mandatory and where such contractor company’s don’t have access to the PDO STOP™ Database. Access to the Data Capture Sheet is to be given only to BS Contractor Focal Points who are appointed by the Contractor to administer STOP™

The Data Capture Sheet may be kept in a single user computer or in a shared folder in a computer network. Only the monthly report tables and dashboard charts produced in the Data Capture Sheet will be distributed.

2.5Frequency for Implementing a STOP™ Data Capture Sheet

The biographical data of the Contractor is loaded once initially and is then updated as required to incorporate changes to the biographical data. The biographical data is to be checked at least once per month at the beginning of the month.

2.6Responsibility for Implementing the STOP™ Data Capture Sheet

The HSETeam Leader is to provide the Contractor with the required template for the Data Capture Sheet and to ensure that a PDO resource is available to train the Contractor’s BS Contractor Focal Point in the use of the Sheet.

The Contractor Company is to appoint a suitably qualified person as the BS Contractor Focal Point.

The Contractors’ BS Focal Point is to prepare, update and maintain the biographical data in the Data Capture Sheet.

3.Scheduling of Detailed STOP™Interventions

3.1Description of the STOP Intervention Schedule