The Castle Practice

2 Hawthorne Road, Castle Bromwich, B36 0HH, BIRMINGHAM

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

March 2014


Our PPG was formed over 10 years ago. It remained active for a few years. As a result of a dynamic practice population over the years and with patient turn over the number of patients attending PPG dropped.

We renewed our efforts to expand out PPG last year. We feel it is important to have an active PPG because it gives us feedback on the services provided by the practice and promote the interests of our patients without distinction of gender, race, colour and political or religious believes. As part of these efforts to encourage patients to become involved in PPG for the Castle Practice, we designed leaflets inviting patients to take part. We decided it was more likely to generate interest if the leaflets were given and requests for participation in PPG were made by GPs in person rather than if leaflets were sent via post or handed out by receptionists. Our leaflets also asked patients to indicate their preferred method of contact if they were interested in taking part in PPG. The contact methods specified included letter, telephone, text, email and face to face meeting.

We felt this was important if we were to attract a cross section of our practice population including the hard to reach younger patients. This campaign, intense in the first 3-4 months, is still continuing. We generated a PPG list on our IT system and all receptionists can add patients to this list if they express a willingness to participate.

Our efforts have been successful and we now have 32 patients registered on our PPG list.




Age range<404




Our first meeting took place on 19.3.2014. This was a well attended meeting with 20 members giving their time to participate in PPG meeting. Drs V Manyweathers and A. Negargar and Mrs L Fletcher attended on behalf of the practice.

Minutes of meeting enclosed.

Summary of discussion

1)DNA(patients booking appointments and not attending )

2)Record sharing

3)Terms of reference and responsibilities of PPG

4)Getting involved in promoting physical activity and organised walks locally

5)Educational events on specific medical conditions as decided by PPG

6)Practice Newsletter

Looking forward

5 patients expressed interest in forming a core group which would try and facilitate future meetings. They also will look at other local PPGs in Solihull and come with terms of reference and constitution for the PPG. They all agreed that the PPG should meet 4 times a year and that those in the core group would attend at least 75% of proposed meetings. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that some proactive members of our PPG have already contacted another PPG in Solihull the day after the meeting and obtained a copy of their constitution and terms of reference. This will be discussed and adopted in our next PPG meeting in 4 weeks.
