Minutes Sept 27 2001, 2:30PM
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting


1. Course modifications

2. Evening laboratories (info needed)

3. Credit load of the Biotech programme

4. Program auto-evaluation: a plan of attack

  1. Course modifications

Note: proposed change should apply also to the french version of the course

BIO 3301 Animal Physiology I. - Remove 'digestion' from the discription. Reason: We do not teach digestion. (Approved)

BIO 3302Animal Physiology II. - Prereq should change to 3301/3701; eliminate BIO 1110. BIO 3301 and 3302 are a continuous course, with 3301 a course where regulation is discussed and this material is needed to understand system controls in 3302. (Approved)

BIO 3137 Experiments in Animal Physiology- remove pre-req of BIO 1110 and leave Coreq or prereq BIO 3301. Since BIO 1110 is the pre-req for 3301/3701, then 3301 is fine; a number of students in 3701 also take this lab, even though the language of instruction is english we have francophone demos, so the francophone students are not at a disadvantage (Approved)

BIO4152 Animal Energetics. Change Animal Physiology 2 (BIO3302/3502) from a co-requisite to a pre-requisite to Animal Energetics (BIO4152) and . When the course was created, BIO3302/3502 was intended as a prerequisite, but somehow it became a corequisite in the calendar. Students without this course have difficulties in 4152. (Approved)

BIO4136 Freshwater Ecology. A small wording change to the description of Bio 4136. It presently states '... ecology of their biota with an emphasis on fish'. The proposal is to remove 'with an emphasis on fish'. Rationale: This is a relic from the time Francois Chapleau taught the course with David Currie many years ago. The committee agrees that the proposed change will increase flexibility in the course contents to better suit teaching assignements. (Approved)
A request was also made for a course name change to 'Limnology'. Since an inactive course called Limnology already exists, and since the department prior intention was to leave it inactive or eventually have it deleted, the committee does not recommend this change. (Rejected)

BIO3323 Entomology

BIO4139 Population Genetics

BIO4144 Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Proposal: remove "Offered in alternate year."
These 3 requests were not recently submitted to the committee but are undocumented leftovers from our predecessors. In the absence of arguments for the change, the committee could not help but note that past and current enrollments (with the exception of Entomology) would not seem to justify the change. The committee will reexamine these proposals at the next meeting if they are supported by evidence of a) a sufficient enrolment and b) availability of teaching personnel. (Postponed)

BIO4115:Molecular Genetics

OLD:Examples of DNA transposition, rearrangement and

recombination are studied. Investigation of gene structure, expression

and evolution as influenced by these processes. Prerequisites: BIO3170

or BCH3170.

NEW:Investigation of gene structure, expression and evolution,

including the influences of processes such as DNA transposition and

rearrangement; RNA processing and splicing. Prerequisites: BIO3170 or


Justification: Dr. Bonen and Dr Johnson now each teach 50% of the course. Changes

reflect Dr Bonen section. (Approved)

BIO4144:Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Drop BIO3934.

Should read...BIO3140 and either BIO3170 or BCH3170.

Justification: BIO3934 is no longer offered. (Approved)

BIO4174: Biotechnology

change to

...Cannot be combined for credit with BCH 4172.

Justification: their course number changed! (Approved)

  1. Evening laboratories (info needed)

One of the strategies being explored to deal with increased numbers of students (and/or stricter enforcement of legal room capacities) is to have some evening sessions for labs. This would be a big change for everyone and the committee has to examine implications.

Peter informed us of some of the complexities and additional resources that would be required for this change (lab support personnel, Tas) and will continue to do so. After consulting the collective agreement and the APUO, it is clear that professors could not refuse to teach a course with a lab component offered in the evenings. The current interpretation, however, is that a course with multiple sections offered on more than one evening per week could not be imposed without consultation.

  1. Credit load of the Biotech programme

L'option Biotechnologie différe du programme régulier en ce sens quelle exige que 129 crédits tandis que le programme régulier en exige 132. Les 3 crédits en moins viennent des cours hors faculté, où 9 cr au lieu de 12 sont exigés; ce nombre avait pour but de soulager les étudiants de Biotech. Mais maintenant que les étudiants de Biotech, tout comme ceux du programme régulier, ne sont plus tenus de faire un projet de recherche, y a-t-il encore lieu de soulager les étudiants de Biotech, ou doivent-ils tous suivre les mêmes règles?

Les professeurs impliqués dans l'option Biotechnologies pensent majoritairement (unanimememnt) que le nombre total de crédits devrait être au moins égal à celui du programme régulier. Cependant, compte-tenu que 1) le département commence l'évaluation de ses programmes de premier cycle et 2) que le nombre d'inscription à l'option Biotechnologie est en chute libre (au profit du programme en Sciences Biopharmaceutique), le comité préfère attendre le résultat de l'évaluation du programme avant de proposer des changements.

  1. Program auto-evaluation: a plan of attack

The committee has set up a web site to serve as a repository for material and information that will be required to fullfill its mandate:

Several documents explaining the process have been collated, and a brief overview was presented.

Time table:

Jan-Feb 2002Information meeting organized by the Senate Committee

Feb-March 2002Completion of draft report

April 2002Consultation (department, students comments on reports)

May 2002Draft report is revised, approved by department

June 2002Report is submitted to Senate Committee with names of potential external referees

Summer 2002Senate Committee reviews report, suggests modifications/additions

Sept-Oct 2002Report is revised taking into account Senate Committee's comments

Nov 2002Visit of the external referees (2 days)

Winter 2003We receive the reports of the external referees

Spring 2003We submit our response to the external referees comments and react to the comments of the Senate Committee (take 2)

Topics/Questions to cover

The main part of the report should concentrate on answering the list of questions provided by the Senate Committee on Program Evaluations. The list is synthesized below.

Formation initiale à la discipline /
  • Objectifs du programme sont-ils bien articulés
  • Raisons des choix d'objectifs et de la structure du programme
  • Comparaison avec d'autres universités
  • Contenu des cours actuel?
  • Progression dans les cours de niveau 1000 à 4000?
  • Liens avec d'autres disciplines
  • Nouveautés?

Parachèvement de la formation fondamentale /
  • Objectifs articulés?
  • Programme favorise analyse critique?
  • Favorise analyse indépendante?
  • Importance de la langue
  • Accès aux cours hors-faculté

Capacité à répondre aux besoins des étudiants /
  • Où vont nos étudiants?
  • Programme pertinent à cette direction?
  • Besoins comblés par cours d'autres programmes?

Qualité et pertinence des services aux autres Facultés /
  • Provenance des étudiants d'autres Facultés
  • Plans de carrière de ces autres étudiants
  • Profs connaissent-ils la clientèle?
  • Besoin des clientèles considérés dans le contenu des cours?

Contribution au bilinguisme et à la culture française en Ontario /
  • Programme permet-il de parfaire langue seconde? Primaire?
  • Programme disponible en français?
  • Matériel didactique en français?

Qualité et quantité des professeurs et participation dans l'"animation" du programme /
  • Enseignement par profs à temps complet? Professeurs agrégés et titulaires?
  • Étudiants ont-ils accès aux séminaires? Les professeurs y sont-ils impliqués?
  • Les professeurs ont-ils une vue d'ensemble des programmes?
  • Les professeurs à temps partiel contribuent-ils au programme?

Qualité et pertinence de l'encadrement /
  • Comparaison du taux de diplomation, abandon, transfert
  • Orientation, conseil (pour étudiants à temps partiel aussi?)
  • Suivi du progrès des étudiants
  • Objectifs transmis?
  • Plans de cours disponibles?
  • Adéquation entre objectifs du programme et méthodes d'évaluation des étudiants
  • Comparaison des évaluations d'enseignement

Conditions physiques /
  • Quelles sont les stratégies employées pour minimiser les inconvénients des grandes classes?
  • Etat des salles de cours, laboratoires, bibliothèque

The committee realizes that answering in details all these questions can be an enormous task and intends to prioritize its efforts to maximize the benefits of this evaluation for the department rather than for the Senate Committee.

As a first step, members of the Committee are to rank each of the questions within each theme and send their ranking to the chair by email within a week. Ranking should be from 1 (highest priority) to n (lowest priority) and correlate with your perception of the importance of this question to evaluate and revise our programs.

List of changes approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee on Sept 27, 2001

Existing text / Proposed text
BIO3301. Animal Physiology I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Regulatory systems in animals. Physiological adjustments to environmental changes. Excitable cells including sensory and information systems, endocrinology, muscles, and digestion. Prerequisite: BIO1110 / BIO3301. Animal Physiology I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Regulatory systems in animals. Physiological adjustments to environmental changes. Excitable cells including sensory and information systems, endocrinology, and muscles. Prerequisite: BIO1110
BIO3701. Physiologie animale I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Unités fondamentales des systèmes régulateurs des animaux. Ajustements physiologiques des animaux face à leur environnement. Physiologie cellulaire du nerf et muscle incluant systèmes sensoriels et d'information, endocrinologie, muscles, et digestion. Préalable: BIO1510 / BIO3701. Physiologie animale I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Unités fondamentales des systèmes régulateurs des animaux. Ajustements physiologiques des animaux face à leur environnement. Physiologie cellulaire du nerf et muscle incluant systèmes sensoriels et d'information, endocrinologie, et muscles. Préalable: BIO1510
BIO3302. Animal Physiology II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Fundamentals of animal regulatory units will be discussed emphasizing physiological adjustments of animals to the environment. Topics covered will include respiration, circulation, osmoregulation, excretion, energy metabolism and thermoregulation. Prerequisite: BIO1110 / BIO3302. Animal Physiology II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Fundamentals of animal regulatory units will be discussed emphasizing physiological adjustments of animals to the environment. Topics covered will include respiration, circulation, osmoregulation, excretion, energy metabolism and thermoregulation. Prerequisite: BIO3301
BIO3702. Physiologie animale II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Unités fondamentales des systèmes régulateurs des animaux. Ajustements physiologiques des animaux face à leur environnement. Respiration, circulation, osmorégulation, excrétion, régulation de l'énergie et thermorégulation. Préalable: BIO1510 / BIO3702. Physiologie animale II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Unités fondamentales des systèmes régulateurs des animaux. Ajustements physiologiques des animaux face à leur environnement. Respiration, circulation, osmorégulation, excrétion, régulation de l'énergie et thermorégulation. Préalable: BIO3701
BIO3137. Experiments in Animal Physiology (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Representative experiments to illustrate basic principles of animal physiology. Prerequisite: BIO1110. Corequisite or prerequisite: BIO3301 (Limited enrolment.) / BIO3137. Experiments in Animal Physiology (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Representative experiments to illustrate basic principles of animal physiology. Corequisite or prerequisite: BIO3301 (Limited enrolment.)
BIO4152. Animal Energetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Utilisation of energy during locomotion and prolonged food deprivation. Design and performance of physiological, biochemical and mechanical components of the locomotory system in vertebrates. Metabolic adaptations of the champions of endurance exercise (migrating animals) and fasting (hibernators). Corequisite: BIO3302. (Offered in alternate years.) / BIO4152. Animal Energetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Utilisation of energy during locomotion and prolonged food deprivation. Design and performance of physiological, biochemical and mechanical components of the locomotory system in vertebrates. Metabolic adaptations of the champions of endurance exercise (migrating animals) and fasting (hibernators). Prerequisite: BIO3302. (Offered in alternate years.)
BIO4552. Métabolisme Énergétique (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Utilisation de l'énergie durant la locomotion et le jeûne prolongé. Conception et performance des éléments physiologiques, biochimiques et mécaniques du système locomoteur des vertébrés. Adaptations métaboliques des champions de l'exercice d'endurance (migrateurs) et du jeûne (hibernateurs). Concomitant : BIO3702. (Offert tous les deux ans.) / BIO4552. Métabolisme Énergétique (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Utilisation de l'énergie durant la locomotion et le jeûne prolongé. Conception et performance des éléments physiologiques, biochimiques et mécaniques du système locomoteur des vertébrés. Adaptations métaboliques des champions de l'exercice d'endurance (migrateurs) et du jeûne (hibernateurs). Préalable : BIO3702. (Offert tous les deux ans.)
BIO4136. Freshwater Ecology (3,0,3) 5 cr.
Physics and chemistry of lakes and streams, ecology of their biota with an emphasis on fish. Includes an obligatory field component in early September and/or on weekends during the session. Prerequisites: BIO2109, MAT2378 (Offered in alternate years.) Limited enrolment. / BIO4136. Freshwater Ecology (3,0,3) 5 cr.
Physics and chemistry of lakes and streams, ecology of their biota. Includes an obligatory field component in early September and/or on weekends during the session. Prerequisites: BIO2109, MAT2378 (Offered in alternate years.) Limited enrolment.
BIO4536. Écologie des eaux douces (3,0,3) 5 cr.
Environnement physique et chimique des lacs et ruisseaux, et l'écologie de leurs biotes, en portant une attention particulière aux poissons. Le cours comprend une composante obligatoire de travaux pratiques sur le terrain au début de septembre et/ou durant les fins de semaine pendant la session. Préalables: BIO2509, MAT2778 (Offert tous les deux ans.) Cours contingenté. / BIO4536. Écologie des eaux douces (3,0,3) 5 cr.
Environnement physique et chimique des lacs et ruisseaux, et l'écologie de leurs biotes. Le cours comprend une composante obligatoire de travaux pratiques sur le terrain au début de septembre et/ou durant les fins de semaine pendant la session. Préalables: BIO2509, MAT2778 (Offert tous les deux ans.) Cours contingenté.
BIO4115.Molecular Genetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Examples of DNA transposition, rearrangement and recombination are studied. Investigation of gene structure, expression and evolution as influenced by these processes. Prerequisites:BIO3170 or BCH3170 / BIO4115.Molecular Genetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Investigation of gene structure, expression and evolution, including the influences of processes such as DNA transposition and rearrangement; RNA processing and splicing. Prerequisites:BIO3170 or BCH3170
BIO4144.Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to plant gene structure and function, cloning into plants and the manipulation of plant genes. The course will combine elements of plant biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology. Prerequisites: BIO3140 and one of BIO3170, BCH3170, BIO3934. (Offered in alternate years.) / BIO4144.Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to plant gene structure and function, cloning into plants and the manipulation of plant genes. The course will combine elements of plant biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology. Prerequisites: BIO3140 and either BIO3170 or BCH3170. (Offered in alternate years.)
BIO4174.Biotechnology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course will introduce basic ideas about DNA cloning and manipulation. Lectures will emphasize how these techniques have been used to isolate, identify and express genes that are useful in medicine, agriculture and industry. More advanced topics will be introduced by means of student seminars and invited speakers. Prerequisite: BIO 3170 OR BCH 3170. Cannot be combined for credit with BCH 4272. / BIO4174.Biotechnology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course will introduce basic ideas about DNA cloning and manipulation. Lectures will emphasize how these techniques have been used to isolate, identify and express genes that are useful in medicine, agriculture and industry. More advanced topics will be introduced by means of student seminars and invited speakers. Prerequisite: BIO 3170 OR BCH 3170. Cannot be combined for credit with BCH 4172.

Minutes Sept 27 2001, 2:30PM

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting


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