Worship Order
Welcome and Preparation: Reading of Psalm 42Pastor Dan
Song of PraiseSTOLEN Band
“Our God”
Approaching GodJosiah Nordgren
Dismiss Kids ages 5-10
Call to Repentance: Reading of II Chronicles 7:13-14 Pat Southerland
Song of RenewalSTOLEN Band
“Jesus Paid It All”
Unison Prayer of ConfessionPastor Dan
Lord, forgive us for being reluctant to admit that often our troubles are related to our sinfulness. Our relationships grow cold because we are unkind to each other. Our bank accounts dip into the red because we are undisciplined in our spending. Our health suffers because we don’t watch what we eat or compel ourselves to exercise. And even when we realize we have caused our own problems, we remain too prideful to confess our sins and ask for your help. Please forgive us God and help us to apologize to those we have been unkind to. Help us to get out of debt and live within our means. Heal our poor health and help us to take good care of the bodies you have entrusted to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Silent confession
Words of Encouragement: Read Psalm 85:1-4Bryan Dickerson
Song of RenewalSTOLEN Band
“I Surrender”
Prayers of the PeoplePastor Dan
Song of Response STOLEN Band
“The Heart of Worship”
Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:18-26 Pastor Jack Nordgren
SermonPastor Jack Nordgren
Call to Offering & OffertoryPastor Dan
Song of PraiseSTOLEN Band
BlessingPastor Jack Nordgren
Welcome Pastor Jack Nordgren and Maree!
Let us welcome once again, Josiah’s mother and father, Maree and Jack Nordgren, this morning as they join us in worship. As I am sure they are enjoying their newest grandson, Tsiantas, it’s so wonderful to have them share their family time with our church family as well.
Pastor Jack Nordgren brings us God’s message today. He has been shepherding a growing flock in Michigan known as South Shore Fellowship since 2007. The family moved there after living in Hawaii since 1983 and working in the ministry at Hope Chapel Waikiki.
It’s no wonder that his sons followed in his footsteps and are all being used mightily by the Holy Spirit as they all serve in various capacities at their own churches. We have been greatly blessed ourselves since God brought us Josiah to minister to our youth.
May you all be blessed by this morning’s message. Thank you to the Nordgren’s for blessing us with their presence today!
Announcements and Bulletins:
When we go paperless next Sunday bulletins will be posted by Friday evening prior to Sunday.
If you would like to have a bulletin for Sunday:
Simply go to:
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Click on “Click here for (date of) worship order”
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