Dear all June 2016

Before I get to the main purpose of this letter I really need to offer thanks to all those amazing people who give so much of their time and energy and make such a tremendous contribution to the the PTFA fundraising - last month there was a very successful adults quiz night which made a terrific £334 profit. All was made possible by the combined efforts of Jenny Huddleston our quiz master and her second in command Jess Crocker, also not forgetting the wonderful cooking skills of all the ladies who organised the yummy supper. A fun evening enjoyed by all, looking forward to another in the autumn!

PTFA sold refreshments at St. Andrews sports day last week, it was a lovely morning, well organised (well done teachers!) the weather was kind and it was wonderful to see so many parents attending the event, especially the dads as it helped create a real family element to the day. With the essence of family in mind the PTFA are hoping that this years Summer Fair on Saturday 2nd July (only 2 weeks away!) will also prove to be a a real family affair. Our aim is a fun afternoon whatever your age, featuring old fashioned games and tombolas with plenty of prizes, exquisite cream teas and not forgetting the Beer/Pimms tent and BBQ. Bring the grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends, Hopefully it will give everyone a time to relax, have fun and enjoy the afternoon whilst making some wonderful family memories.

Now for the important bit -we need your help! Would you or your family be willing to be on our rota to look after a stall for just one hour? Can you help set up or clear away? Are there any dads willing to flex those muscles to help carry tables or fancy pulling a pint or doing their Jamie Oliver stint on the bbq? Please come forward and help, all monies raised by the PTFA are used to make your childs school a better experience and provide them with the extras that government funding restricts.

If you can spare time to help please return attached slip or you can either email me or give your details to Sandra in the school office - better still just chat to myself, Paula Hollick, Claire Bowman or anyone you know on PTFA committee we'd love to meet you.

Finally another big ask, if you have any new unwanted gifts or grocery items (or booze!) that you could donate for the tombola stall please bring into school as soon as possible , it would be fantastic if we can match the same response achieved at our Xmas fair with your generous donations.

Just a thought to leave you with, you know that as parents we always look for those moments when our child does something that makes you feel so proud of them? Well, since being on the PTFA committee I now realise that wonderful sense of pride is a two way street as so many children have approached me before fundraising events with genuine beaming smiles as they inform me that their mummy/daddy is going to be helping at school...... How nice is that and what a great example you set!

Many thanks for your continued support.

Elaine P

PTFA Chair

Volunteers for PTFA summer fair Saturday 2nd July open 12 noon to 4pm

NAME. Childs class


Please Circle your options

Morning set up. 9am-10am. 10am-11am. 11am-12 noon

Helpers Preference. Game stall. Beer tent. BBQ

Time for rota 11.45am -1pm. 1pm-2pm. 2pm-3pm. 3pm-4pm

Clear away From 4pm

Please return completed form to school, thank you.

Volunteers for PTFA summer fair Saturday 2nd July open 12 noon to 4pm

NAME. Childs class


Please Circle your options

Morning set up. 9am-10am. 10am-11am. 11am-12 noon

Helpers Preference. Game stall. Beer tent. BBQ

Time for rota 11.45am -1pm. 1pm-2pm. 2pm-3pm. 3pm-4pm

Clear away From 4pm

Please return completed form to school, thank you.