The Mungo Foundation
Discharge of Individual’s we Support Policy
June 2007
Services & Development


Page No


2.Commitment to the Individual we Support 3&4

3.Management Responsibilities5

4.Legislative Framework5


The Mungo Foundation recognises that each individual we support has very individual needs and seeks to promote their interests and rights in meeting these needs. We are committed to providing a high quality service which is regularly monitored and reviewed. We seek to develop ways of improving the service and this includes re-provisioning where this is the most appropriate way to meet the individual’s developing needs.

The aim of this policy is:-

  • To ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to facilitate an effective and smooth discharge;
  • To clarify the role and responsibility of The Mungo Foundation in ensuring that the individual’s choice to leave or end a service will be a positive experience which will result in a successful outcome.

2.Commitment to the Individual we Support

The Mungo Foundation will:

i)Ensure that the individual participates fully in their regular multi-disciplinary reviews and is able to contribute to all meetings and plans regarding their current and future care;

ii)Implement systems to facilitate the above e.g. access to external advocates/mentors, access to interpreters, augmentative communication systems;

iii)Ensure that review decisions are fully recorded and minuted with a copy given to the individual;

iv)Ensure that all appropriate parties, including current and future service providers, family members/carers, Social Work and health professionals, and any additional representatives requested by the individual, or with a valid interest in the individuals’ well-being are invited to planning meetings to ensure full representation of the interests of the individual;

v)Ensure that, where applicable and where specified the notice period given to the individual will be in accordance with the projects “Discharge Procedure”;

vi)Ensure that where applicable an appropriate date of discharge is agreed with all involved which meets the needs of the individual;

vii)Ensure that all plans and discussions allow sufficient time both for decision making and preparation by the individual and to allow the transition to take place at a pace which will best meet the assessed needs of the individual;

viii)Ensure that the individual is made aware of any action that may be required to end a contract, service or housing support arrangement;

ix)Ensure that the individual has up-to-date and accurate advice about options available to them including alternative services and independent living options;

x)Ensure that the individual has the opportunity to visit alternative services in order to support them to make an informed choice;

xi)Ensure that the individual is involved in assessing the potential impact and risk for themselves in the move;

xii)Ensure that a Key Worker is identified with whom the individual can have regular contact throughout the move and during the period of transition;

xiii)Ensure that, where appropriate, the individuals’ records will be transferred to the new service provider as soon as possible; that they will be complete and up-to-date and will have been compiled with the individuals’ involvement and agreement.

In the event of an unplanned discharge e.g. where the individual makes the decision that they wish to leave/terminate the service immediately The Mungo Foundation staff will:

i)Discuss with the individual their reasons for the decision; the possible risks in making the decision; their plans e.g. where they intend to stay, and attempt to negotiate a solution;

ii)Ensure that the individual is fully supported in their final decision with advice given about their personal safety;

iii)Ensure all relevant parties e.g. Social Work Personnel, The Mungo Foundation On - Call Managers, family members are advised;

iv)Ensure that the Missing Person(s) Procedure is followed where appropriate;

v)Ensure full details are recorded of the nature of stay/service, reasons for discharge and that this is given to all relevant parties.

3.Management Responsibilities

The Mungo Foundation will:

  • Ensure that the commissioners of the service are fully appraised and involved in any arrangements to transfer the service to another service provider;
  • Ensure that financial arrangements remain in place until these matters are finalised;
  • Ensure the there is full co-operation with the new service provider to facilitate transfer of documentation relating to the service in general and the individuals’ in particular;
  • Ensure that sufficient notice is given to all professionals, service purchasers, agencies etc with an involvement in the service;
  • Continue to work within the current regulatory framework, meet National Care Standards and contractual obligations throughout the notice period;
  • Ensure that a conclusion of service report is completed detailing date of admission/commencement of service, date of conclusion of service and giving a brief summary of service received;
  • Ensure that all parties receive written confirmation of key decisions and relevant information.

4.Legislative Framework:

Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001

Local Authority and Social Services Act 1970

The Children (Scotland) Act 1995

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

Data Protection Act 1998

Disability Discrimination Act 1995

The Human Rights Act 1998

The Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984

To be read together with:

TMF Quality Assurance Policy

TMF Services for Adults Policy

TMF Services for Children and Young People Policy

TMF Statement on User/Carer involvement