The venue of the project will be the city of Hradec Kralove, in Czech Republic.

The project activities will start on 01/02/2017 and they will last until 31/08/2017.

2 Belgian volunteers will take part in the project.

KURO association will be the hosting organization in this project. The association is very active in Hradec Kralove, and it's focused on the cultural development of the town by organizing various youth or musical events with the help of volunteers and by promoting volunteering and active citizenship in the region.

In order to foster volunteering understanding in Hradec Kralove KURO HK is trying to create a network among local and regional NGOs. KURO's goal is that the city of Hradec Kralove and its inhabitants open themselves on an international level.

For that reason the EVS implicated in this project will take part in many activities in KURO but also in KURO partners.

The hope is that these organizations will appreciate the presence of European EVS volunteers and will decide to become EVS hosting organizations, as it already happened with other institutions and NGOs based in Hradec Kralove.

With the project KURO wants also to give 2 young volunteers the opportunity to get many skills by being involved in the activities of many organizations active in Hradec Kralove and its region.

Taking part in this project, thanks to the method of non-formal education which will be used in all the activities implemented, will give the volunteers the opportunity to get skills in many fields (creativity, no profit organizations management, projects organizations, office work, language workshop, art workshop, environmental activities, exhibitions in museums..).

Many different activities are foreseen for the volunteers:

-participation in educational trainings;

-office activities;

-presenting volunteering programs as EVS;

-preparation of a street music festival;

-animating French workshop in the non-formal language public club “Language TOGO”;

-animations in local schools, museum, city library;

-in a local NGO active in environmental topic.

Furthermore the project will be designed according volunteers' learning interests, according the skills they would like to acquire.

The project will fit completely with the volunteer’s profile.

We really believe that this EVS project will be very useful in the city of Hradec Kralove as here EVS is the only project really aimed, among others, on promotion of international volunteering, active citizenship and non-formal education.

The project is supported and submitted by a Belgian coordinating organization, Compagnons Bâtisseurs asbl, which in this project have also the role of sending organization.

CB are an organization which is very experimented in EVS projects organization, EVS volunteers follow-up and youth policies and activities.

The coordinating organization will be always in contact with the volunteers and KURO in order to guarantee the good project advancement.