Latin Roots

1.  a- not, without

2.  an- not, without

3.  anti- not, without

4.  auto- self

5.  bi- two

6.  bio- life

7.  chlor- green

8.  co- together

9.  con- together

10.  cyte- cell

11.  cyto- cell

12.  di- two

13.  diplo- double

14.  ecto- outer

15.  en- inner

16.  endo- inner

17.  eu- true

18.  ex- outer, away from

19.  extr- outer, away from

20.  gamo- jointed, united

21.  hapl- single

22.  hetero- other, different

23.  hom- same

24.  homeo- same

25.  hyper- over, more, higher

26.  hypo- under, less, lower

27.  inter- between

28.  itis- nflammation

29.  karyo- nucleus

30.  macro- large

31.  mega- large

32.  meiosis- reduction

33.  micro- small

34.  mono- one

35.  mult- many

36.  neo- new

37.  ology- the study of

38.  photo- light

39.  phyll- leaf

40.  ploid- having chromosomes

41.  poly- many

42.  post- after

43.  pre- before

44.  pro- before

45.  semi- half, part way

46.  stasis- stopping, standing

47.  sym- together, resembling

48.  troph- nourishment, growth

49.  zyg- joined, yolk

Latin Roots

1.  a- not, without

2.  an- not, without

3.  anti- not, without

4.  auto- self

5.  bi- two

6.  bio- life

7.  chlor- green

8.  co- together

9.  con- together

10.  cyte- cell

11.  cyto- cell

12.  di- two

13.  diplo- double

14.  ecto- outer

15.  en- inner

16.  endo- inner

17.  eu- true

18.  ex- outer, away from

19.  extr- outer, away from

20.  gamo- jointed, united

21.  hapl- single

22.  hetero- other, different

23.  hom- same

24.  homeo- same

25.  hyper- over, more, higher

26.  hypo- under, less, lower

27.  inter- between

28.  itis- nflammation

29.  karyo- nucleus

30.  macro- large

31.  mega- large

32.  meiosis- reduction

33.  micro- small

34.  mult- many

35.  neo- new

36.  ology- the study of

37.  photo- light

38.  phyll- leaf

39.  ploid- having chromosomes

40.  poly- many

41.  post- after

42.  pre- before

43.  pro- before

44.  semi- half, part way

45.  stasis- stopping, standing

46.  sym- together, resembling

47.  troph- nourishment, growth

48.  zyg- joined, yolk