SENTENCE TYPES REVIEW – Read each of the following sentences. Label if the sentence is simple (S), compound (CD), complex (CX), or compound-complex (CC).

1. She was hungry.

2. Although she has a boyfriend, she notices other guys.

3. Since Spring Break started March 13, Panther Day was March 12.

4. Whenever I’m in New Orleans, I stop at Café du Monde.

5. If you bring Pringles potato chips, I will eat them all, and there won’t be any left.

6. I stop at Café du Monde.

7. Although she has a boyfriend, she notices other guys, and they notice her.

8. Panther Day was March 12, and we were out of class for two hours.

9. I will eat them all.

10. Because she left her lunch at home, she was hungry, and her

stomach was growling during sixth period.

11. If you bring me Pringles potato chips, I will eat them all.

12. Since Spring Break started March 13, Panther Day was March

12; we were out of class for two hours.

13. I stop at Café du Monde, and I order beignets, French donuts,

and café au lait, French coffee and hot milk.

14. Because she left her lunch at home, she was hungry.

15. She notices other guys, and they notice her.

16. Whenever I’m in New Orleans, I stop at Café du Monde, and I

order beignets, French donuts, and café au lait, French coffee

and hot milk.

17. Panther Day was March 12.

18. She was hungry, and her stomach started growling in sixth


19. I will eat them all, and there won’t be any left.

20. She notices other guys.


1. S

2. CX

3. CX

4. CX

5. CC

6. S

7. CC

8. CD

9. S

10. CC

11. CX

12. CC

13. CD

14. CX

15. CD

16. CC

17. S

18. CD

19. CD

20. S