Title: Miracles of the Mantle

Author: Bradley Booth

©2011 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 5.7 / Points 10/ Interest Level Middle/Upper Grades (4-10)

128 Pages reading text / Word Count: 55,273

1. / What did the hooligans do to Nathan? (10)
a. / Showed him how to repair broken water pots
b. / Beat him up
c. / Made him their leader
d. / None of these
2. / Who stopped the fight? (14 )
a. / Amzi
b. / Elijah
c. / Nathan
d. / None of these
3. / Why did Nathan want to go to Jericho? (23 )
a. / He wanted to go to the school of the prophets
b. / He wanted to get away from the hoodlums.
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
4. / What were Ganaz and Haran arguing about when Nathan got to the school of the prophets? (27)
a. / What Jezebel was going to do
b. / How to find their lost goats
c. / Where Nathan was going to sleep
d. / None of these
5. / The men of Jericho needed Elisha’s help for their_____. (32 )
a. / water
b. / Crops
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
6. / King Omri got the people to_____ . (36)
a. / start sacrificing people
b. / Tear down their high places
c. / Worship the God in Jerusalem
d. / All of these
7. / What did Reuben go to Jericho to do? (44 )
a. / Apprentice in pottery to his uncle Phineas
b. / Learn how to handle weapons and protect his family
c. / Study at the school of the prophets with Elijah
d. / None of these
8. / What had been the business of the Widow of Zerephath’s family? (47 )
a. / Chariot makers
b. / Carpenters
c. / farmers
d. / Merchants of Purple dye and weaving
9. / What were the mob of boys doing before the bears showed up? (61 )
a. / Brandishing knives
b. / Shooting arrows at Elisha
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
10. / What did Elijah do when Jezebel threatened him after his victory on Mt Carmel? (69-71 )
a. / Called on the people to execute her
b. / Went all the way to Mt Horeb
c. / laughed
d. / Ignored her
11. / How many were there in Israel who had never bowed the knee to Baal? (72)
a. / 100
b. / 500
c. / 5000
d. / 7000
12. / What did Haggiah want? (78-79 )
a. / Their home
b. / The pottery wheel
c. / Their goat
d. / All of these
13. / What problem did the kings of Israel and Judah run into at the Zed River? (103 )
a. / No water
b. / No food
c. / No weapons
d. / No soldiers
14. / What instructions did Elisha have for the army? (105)
a. / Bring out the ark
b. / Go into battle singing
c. / Dig ditches
d. / Sacrifice a lamb on 7 alters
15. / Why were Nathan and Amzi borrowing pots? (109)
a. / Smash them into shards
b. / Fill them with water
c. / For his mother’s new business
d. / None of these
16. / Why did Elisha break a small branch off a tree? (132-133)
a. / For a switch
b. / See if the branch would float
c. / Mark where the ax head sank
d. / None of these
17. / What did Elisha tell the people to do with the Asherah poles? (150-151)
a. / Take them to the valley outside the city
b. / Cut them down
c. / Burn them
d. / All of these
Correct Answers / 1–b 2-d 3-b 4-d 5-c 6-a 7-a 8-d 9-d 10-b
11-d 12-d 13-a 14-c 15-d 16-c 17-d

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