2/3 Sep 2017 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Moy How



  1. Testimonies Through Reflections

a)Listen Exercise

i)Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. What is He speaking to you?

ii)In your CG, learn to practice the gift of prophecy for one another. Turn to someone you least know and ask the Holy Spirit for a word for the person.

iii)Be bold in releasing the words following the rule of “encouraging, non-corrective and non-directive.”

b)Journaling & Testify

i)Get hold of the Bible Reading Plan from: begin an exciting journey in the discovery of the Lord’s personal word to you.

ii)Request one of your members to share journal entry.

iii)Pair up members to share with, and pray for one another.

iv)If there are any good testimonies, ask your members to write out their testimonies and submit to the church:

  1. Looking Ahead

c)Mission Prayer Item

DUMC Unreached People Groups – Tamang & Newari Peoples, Nepal

i)Tamang & Newari Peoples.

Pray for:

  • Economic development for the people, esp. in agriculture and trading.
  • God to prepare the hearts of these people to receive the Good News.
  • Political stability in the country, and that the government will treat the needs of minority groups fairly.
  • An increase in resources for schools and the training of more teachers.

ii)Nepal Mission Team

Pray for the team comprising of Jared Sze (Leader), Tan Kia Ing (Asst. Leader), Elea Au Yong, Aaron David, Ho Leh Jan and Adrian Tan.

  • God’s protection for them and their loved ones at home.
  • God’s favour with the local people and the authorities.
  • God’s empowering in strength, wisdom and power to minister to the Nepalese.

d)Church Prayer Altar

Every Saturday from 7.00 - 9.00am, in Room 101/102.

e)RightNow Media Access

i)For those who are registered in the CMS, you would have received an email from RightNow Media. It is a rich depository of Christian videos on all aspects of Christian life. It is a gift to all of us to help us in our journey with Christ.

ii)FAQ: What if I have not gotten an email invite?

  • Please ensure you have registered your email updated in the CMS.
  • Check your spam mail also.
  • Your attendance would also need to have been ticked at least once in the CMS.

iii)Do note that the first round of email database collection has been done. The next round may be done at a later date. So, kindly be patient that you will only get the e-invite in due course.

iv)Note to Cell Leader:

  • This is the perfect timing to get your cell members to update and register to the CMS. Please do this during your WORKS time if you have not done so already.

f)MCPP1 (Missions Candidate’s Preparation Programme 1)

i)7 and 8 Oct 2017. Empress Hotel, Sepang.

ii)Contribution: RM170/person.

iii)Closing date: 1 Oct 2017

iv)MCPP1 is a pre-requisite to join a DUMC mission trip. Register: .

g)Step Out & Volunteer

i)Sign up at .

ii)Find out about serving. Join a volunteer preview, .

h)Equipping Schedule

i)For Equip training schedule at .

ii)Also have a thorough look at the weekend’s Celebration bulletin of courses running.

*For all sign-up events and Equipping courses, we do encourage members to cultivate a habit to sign-up early as to help the task force in expediting their planning and preparation. The other plus point in registering early is the non occurrence for late charges.

Thank you for your understanding!


Sermon Topic:Living Christ Out in Community: Act Justly

Isaiah6:1-8 (Saturday Celebration)

Judges 20:14-16(Sunday Celebration)

By Dr Bill Wilson

[Choose either Saturday’s or Sunday’s Celebration message to discuss through the application questions.]

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting KEY POINTS – you do not preach the whole sermon again, as the majority of your cell members would have heard the sermon over the previous weekend. In this way, we want to allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Transcript of the sermon at:

Application Questions

  1. “My life is the message.” ~ Bill Wilson

Pr Bill shared, “The need is the call.” What is your life message? How are you answering to the every day need around you to show the love of Christ?

  1. “When you get wounded, you get two choices? You either stay or go.” ~ Bill Wilson

Share a situation where you got hurt. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? As you seek the Lord in prayer together with your CG members, what is your decision?

Note to Word leader:

As you are preparing for this session, this is a great time to pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to use the questions efficaciously. You can select, modify or entirely create your own questions, according to the needs of your CG.

Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1