The Government of Japan
Grant Assistance for
Grass Roots Human Security
Projects (GGP)

The Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGP)was first introduced in 1989to assist Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) by supportingpeople centered relatively small development projects which have a direct and immediate impact on the well-being of disadvantaged communities at a grass-roots level.


2.1.Non-profit organizations (NPOs) such asnon-governmental organizations,community-based organizations,educational institutes, medical institutesandlocal governments are eligible for applications. In addition, the applicant organisation must have at least2 (two) years experience in the sector of the proposed project. The applicant organisation is required to have established sound, sustainable and stable foundations in terms of finance, personnel, project management etc.

2.2.GGP applications will be considered if they:

-directly benefit grassroots level in wider range,

-have substantial outcome by one-shot small-scale grant,

-could generate the sustainable impact in the future.


3.1.GGP aims to assist self-help efforts of NPO’s in:

-social and economic development in rural/urban settings,

-helping socially or economically weak and disadvantaged,

-empowering local communities for sustainable development, etc.

3.2.GGP aims to meet various needs whose areas include but are not limited to:

-education, health/sanitation, water/energy, agriculture/indigenous industry, and environment.

3.3.For this year, the focal area of GGP is ‘Empowerment of people for poverty eradication’:

-Through these projects, GGP aims to give assistance to those who desire to improve their current situations, to emerge from poverty and to stand upon their own two legs with their self-efforts.

-Projects which benefit onlythe applicant organization will be rejected.


4.1.Maximum available grant amount

-10,000,000 Japanese Yen(approximately 750,000 BWP) is the maximum amount allocated per project under the GGP.

-Once the application is short-listed, the applicant organization will be requested to submit three quotations from the suppliers and builders, in which the total cost does not exceed 10,000,000 Japanese Yen.

-GGP requests the financial self-contribution from the applicants. Therefore, the applicant organization will be requested to submit the proof for that purpose, e.g. copy of the bank account and a sworn affidavit.

  1. Grant coverage

GGP may cover the following items:

-Purchase ofnecessary equipment for project implementation,

-Construction of buildings and small scale infrastructure,

-External auditing fee (External auditing is mandatory for projects which request a budget amounting more than 3 million yenor projects for which the JapaneseEmbassy considers an audit necessary).

4.3.Duration of grant use

-The GGP is implemented in one-year cycles as the programme’s budget is allocated annually. Furthermore,the approved project must be completed within one year of the date of the grant contract.

-In the event that the project is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, the funded organisation must inform the Embassy, in writing, of the reason for the delay and get approval.

-Should the organisation fail to comply with this requirement, the Embassyreserves the right to demand a full refund of the grant amount from the organisation.


5.1.Grant amount

-The Grant amount limit is settled by totaling up the most reasonable prices of the three (3) quotations for each requested item and by converting its Pula amount at the current exchange rate into the US dollars grant amount limit.

-After the successful applicant signs the Procurement Contracts with suppliers, the actual disbursement is settled by whichever is smaller betweenthe US Dollar equivalent of the Procurement Contract and the US Dollar amount on the Grant Contract. To convert the Pula amount on the Procurement Contract to US Dollar, the current exchange rate on the day when the successful applicant requests for payment to the Embassy is used, which is notified by the Embassy.

-Kindly note that the Pula amountreceivedcould be less than the amount requested due to possible foreign exchange fluctuations.

5.2.No additional funding

-If theproject is short of funds for its execution due to unforeseen circumstances or expenses, the funded organisationhas to make up for a deficiency by supplying own funds,

-If the funded organisationultimately receives less than the amount requested due to possible foreign exchange fluctuations, the funded organisationwould be required to independently cover the deficit.


-The GGP does NOT cover VATs imposed on the items requested as they are regarded as government incomes. The funded organisationhas tomake theirown arrangement forVATs.

5.4.Utilization of the fund

-Donated facilities/equipment should be fully operable and well maintained.

-In case of construction of additional facilities and so on, make sure additionally required personnel will be secured.

-The funded organisationshould maintain the donated facilities/equipment at all the time by self-finance.

5.5.Accountability for the grant funds

-The funded organisation must submit interim and final financial and narrative reports on the utilisation of the grant funds on or before the dates stipulated in the grant contract.

-The funded organisation will submit a report stating how the facility/equipment are utilisedevery year for five (5) years after the date of submission of the Project Completion Report.

-If the funds were utilised by the funded organisation for any purpose other than the implementation of the project approved,the Embassyreserves the right to demand a full refund of the grant amount from the organisation.

GGP INFORMATION SHEET, Updated September 2012


Tel: +267 391 4456 Fax: +267 391 4468 Email:

  1. Flow Chart of the GGP Programme






PLEASE NOTE: The schedule may change due to unexpected circumstances.

GGP INFORMATION SHEET, Updated September 2012


Tel: +267 391 4456 Fax: +267 391 4468 Email: