Name Tags
If you haven’t put on your name tag today – please consider it!

A habit of name tag wearing is good for our fellow parishioners and for future staff looking to learn everyone’s name.

There is a sheet in the back for those missing or lost name tags.

Talent Show

Once again, we will have a talent show at the Women’s Retreat in February. 2nd Annual Variety Show: Can we top last year’s show? Let’s try! New acts and encores are encouraged to perform. Contact Jodie Jaudon () to sign up.

Altar Flowers

Providing the flowers which adorn the Altar on Sundays is a wonderful way to memorialize loved ones who have died or to give thanks for birthdays, anniversaries or other significant events in our lives. The altar flower sign-up sheet for 2018 is now posted in the hallway near Founders’ kitchen. More details are available there as well.

Newcomers Dinner

If you are a new visitor to St. Paul’s we would like to get to know you a little better. On Sunday, January 28 we are hosting a Newcomers Dinner at the home of the Rector, 608 Fair St. The event will be from 6:00 to 8:00. We will have some social time, supper, and an opportunity for you to meet our program staff. If you would like to attend please let us know either by email () or by phone 615-790-0527.

New Small Group
New Small Group –A weekly gathering for adults, focused on a discussion of a short video or book chapter. Meets Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm. For more information contact Jean Larson (847-987-6949 .)


EfM (Education for Ministry) Alumni
You are invited to an informal get-together on today at 4:30pm, Otey Hall, St. Paul’s. Whether you finished EfM 20 years ago or just last spring, please join us for fellowship and a chance to explore future alumni programs. For more information please contact Jean Larson (847-987-6949 .) RSVPs appreciated.

Seekers Class

Beginning Sunday, February 11 our annual “Seekers” Class will begin. This is traditionally a class given for those who wish to join the church through Confirmation. However, please know that all are welcome, especially current congregants of St. Paul’s who would like a refresher course. We will look at church subjects such as worship, church history, and Episcopal theology. The class will be held during our Christian Education hour at 10:00. We will meet in the boardroom of Barnabas Hall, the building directly behind the church on Fair St. The course will last six weeks, ending before Easter and a few weeks before our annual visit from the diocesan bishop. If you have any questions please contact Rusty via email: or by phone 615-790-0527.


EYGtonight –5-7pm tonight - Dinner will be provided! Sunday School this morning 10am in Barnabas- breakfast snacks provided.

Epiphany Lock-inJan. 27th-28th–This is an awesome overnight to start the year! Let Carl know if you are interested in coming ASAP.

Mountain TopJuly 15th-22nd —Note: Only 1/3 of our group can attend Day Camp according to Mtn. Top Policy.

Confirmation Class– See separate note in Take-out

More info in the email or from Carl. If you are interested in getting on our weeklyYouth News, helping out, or if you have fun ideas to share, let Carl know!

We're all in this together!

Youth Confirmation Class

This class is intended for 8th and 9th graders who are interested in joining us in the Confirmation process. We are beginning very soon (first abbreviated introduction class Jan 28th)— so if you or someone you know might be interested let Carl or Monna know as soon as you can!

St. Paul’s Potluck Lunch and Hymn Singing

Sunday, January 21, 12:30 pm Lunch,
1:00 pm Singing

The Bible calls upon the faithful to “Sing a new song to the Lord.” We sing hymns each Sunday that touch our souls with their words and melodies. On Sunday, January 21, we will gather for a pot luck lunch in Otey and then move to the church at 1:00 for a gathering of song and praise. This event will be led by Dr. John Mather, a new member, who will also note the ways in which hymns of praise have enriched his Christian journey, so far. There will be opportunities for hymn requests not in our 1982 hymnal! So, bring a dish to share and a joyful heart for an afternoon of singing.

A prayer for St Paul’s

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Parish Prayer List

Cleo Cowan, Vivienne Keenan, Ginny Harshey, Judy Ladebauche, Susannah Pierce, Roberta Abstein, Marietta Todd, Becky and Muff Farmer, Dave Berexa, Susan Hughes, Sam Austin, Henrietta Hobdy, Terry Rice, Denny and Lynn Wilkening, Alex Wilkerson, Lloyd Griffin, James Dickerson, Julie Reinhardt, Ellen More, Ann and Carter Conway, Tina Morgan, Inez Rice, Natalie Hennes, Susan Trailov, Christy Crumpton, Jim Gray, Ed Mannion, Nancy Sanders, Marta Stinson, Donna Honeycutt, Sandra Bolte, Claire Gaddis, Michael, Katie Sue, Kaleb, Chris, Martha, Ronda, Mike, Elsie, Linda, Steve, Ana, Daniella, Grace, Melinda, Kathryn, Dee, Phyllis, D.J., Don, Gingey, Sonny, Ernie, Libby, Linda, Charles, Scott, Alan, Raymond, Susie, Fred, Deanne, Thomas, Frankie, Meg, Lorraine, Carolyn, Loy, Fred, Nolen, Frank, Ellen, Gaia, Barbara, Johannah, Misty, Jeffery, June, Casey, Glenda, Janet, Laura, Chris, Jean, Isabel., Tammy, Cary, Bud, Lily, Harry and Noah.

Please take our Parish Prayer List with you
and pray for these people

TODAY – January 21, 2018

7:30 am:Holy Eucharist

830 am – 12:15 pm: Nursery Available

8:45am:Holy Eucharist/Children’s Chapel

10:00 am – Christian Education

11:00 am: Holy Eucharist

12:30 pm – Pot Luck Lunch/1:00 pm – Hymn Sing

4:30 pm – EFM Alumni Group

5:00 pm - Youth Group

6:00 pm:Holy Eucharist


WITS -Women in Theological Study

WITS – Women in Theological Study – is beginning a study based on the book, Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus, by The Rt. Rev’d Michael Curry (current Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church). For January, we will meet on Thursday, January 11 and 18. We meet in Barnabas from 9:30 – 11:00 am. Even if you have not come before, come join us. Somehow we always have coffee and something to nibble on! If you have any questions about WITS, please contact Monna Mayhall at or 615-790-0527.

Bad Girls Book Club this Tuesday

The Bas Girls Book club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month (unless noted otherwise) from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Founders’ Hall. They all bring a light appetizer and/or drink or both to share and enjoy an informal and lively discussion about our current title. The book for January 23rd is The Bookshop at Water’s Edge by Patti Callahan Henry. All are welcome!