Visual Arts Beginning, Week 2Types of Art
- Please label your sketchbook and pencils.
- Social Contract:
- Discuss need for a Social Contract and give ideas for this agreement for behavior.
- Break students into four groups alphabetically and be sure each group has 12 x 18” brown paper and a dark marker.
- Each group assigns its roles: Facilitator, Scribe, Spokesperson, Timekeeper, Affirmer, Group Rater.
- Each group answers one of the following questions:
- How do you want to be treated by the teacher?
- How do you want to be treated by each other?
- How do you think the teacher wants to be treated by you?
- How do you want to treat each other and the teacher if there is conflict?
- Share out each group’s responses and a student adds to 12x18” pale paper for block contract.
- All students sign the Social Contract.
- Discuss the need for all folks who enter the art room to sign the Social Contract.
- Types of Art Vocabulary: You can find the worksheet on your teacher's webpage. Please read it and then in your sketchbook or plain paper, write the term and definition, and draw a small example.
- Please remember the school policy about proper laptop use!
- Finish Types of Art sketches.
- Review:
a. Whole ClassReview: Can you find the poster that matches the Type of Art your teacher gives you?
b.Group Review: Please get into groups of three and get out your sketchbooks! Your group will be given several artworks that all illustrate one type of art.
1.Choose your job: researcher, scribe, artist.
a.Researcher finds all the facts,
b.Scribe writes all the facts down,
c.Artist sketches one artwork as a cartoon.
2.As a group, decide which type of art you have been given. Choose one of the artworks to
complete the following.
3.Using the Types of Art Worksheet and the artwork, the Researcher finds the following:
a.The type of art of the artwork
b.The definition of that type of art
c.The title of the artwork
d.The artist who created the artwork
4.On one paper for your team, the Scribewrites the following:
a.All students' names on the team
b.Your team's table letter and team name starting with that letter
c.Type of Art, definition of it, title of artwork,name of artist who created it.
5.On the same paper, the Artist sketches the artwork quickly as a cartoon.
Thursday and Friday
1.On board: which type of art do you need help with most for your quiz? Get out your notes!
2.Finish Review work from yesterday.
3.Please Google search "Observational Drawing". Prepare to discuss what you found. You will see the
works of J.D. Hillberry:
4.Your wooden pencils and sketchbook are due today. Label these with Ultrafine Sharpies.
5.Please remember to check the white board and follow the directions there every class when you walk in.
6.Electronics rules will be discussed.
7.Discuss observational drawing. What kind of line will we use?
a.Draw two outlines of your hand, first by tracing it, then by looking at it. Do they look similar?
b.Now make a fist and draw two outlines of it, first by tracing it, then by looking at it.
Was this more difficult?
c.Now hold your hand in a peace sign and draw two outlines of it, first by tracing it, then by looking at it. Be sure to show where each finger touches another.
d.Draw two outlines of a pair of scissors, open or closed, first by tracing it, then by looking at it. Be sure to draw inside the holes!
e.Get out something from your bookbag, pocket, or purse, like keys, keychains, little toys,
jewelry. You may choose art supplies if you have nothing appropriate. Pick some things complex in shape. Arrange a still life of at least two things touching. Repeat your two outline drawings for this still life: traced and observed.
8.HOMEWORK: Please bring in at least 3 small items that you would like to draw together as a still life. The items must be complex, not simple, like a cell phone or an eraser. Try these: figurines, toys, jewelry, knick knacks, silverware, hardware, tools, office supplies, electronic inside parts, small car parts, grooming supplies. If you forget your items or bring simple ones, you will be required to draw the complex plastic flowers! You may not use a cell phone or simple forms with no details.
Essential Standards
B.V.1.4 Recognize how Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in art.
B.V.1.2 Apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create art.
Common Core
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.