There were required 20 teanagers (ten girls and ten boys).
They were from Xylokastro and the area around. The results are below.
The 1st question is at the bottom of the file, because we had a problem with this. /
Watching TV
alone / 12
with friends / 4
2nd Question: What kind of music do you like?
You can choose more than one
a. Pop / 11
b. Rand B / 9
c. Rock/Metal / 3
d. Rap / 5
e. Classical / 2
f. Popular -Folk songs / 9
g. Other / 1
3rd Question: How do you communicate with your friends?
You can choose more than one.
a. Send text messages / 19
b. Write e-mails / 2
c. Phone / 15
d. Talk / 14
4th Question: Does time pass quickly with pleasure
during the lessons at school?
a. Not at all / 3
b. A little / 7
c. Moderately / 4
d. Well enough / 7
e. A lot / 0
5th Question: If you like in school, …… you do this,
because you:
You can choose more than one.
a. Can wear any clothes you like / 5
b. Have and use mobile phone in the lessons / 3
c. Listen to music in the breaks / 2
d. Meet your friends / 17
e. Get marks / 3
f. Skip lessons / 3
g. Other / 2
6th Question: Do you/Have you heard about such issues at school as:
a. Bullying / 4
b. Smoking / 19
c. Drinking alcohol / 10
d. Drugs / 3
You can choose more than one.
6.2. Question: And your reaction is:
a. It's O.K., let people do what they want / 12
b. it's terrible / 5
c. Other / 2
7th Question: For which of the following are you most worried about
in regards to the future of your country?
(You can choose more than one.)
a. The economy / 16
b. Education / 7
c. Security / 9
d. Unemployment / 16
e. Job/Occupation / 3
f. The rate of crime / 8
g. Environment / 13
h. Other / 0
8th What are your relations with the teachers
a. You trust them / 2
b. You get on well with them / 17
c. They are your friends / 1
d. Bad / 1
9th Question: How good is your relationship with your parents?
a. Not at all / 0
b. A little / 1
c. Moderately / 2
d. Well enough / 5
e. A lot / 12
10th Question: Which group of adults do you believe that
best understands you?
( You can choose more than one)
a. Parents / 14
b. Teachers / 2
c. Grandparents / 6
d. Private tutors / 3
e. Other / 4
11th Question: If you have any problems, you trust:
a. Your parents / 10
b. Your teachers / 0
c. School psychologist ( councellor) / 0
d. friends / 15
e. Other / 3
12. Question: How much in your opinion do your ideas vary from adults?
a. Not at all / 0
b. A little / 3
c. Moderately / 8
d. Well enough / 7
e. A lot / 2
13th Question: Do you feel that some members of your family
invade your privacy unduly?
a. Not at all / 9
b. A little / 5
c. Moderately / 1
d. Well enough / 3
c. A lot / 2
14th Question: Do you feel that there are things which make you feel stressed?
Yes / 12
No / 7
15th Question: Which of the following do you believe that
you owe stress to?
( You can choose more than one)
a. School / 10
b. Relationship with parents / 1
c. Relationship with friends / 2
d. Relationship with the opposite sex / 2
e. What will your future like / 4
f. Other / 0
16th Question: Do you believe in general that people are prejudiced in regard to
young people'sappearance? ( clothing, shape of the bodes, skin color, movement,
nationality)from yourself or from friends?
a. Yes / 17
b. No / 3
17th Question: Would you make friends with a male or a female teenager
with a different appearance ( clothing, shape of the bodies, skin color, movement
nationality) from yourself or from your friends?
a. Yes / 6
b. No / 0
c. Depends on the characteristics of his/her character / 14
18th Question: Do you believe that the majority of your peers accepted you?
a. Not at all / 0
b. A little / 3
c. Moderately / 1
d. Well enough / 12
e. A lot / 3
19th Question: To what extend do you believe that teenagers in your
country obey the law?
a. Not at all / 2
b. A little / 9
c. Moderately / 4
d. Well enough / 6
e. A lot / 0
20th Question: To what extend do you believe that adults in your
country obey the law?
a. Not at all / 2
b. A little / 9
c. Moderately / 7
d. Well enough / 2
e. A lot / 0
21st Question: At school you are not hungry because you…
a. Have your lunch box / 2
b. You have your lunch in the canteen / 12
c. You buy junk food / 1
d. Have a good breakfast at home / 7
e. Other.. / 0
22nd Question: Are you aware
of what a " Mediterranean" diet is?
Yes / 16
No / 4
23rd Question: Do you believe that the food you eat is healthy?
a. Not at all / 1
b. A little / 3
c. Moderately / 6
d. Well enough / 8
e. A lot / 2
24th Question: How many times a week do you eat fast food
in place of breakfast,
lunch, dinner?
a. Once / 8
b. Twice / 6
c. Three / 1
d. Four / 3
e. More / 2 / X none
25th Question: How many hours aday do you occupy yourself with
games on PC?
a. Not at all / 3
b. 0,50 -1,50 hours / 12
c. two to four / 3
d. write how many / 0
26th Question: How much are you
addicted to the games on PC?
a. Not at all / 8
b. A little / 11
c. Moderately / 0
d. Well enough / 1
e. A lot / 0
27th Question: If you have answered moderately and above in the
previous question write if thiw tires you.
Yes / 1
No / 3
28th Question: Are you aware of whether European Union supports
programs for teenagers?
Yes / 5
No / 15
29th Question: If you have answered Yes in the previous
question state some of the ones you know:
Comenius, Ecomobility, Of Youth

1st Question: With which of the following do you occupy yourself in your free time? You are able to circle more than one choices given.

  1. Sports
/ 9
  1. Music
/ 12
  1. Dance
/ 7
  1. Computer
/ 13
  1. Internet games
/ 13
  1. Going out with friends
/ 16
  1. Meet with friends
/ 17
  1. Art
/ 2
  1. Watching TV
/ 16