The Power To Heal September 26, 2016
Dear Doctor:
We arrived home late Saturday night from Orlando, exhausted but exhilarated over our successful SuperConference 2016. Entitled “The Power To Heal,” it continued to expand upon our predominant compelling vision, a global health care and lifestyle system built on brain-based wellness.
For over a century we have been banging our heads against the wall trying to position our magical work in the perception of the populace. Many enjoy pain relief, not unimportant, but the potency of the miraculous healing and wellness benefits of chiropractic has eluded most health care consumers.
And why? Because the way we have presented ourselves to the public has been unclear, often laden with confusing terminology that makes it difficult for people to connect with us. And so, they default to the lowest common denominator, back pain relief, a limited branding that has plagued us for decades.
Studies show that chiropractors help back pain patients more thoroughly, more expediently and more inexpensively than anyone else. You would think this would be a good thing, but it pigeonholes us as “fix-it mechanics” while the profound nature of ongoing chiropractic care is near-invisible to most.
But a new concept, hatched by Richard Barwell and nurtured in its infancy by Patrick Porter, Bob Hoffman and our team at The Masters Circle, has opened a new vista of possibilities. Most people choose doctors based on conditions, but everyone, yes everyone, needs to learn how to take care of their brain and nerve system, and everyone has stress that is unresolved, causing disturbances in their physiology. Through this portal, chiropractic can finally be viewed and embraced by the public.
This was the focus of “The Power To Heal,” and the impressive line-up of speakers attacked the scourge of brain stress from every direction, structurally, chemically, emotionally, energetically. By doing so, our profession’s top thought leaders boldly demonstrated the necessity of chiropractic care.
Neuroscientists and influencers like John Minardi, Tedd Koren and Francis Murphy inspired the participants, weaving a tapestry of stress reduction, technique and tools for integration into daily practice. George Gonzales shared the principles of his cutting edge Quantum Neurology, while Carolyn McMakin blew our minds with her applications of frequency-specific microcurrent and their effects on healing. Rob DeMartino did the near-impossible and made the physics of healing comprehensible and practical. But the standout presenter among these masters was Heidi Haavik.
You may not yet know this pint-sized powerhouse of chiropractic perspective, but you surely will, as her eye-opening research will catapult chiropractic into the forefront of health care. Her studies show the impact of chiropractic adjustments on brain function, and her lab in New Zealand is blazing new trails toward chiropractic’s full engagement and utilization, to better serve our patients and beyond.
We feel it’s essential to bring these ideas to the marketplace. We can’t wait another hundred years to position chiropractic as vital health care – we need to do it now, and the pioneering voices of such brilliant and meaningful guides must be heard and responded to. We’re going to keep moving forward – and if you want to know more about the evolution of brain-based wellness, watch this space.
Dennis Perman DC, for The Masters Circle
PS Our latest brain-based wellness album, “Your Flourishing Practice” (299 value) can be yours at a pre-production price of 99, this week only. Two talks each from Richard Barwell, Bill Doreste (Cranial Release), Howard Martin (HeartMath), Bob and Dennis. To reserve your copy, just call 800-451-4514.