Child’s Personal Details
Players Name / Date of Birth
Post code / School
Doctor’s Name / Surgery Name
Parent/Guardian contact information (in case of emergency)
Contact 1 / Contact 2
Relationship to player
Post code
Mobile number
Home number
Date of Birth (for FA)
Child’s Medical Information
Does your child suffer from / Provide details if YES
Allergy (food or medication) / YES / NO
Asthma / YES / NO
Frequent nose bleeds or haemophilia / YES / NO
Diabetes / YES / NO
Hearing or eyesight disorder / YES / NO
Break, fractures, dislocations in past 3 years / YES / NO
Does your child take regular medication? / YES / NO
Any other health/physical conditions we should be aware of? / YES / NO

If you suffer from asthma, please ensure inhalers are brought to training and matches.

By signing this form you acknowledge that

  • I have read and agree to abide by the club’s code of conduct
  • I give permission for photographs to be used on the club website and facebook page
  • I give the club permission to contact the emergency services and/or travel to the nearest hospital
  • it is my responsibility to inform the club of any changes to these details
  • I will ensure that subs are paid and recognise that non-payment may lead to my child not being selected to play

Parent/Guardian signature / Date
Player signature / Date

Code of Conduct for Players

1)Ensure that you arrive on time for training and matches

2)Ensure that you have a good positive attitude at training and matches.

3)Ensure that you show good sportsmanship and respect to all others.

4)Ensure that you show respect to the match officials at all times.

5)Ensure that you shake hands with the opponents before and after the game.

6)No jewellery is to be worn by players during training or a game.

7)Ensure you always wear the correct kit.

8)Club kit is only to be worn for club matches.

9)Ensure your shirt is tucked in whilst playing a game.

10)Ensure your football boots are clean and in good condition at all times.

11)Ensure you wear shin pads during training and matches.

12)DO NOT eat or chew gum during training or matches.

13)DO NOT swear or fight on or off the field.

14)DO NOT make abusive or racial remarks to any other player, match official or supporter.

15)Always respect the wishes of your manager and coach.

16)Inform the manager or coach when you have an injury or illness.

17)Bring my own medication, to be left with the Coach/Manager before each match or training session.

Any fines imposed on me by the management committee or the Northamptonshire FA shall be repaid to the Club. Failure to repay the fines will mean that the player will have their membership suspended.

Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers and Followers

1)Ensure that your child arrives on time and is collected on time.

2)Ensure that your child is appropriately dressed (Clothing and footwear).

3)Stand well back from the line when watching matches.

4)Do not put pressure on your child especially in matches.

5)Always encourage your child, never be negative.

6)Remember that the aim is for youngsters to ENJOY the game.

7)Recognise skill, enthusiasm and sporting behaviour in both teams.

8)Set a good example to the youngsters.

9)Inform the manager if there has been a change in your child’s medical condition.

10)DO NOT use offensive, insulting or abusive language to players, match officials or other spectators.

11)Keep your self-control at all times.

12)DO NOT attempt to query a match official’s decision during or after the game.

13)Always think of other spectators even when you are becoming excited.

14)Although you are not playing, remember that you should act in a sporting manner, as your club will be judged by your behaviour.

15)Only discuss your concerns about training or matches with the team manager or club official in private.

Any fines imposed on me by the management committee or the Northamptonshire FA shall be repaid to the Club.