1st Grade & Kinder News

August 11, 2017

Hello families,

We have had a great start to our new school year. I am very excited and am looking forward to a fantastic year. We had a busy, but short, first week meeting new friends, learning LOTS of rules, and getting used to a new school, and adjusting to our school and classroom routines.

I appreciate the cooperation and support that I will be receiving this year. Together we will make this year a wonderful experience for you and your child. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please feel free to call or send a note to me. I will do my best at keeping you advised by sending a Tuesday note each week, and when I have important class or school information to pass on. This will probably be the longest letter I send home this year, because I want to answer some of the questions that have been asked. I will usually send a brief review of weekly information home each Tuesday with the assigned homework packet for Kindergarten and a brief overview of 1st grade homework for the week.


We only have five basic rules.


1.  Follow directions the first time

2.  Raise your hand

3.  Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself

4.  Work and play safely

5.  Act like a child of God!


The first few weeks of school we will be learning the rules and how to be responsible for our own behavior. I believe each child needs this time to understand what is expected and what actions are not appropriate at school. In the event your child hurts another child or is repeatedly disrespectful to any adult I will handle each of these incidents individually. If any behavior becomes excessive I will have the child speak with Mrs. Humphrey. I do not anticipate any major problems but I will keep parents informed. If your child has to see Mrs. Humphrey more than once because of excessive behavior this first trimester he/she may be disqualified from the first principal’s party.

After the fourth week of school, to emphasize following the school and classroom rules, I will keep track of how many redirects each child is issued before we go to recess. When a child receives five redirects (tally marks) because of inappropriate behavior, like not following the rules he/she will have to sit on the bump (the cement parking stop in front of a parking spot on the playground) during part of our recess time; one minute for each set of five tally marks. This time, hopefully will encourage each child to think before reacting, as well as helping the children to remember the school’s, and our classroom’s rules and routines. At the end of the day the paper is discarded and each child starts the next day with a clean slate.

Then in late September/early October, before the start of the second trimester, I will be utilizing a modified behavior system. I will send more details home about this when I start this new accountability. This foundation will allow our classroom to run successfully throughout the year and set a solid starting block for your child’s education.


Thank you for having your child here by 8:15 A.M. each morning. The children are welcome on the playground any time after 8:00 A.M. We start our day with the pledge of allegiance and a patriotic song outside at 8:20, and then walk into class. Come to school on time each day and bring your smile! If your child will be absent or more than 15 minutes late, please call the school office. If you arrive after we have walked into the school at 8:25, please take your child to the office and Mrs. Simkins, the school secretary will help your child to class.

Please do not bring your child to class after 8:25; Mrs. Simkins will help your child get to class with the least amount of disruption to the classroom routine. Try to be on time, it is hard to get caught up and a routine is very comforting to children.


School is out at 3:00 P.M. each day. I, or another school staff member, will walk the children out to the playground to be picked up by their “big” person. If someone different is picking up your child please send a note or call the school office so we know who to give your child to if your child does not go to F.A.S.T. After school care is available on a regular basis for all children not picked up by 3:15. If your child does not usually attend F.A.S.T., please let me, the office, and your child know if they are going to F.A.S.T., or if they are being picked up by someone other than the usual person. This helps keep our dismissal orderly and we can keep track of each child. At 3:15 PM the children left in my line will be signed into F.A.S.T. The children will be on the playground if the weather permits, or in the lunch/multipurpose room of the school. If you do not regularly use the after school care please try to make arrangements for your child to be picked up by 3:00 P.M. Kindergarten and 1st grade children get worried when their friends have been picked up and they are still waiting. If you are going to be later than 3:15 P.M. there is a charge of $4.00 per ½ hour, and your child will need to be signed out from F.A.S.T. before you leave.


Please call the school office when your child is going to be absent. You can pick up any papers after school that day from the office if it is convenient to come by the school, or if you are coming to the school to pick up another child. Otherwise, most work can be made up when your child returns to school. Kindergarten and First Grade are hands on programs, and it is hard to send home some experiences. I encourage your child to miss as little school as possible, but if he/she is sick (fever or throwing up) please keep him/her at home. If your child is ill for several days please call me at school and we can set up a time for extra help if needed. Kindergarten and First Grade are very important, and excessive tardiness and absences will affect your child’s progress.


Only First Good Shepherd Logo polo shirts and Campus Club Uniforms are to be worn each day. On Fridays only, the First Good Shepherd sweatpants & T-shirt, or any of the special FGS t-shirts can be worn. The First Good Shepherd hoody may be worn over FGS school polo shirts any day of the week also. The FGS Uniform cardigan can also be worn any day. Only the First Good Shepherd coat or jacket may be worn for outside play but may not be worn in the classroom. Only F.G.S. School hoodies, or Campus Club Uniform sweaters may be worn inside the classroom. Any shoes may be worn to school as long as they have a back strap and stay on securely. I suggest that girls wear shorts under their dresses and skirts so that they have the freedom to play on the equipment outside, are comfortable during rest time, and are able to sit on the floor without worrying about their underwear. This does not have to be any special type of shorts and is not required, but this usually makes the girls feel more comfortable.


Every Monday we will be having organized physical education time. Please have your child wear appropriate clothes and shoes for running, hopping and jumping. Girls will probably be more comfortable in shorts or long pants. Please do not send your child in sandals; tie shoes are the best for large motor and busy activities.


Please have your child bring a labeled refillable water bottle each day, especially when it is warm outside. The water bottles must be kept in their lunch box/water bottle cubby while we are inside the classroom. The water bottles may be brought outside for recess as well as lunch and are available for water breaks. Any disposable water bottles left at the end of the day will be emptied and discarded if open. Help remind your child remember to take their own bottles home each day.


We will have snack each morning around 9:30 A.M. Each family must provide their own child’s snack each day. Please put it into their lunch box, even if your child is having hot lunch which you preordered. Please try to avoid junk snacks. Please include spoons, napkins or any other supplies needed to easily consume the snack. Any healthy or growing food is best. Some great choices are fresh fruit or veggies, yogurt, cheese, crackers, muffins, raisins or other dried fruit, cereal, or any other finger foods that will help tide their hunger over until lunch.


I will be acknowledging each child’s birthday by singing, and with a special birthday buddy. You may bring cupcakes, freeze pop’s, granola bars, fruit snacks, donuts or any other kind of snack that is easy to serve and is in individual units. Do not bring in a whole cake (this would be too time consuming to serve and much too messy). Please bring the snack in the morning and we will eat them during our morning break at 9:30 A.M. I will also enclose a class list with this letter for your information. If you choose to have a birthday party and you are inviting everyone in our class your child may bring in the invitations and I will send them home in their folders. If you will be having a smaller party and only wish to invite some of the children in our class you will have to get the addresses from the office and send them in the mail so no one gets their feelings hurt. Parties are very important to Kindergarten and First Grade children. Please remember we want everyone to feel special.


We have lunch at 11:30 P.M. every day. The school offers a hot lunch program through Wholesome Tummies, on Monday-Thursday. This must be paid for through their website and pre-ordered. The lunch does not include a drink. We will have pizza lunch available each Friday. The pizza lunch money must be turned in by Wednesday morning by 10AM for the Friday of that week so the correct amount of food can be ordered. Please send the pizza money in an envelope, ziplock bag, or a stapled note labeled with “Pizza” and your child’s name. If your child will not be eating hot lunch or pizza lunch, your child must bring lunch. Please do not send CANDY or SODA in your child’s lunch. If your child forgets a lunch and I find out before we sit down to eat lunch I, or the office will call to see if someone will bring a lunch. However, usually I find out when we sit down to eat, so at that time I will ask the office to make a sandwich for your child. This will be peanut butter and jelly, and will cost $5.00 for each sandwich, and does not include a drink.

Kindergarten-REST TIME:

This is a recharge time and may be an optional or as needed time. Rest time is a small portion of our day, but it is quiet listening time intended for cooling down and refocusing on learning. We usually listen to music, listen to stories, watch a video, or just have quiet time. We will continue to have rest time throughout the year when it is needed. The children will rest on the floor or sitting at their tables, and a towel will not be needed.


Your child will bring home a library book on Tuesday. This book is due back the next Tuesday, but can be returned early. If your child returns the book another book can be checked out each week. If the book is not returned by Tuesday morning another book cannot be checked out until the first one is returned. Help your child remember their book. They feel left out when other children get to check out a book and they cannot.


I will be sending home book orders a few times during the year. The orders are optional and you may order on line or put the money and book list inside a labeled envelope in your child’s folder. You may send cash or a check to pay for the book order. If you pay by check please make the check out to Michelle Sprouse. If you choose to order any books this year I encourage that your child is a part of the book selection. Learning to read is easier if your child wants to read the book. The book order forms will usually be sent home with the Tuesday newsletter. If you choose to order, the form and money should be returned by the next Monday/Tuesday. You may also order anytime from any on-line catalog at: www.scholastic.com/bookclubs Our class activation code is: GPH2K.


The 1st Grade & Kindergarten class will be singing a few times this year with the school body. We will be singing for regular church services as well PTL, or other special occasions including the Christmas Play and the spring play. Please bring your child each time we sing to God’s glory. It is very important to remember your child has practiced very hard to prepare for these special events. I will send home reminders each time we sing.


A school folder will be sent home each day. Every Tuesday the homework packet will go home in your child’s school folder. Homework will include worksheets and home projects. Directions on homework and projects will require parental assistance and review. I expect the homework to be returned in the school folder, stapled in the same order it went home in and completed neatly. I will usually send homework packets home each Tuesday and they need to be returned completed by the following Monday. If your child finishes the entire packet it can be turned in early; however, I suggest that you help your child pace how much homework is done each day to avoid frustration. Your child must write his/her name on the top of each page with a pencil. Please assist and guide your child on schoolwork, but do not do any of their work yourself. If your child is having trouble writing letters or numbers, practice is the answer! Do not be tempted to do Kindergarten skills since you have already passed Kindergarten. I allow one week to complete the homework because I understand that every family is busy and some nights are scheduled with extracurricular activities. The homework will be a review and reinforcement of the work we are doing in class that week. This homework will also allow you to see the progress of your child. One type of home preparation will include Share N’ Tell. I will send home a separate schedule on Share N’ Tell later, but toys, without a great story behind them, are not suggested. Another home involvement includes exposure to the printed word to build vocabulary skills and speech patterns by reading to and with your child daily. I encourage reading to your child at least 15 minutes everyday. As a busy parent myself, I found the drive time in the car, and bath time were the best times to squeeze extra reading time in. Let your child “read” the pictures or billboards and signs to you to tell you a story. This is very enriching to their imagination growth as well as verbal skills and the ability to sequence and build a story.