1st European Mining Heritage Weekend

Beringen (Belgium), 13-15.04.2018

Entry Form and Call-for-Papers (PLEASE FILL OUT IN BLOCK LETTERS)

NAME : …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... ….

I register as * individual / * member of / * officially representing (* strike out what does not apply)


…...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... ……...... …...... ….…......

ADDRESS :…...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …......

POSTAL/ZIP CODE: …...... …...... …. TOWN: …...... …...... ….…...... …. COUNTRY:…...... …...... ….

PHONE: …...... …...... …. FAX:…...... …...... ….

E-MAIL:…...... …...... ……...... …...... ….…...... …...... ….

WEBSITE:…...... …...... ….…...... …...... ….…...... …...... ….…...... …...... ….

I will take part inthe ‘1st Mining Heritage Weekend in Beringen)

I transfer the ‘solidarity fee’ of

G60 euro p.p. (non-members) / 45 euro p.p. (members of E-FAITH, max. two representatives per member association) – please register before March 31st

into the E-FAITH bank account at the TRIODOS-bank (Belgium)
IBAN BE58 5230 4652 1679, BIC TRIOBEBB

I will take part in the guided bus tour visiting the protected Limburg mining heritage and its re-use (on Sunday April 15th)

Gthe visit is offered for free to the participants of the meeting

GI am not a participant to the meeting, but I would like to join the visit. I therefore will pay 25 euro p.p. (including the lunch)

I would like to present a key note paper dealing with the preservation, adaptive re-us, interpretation and presentation of mining heritage and the role of associations and volunteers in this respect


I have read the conditions and I understand that the maximum speaking time allowed is 20 minutes and I add hereby a short presentation of my proposed speech (max. 15 lines) in the language of the reading before March 15th. After the meeting I will also deliver to the secretariat, as soon as possible and not later than March 30th, a summary of my speech (max. 1500 words) in the language of the reading, AND max. 200 words in another language (to be published on the E-FAITH website).The proposals will be reviewed before the presentation is accepted for the meeting.

When my presentation is accepted as a key note address, I will be allowed to take part for free to the meeting

I would like to give a short (max. 7 minutes) presentation of the aims and activities of my association:


I have read the conditions and I understand that the maximum speaking time in this case allowed is 7 minutes and I add hereby a short text (max. 10 lines) in the language of the reading.There will be a maximum of 10 presentations accepted, first come first served.

p 1 - don’t forget to fill in p. 2 

registration form p. 2

GI would like to present a poster during the meeting. I will need a hanging surface of ...... x ...... cm

I agree that the organisers cannot be held responsible in case of damage to or theft of the exhibited goods, posters or other exhibited materials. By expressing the intention of exhibiting something you agree implicitly to this clause.

GI would like to organise on Saturday an information or sales desk, please provide a table and a chair for this purpose.

I agree that the organisers cannot be held responsible in case of damage to or theft of the exhibited goods, posters or other exhibited materials. By expressing the intention of exhibiting something you agree implicitly to this clause.

This weekend is a joint initiative of

VVIA afd Limburg (Limburg provincial chapter of the Flemish Association for Industrial Archaeology)

EFAITH (European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage)

with the support of

Werkgroep Monumentenzorg Beringen (local heritage association Beringen)

Mijnmuseum Beringen (Mining Museum Beringen)

Erfgoedcel Mijn-Erfgoed / Heritage Unit in the Mining region

G I would like to support EFAITH by becoming member of the federation.
GFull members (associations and NGOs, with a right to vote at the general Assembly – see conditions to affiliate on E-FAITH’s website) pay 75 euros
GSupporting members pay
○ 50 euro for individuals;
○ 75 euro for non-profit non governmental organisations
○ 150 euro for private enterprises and companies, for public authorities and governmental institutions
PS the membership fee does not include the participation to the meeting, but members receive a discount on EFAITH activities

Place and date :

Name, Stamp and signature :

Please return this entry form as soon as possible to the address below:

1st Mining Heritage Weekend 2018

Vredelaan 72, B-8500 Kortrijk (Flanders - Belgium) :