Stuart Pepper Middle School /
Grade 8 ELA Curriculum
Pacing for Reading, Writing, Language
This document contains the titles and order of instruction as well as reference KCAS (Kentucky Common Academic Standards). A one page overview of the ELA pacing is located on district teacher share in the SPMS folder inside a folder called “SPMS_CAL_docs_8912_Language Arts_8th grade”
Tara Poole, Casey Mattingly, Michelle Funk, Tammy Alcorn, Amy Vujaklija
Learning Chunk #1 – Multi-Cultural World / Instructional Week / Assessment
  • RL.8.2.Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
  • RL.8.3. Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
  • W.8.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
  • Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically.
  • Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, and reflection, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
  • Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence, signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another, and show the relationships among experiences and events.
  • Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.
  • Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences or events.
/ Week 1- Aug. 8 (3)
Reading Selection:Identity-Poetry; The Bee Tree
IA Focus: RL/RI 8.1- analyze, infer RL/RI.8.2-theme, central idea
Reading: R.L.8.2
Writing: Mountains/Clouds/River activity, W.8.10 (writer’s notebook)
Language: n/a
Day 1:Class introduction/expectations
“The Bee Tree”
Decorate writer’s notebook—reflect on who the student is
Day 2:“Identity” poem
Mountains activity (in writer’s notebook)
Week 2 – Aug. 13 (4.5 +Pre-test)
Reading Selection:Seedfolks(Ch. 1-4)
IA Focus: R.L.8.2-key events, character’s actions & interactions develop over the text to contribute to the theme, R.L.8.3-incidents propel action
Reading: R.L 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Writing: Writing Process (sentences, paragraphs, organization of writing, ideas), W.8.3-Narrative writing (from 1st week activity), W.8.10 (writer’s notebook),
W.8.8 – Media Center visit – Bibliography Scavenger Hunt
Language: Sentence Structure-types of sentences-simple, compound, complex, compound complex L.8.2
Day 1:Introduction to writer’s notebook: elaborate on Mountains picture: how did one of those events affect your life?
Seedfolks introduction and note taking skills
Seedfolks chapter 1
Day 2:Pretest #1
Writer’s notebook: Heartmap
Seedfolks chapter 2
Day 3: Sentence structure: grammar book Chapter 19, pg. 398 (teacher edition)Complete sentences;
Seedfolks chapter 3
Day 4: Refer back to writer’s notebooks (wnb) for sentence structure
Seedfolks chapter 4
Day 5: Media center and STAR test (flexible—day 2-5)
Week 3-Aug. 20 (5)
Reading Selection:Seedfolks (Ch 5-9)
IA Focus: R.L.8.2-key events, character’s actions & interactions develop over the text to contribute to the theme, R.L.8.3-incidents propel action
Reading: R.L 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, R.I. 8.3, 8.4
Writing:Writing Process (sentences, paragraphs, organization of writing, ideas), W.8.3-Narrative writing, W.8.10 (writer’s notebook)
Language: Sentence Structure-types of sentences-simple, compound, complex, compound complex L.8.2
Day 1:Literacy story brainstorming: Literacy box, partner discussion and reflection
Seedfolks chapter 5
Glossary term #1: Character: Focus on Leona
Probe #1
Day 2:Writer’s notebook: Writer’s Notebook: Begin draft of literacy story
Glossary term #2: Irony: how is what someone says different from what he/she does/thinks?
Seedfolks chapter 6
Day 3: Warm up: sentence structure mini lessongrammar book Chapter 21, pg. 469 (teacher edition)Simple and compound sentences
Read article about Ellis IslandFocus, as a class, on main point, central idea, and supporting details
Day 4:
Show Ellis Island photo(s): students reflect on their interpretation of it (wnb)
Nonfiction articles about cultures in Seedfolks(small groups, then switch to discuss what was learned in reading articles)
Focus, in small groups, on main point, central idea, and supporting details
Seedfolks chapter 7
Day 5:Refer back to wnb for sentence practice
Writer’s notebook: literacy story draft
Ellis Island video—student response (wnb)
Seedfolks chapter 8
Learning check: Sentences
Week 4 – Aug. 27 (5)
Reading Selection:Seedfolks (Ch.10-13
IA Focus: R.L.8.2-key events, character’s actions & interactions develop over the text to contribute to the theme, R.L.8.3-incidents propel action, RI.8.2-central idea
Reading: R.L 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, R.I 8.3,8.4
Writing:Writing Process (sentences, paragraphs, organization of writing, ideas), W.8.3-Narrative writing/revision W. 8.10 (writer’s notebook)
W.8.7 – Develop a research question, gather information from sources
Language: Punctuation: commas L.8.2
Day 1: Commas rule: compound sentences
WNB: Literacy story (10 minutes)
Probe #2
Computer lab (Monday or Tuesday)Information inquiry: topic chosen from Seedfolks
Day 2:Commas rule: items in a series
WNB: Literacy story (10 minutes)
Seedfolks chapter 9
Day 3:Commas rule: after introductory material
WNB: Literacy story (10 minutes) or revision, if ready
Seedfolkschapter 10
Day 4:Commas rule: parenthetical expressions
WNB: Literacy story (10 minutes) or revision, if ready
Seedfolkschapter 11
Day 5:Commas rule: with nonessential expressions
WNB: Literacy story (10 minutes) or revision, if ready
Seedfolkschapter 12
Week 5 –Sept. 3 (4)
Reading Selection:
IA Focus: R.L 8.2, 8.3, R.I 8.2
Reading: R.L 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 R.I 8.3, 8.4
Writing: SPL.1; 3.SPL.2; 3.SPL.3 SL 8.2
(sentences, paragraphs, 6+1 Traits of Writing)
Article of the Week (Readicide by Kelly Gallagher) Homework: annotate current event article
Day 1:No school
Day 2:Commas rule: with dates and geographical names
Probe #3
Seedfolkschapter 13
Glossary term #3Theme
Blugrass book talks in library September 4 and 5
Day 3:Seedfolks
WNB: Students will write a narrative journal entry--story--about the image they see (image located in writer’s notebook folder—writing prompts)
Day 4:Seedfolks
Day 5:6+1 writing traits
Commas learning check
Week 6 –Sept.10 (5)
Reading Selection: ) In a Mix of Cultures, An Olio of Plantings,Antaeus , Fish Cheeks
IA Focus: R.L 8.2, 8.3, R.I 8.2
Reading: R.L 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 R.I 8.3, 8.4
Writing: SPL.1; 3.SPL.2; 3.SPL.3
(sentences, paragraphs, 6+1 Traits of Writing)
Language: L.8.2
Day 1:Seedfolks AR test
Review Comma Learning Check
WNB: Literacy story (look at teacher feedback and make revisions)
In a Mix of Cultures, An Olio of Plantings(photocopies)Focus on central idea, supporting details, and main point
Day 2:Semicolon rule (pg. 610-611 teacher edition)
WNB: Literacy story (peer review)
Antaeusfocus on allusion (glossary term)
Venn diagram to compare article, Antaeus, and Seedfolks
Day 3:Explore Prose fiction (highlighting evidence—10 minutes)
Semicolon practice
Fish CheeksTheme/Using Context Clues
Focus on summary of short story
Day 4:Explore Social Science (highlighting evidence—10 minutes)
WNB: Literacy story: revise and type
Day5:Explore Humanities (highlighting evidence—10 minutes)
Semi-colons learning check
WNB: Literacy story: revise and type/ AR
Activity Schedule
Week 7 –Sept.17 (6) Homesick
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Writing: SPL.1; 3.SPL.2; 3.SPL.3
(sentences, paragraphs, 6+1 Traits of Writing)
Day 1:Colons - Rules
BHG article: How to start a garden Text structure: how to
Literacy story due, revised and typed
Day 2: IA #1
Writing Final Draft
Day 3:Colons - Practice
Extended Response discussion and practice (question in IA2 E.R. folder)
Day 4:Deadline for Literacy Story Final Draft
Day5: No School-Professional Development
Learning Chunk #2 / Instructional Week / Assessment
Week 1
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 2
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 3
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 4
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 5
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Learning Chunk #3 / Instructional Week / Assessment
Week 1
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 2
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 3
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 4
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 5
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Learning Chunk #4 / Instructional Week / Assessment
Week 1
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 2
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 3
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 4
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 5
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Learning Chunk #5 / Instructional Week / Assessment
Week 1
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 2
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 3
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 4
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 5
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Learning Chunk #6 / Instructional Week / Assessment
Week 1
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 2
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 3
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 4
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Week 5
Reading Selection:
IA Focus:
Learning Chunk #2 / Instructional Week / Assessment
Week 1
Reading Selection:Penguin Chick 3RI2 3.RI.3- (will need to supplement additional informational text) 3.RF.4- c / 3.RI.2Imagine that a friend has asked you what Penguin Chick is about and write a paragraph giving the main idea and supporting details.
3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction: 3.RI.9 (compare/contrast another penguin book with Penguin Chick)
IA Focus: 3RI4
Writing: Opinion Piece 3.W.1; 3.W.4, 3.W.5, 3.W.8, 3.W.10
Language: common & proper nouns 3.L1a 3.L2a (add abstract nouns 3.L.1c)
Spelling: Syllable patterns (V/CV VC/V) 3.L.2e &f
Week 2
Reading Selection:A Day’s Work / 3.RL.6Francisco was dishonest. Is it ever OK to be dishonest? Explain your answer.
3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction: 3.RL.9 9 (compare/contrast two settings from Eve Bunting books)
IA Focus: 3.RL.1 3RL2 3.RL.6 3.RF.4- c
Writing: Opinion Piece 3.W.1; 3.W.4, 3.W.5, 3.W.8, 3.W.10
Language: singular and plural nouns 3.L1b
Spelling: words ending in “le” 3.L.2e &f
Week 3
Reading Selection:Prudy’s Problem / 3.RL.6How did Prudy feel about her room? Do you agree or disagree with how she felt? Explain.3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3.RL.1 3.RL.6 3.RF.4- c
Writing: Opinion Piece 3.W.1; 3.W.4, 3.W.5, 3.W.8, 3.W.10
Language: irregular plural nouns 3.L.1b
Spelling: compound words 3.L.2e &f 3.RF.3c multisyllable
Week 4
Reading Selection:Tops & Bottoms / 3.RL.2Bear learned a valuable lesson in this story. What was the lesson he learned? What do you think he will do differently next time?3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3.RL.1 3RL2 3.RL.6 3.RF.4- c
Writing: Opinion Piece 3.W.1; 3.W.4, 3.W.5, 3.W.8, 3.W.10
Language: singular possessive nouns 3.L2d
Spelling: words with “spl”, “thr,” “squ”, “str” 3.L.2e &f
Week 5
Reading Selection:William’s House / 3.RI.3 What caused William to make all the changes to his house?3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3.RL.1 3.RL.6 3.RF.4- c
Writing: Opinion Piece 3.W.1; 3.W.4, 3.W.5, 3.W.8, 3.W.10
Language: Plural possessive nouns 3.L.2d
Spelling: digraphs (sh, th, ph, ch, tch) 3.L.2e &f
Learning Chunk #3 / Instructional Week / Assessment
  • 3RL5 Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections
  • 3RI1/RL1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers
  • 3RL2 Recount stories, including myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
  • 3RI5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
  • 3.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
  • Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes.
  • Decode words with common Latin suffixes.
  • Decode multisyllable words
  • Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
  • 3RI7 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
  • 3RL4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text distinguishing literal from nonliteral language (need to supplement)
  • 3L5a Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words in context.(need to supplement)
  • 3RI4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade three topic or subject area.
/ Week 1
Reading Selection:The Gardener / 3.RL.2 and 3.R.4 Lydia Grace certainly makes the best of things. Some people would say that when life handed her a lemon she made lemonade. Tell some ways in which Lydia Grace shows she is that kind of person.
3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus:3RL1
Writing: Informative/ Explanatory 3.W.2 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 3.W.8 3.W.10
Language: action & linking verbs 3.L1a
Spelling: contractions
Week 2
Reading Selection:Pushing Up the Sky / 3.RL.5When does the narrator talk in this play? Why do you think the author includes a narrator?
3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RL5 RL1 3RL2
Writing: Informative/ Explanatory 3.W.2 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 3.W.8 3.W.10
Language: main & helping verbs 3.L1a
Spelling: prefixes (un, re, dis, mis) 3.RF.3a 3.L.1f (meaningful word parts) (dictionaries- 3.L.2g) 3.RF.3c multisyllable 3.L4b affixes
Week 3
Reading Selection:Night Letters / 3.RL.4 and 3.L5a Using Amelia Bedelia books study idioms. Illustrate the literal and nonliteral meaning of words.
3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RL1
Writing: Informative/ Explanatory 3.W.2 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 3.W.8 3.W.10
Language: subject verb agreement 3.L1f
Spelling: consonant sounds (j, k)
Week 4
Reading Selection:A Symphony of Whales / 3.RL.1Write a question from the story and the answer with page number in journal.
3.RF.4a Fresh Reads
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RL1 3RL2
Writing: Informative/ Explanatory 3.W.2 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 3.W.8 3.W.10
Language: present, past, future tense 3.L1e
Spelling: suffixes ly, ful, ness, less 3.RF.3a (add Latin suffixes: able, ible, ation, fy, ify, ment, ty, ity) 3.L.2f (dictionaries- 3.L.2g) 3.RF.3c multisyllable 3.L4b affixes 3.RF.3b Latin root
Week 5
Reading Selection:Volcanoes / 3.RI.7Choose a picture, diagram, or map from the story and explain how it helps you understand the text.
3.RI.5 Explain how a volcano erupts.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction: 3RI2
IA Focus: 3RI1 3RI5 3RI7 3RI4
Writing: Informative/ Explanatory 3.W.2 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 3.W.8 3.W.10
Language: irregular verbs 3.L1d
Spelling: words with wr, kn, mb, gn 3.L1f
Learning Chunk #4 / Instructional Week / Assessment
(Many of these standards were taught in previous learning chunks.)
3RL7 Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyedby the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting).
3RL9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series)
3RL3 Describecharacters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
3RL2 Recount stories, including fables, from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
. / Week 1
Reading Selection:Wings / 3.RL.7 Choose an illustration and tell how it supports the text and conveys the mood.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RL7 3RL3 3RL2
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language: singular & plural pronouns 3.L1a
Spelling: irregular plurals 3.RF.3d ; 3.L.1d;
Week 2
Reading Selection: Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest / 3.RL.1Write a question from the story and the answer with page number in journal.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:3RI2
IA Focus:
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language: subject & object pronouns 3.L1a
Spelling: R- controlled vowels
Week 3
Reading Selection:Rocks in His Head / 3.RI.2Imagine that a friend has asked you what Rocks in His Head is about and write a paragraph giving the main idea and supporting details.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction: 3RI2
IA Focus:
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language: possessive pronouns 3.L2d
Spelling: prefixes (pre, mid, over, out) 3.RF.3a; 3.L2f 3.RF.3c multisyllable 3.L4b affixes
Week 4
Reading Selection:America’s Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle / 3.RI.9Compare and contrast David Adler biographies to America’s Champion Swimmer.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:3RI2
IA Focus:
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language; contractions
Spelling: suffixes (er, or, ess, ist) 3.L2f 3.RF.3c multisyllable 3.L4b affixes 3.RF.3b Latin root
Week 5
Reading Selection:Fly, Eagle, Fly! / 3.RL.7 Using the illustration on page 128 answer where, when, why, and how key events occur and what key events led up to that illustration.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RL7 3RL2 3RL3
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language: prepositions
Spelling: VCCV 3.L.2f
Learning Chunk #5 / Instructional Week / Assessment
3RL10 By the end of the yearread and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
3RI10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently
3RL5 Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections
(need to supplement)
3RI9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.
. / Week 1
Reading Selection:Suki’s Kimono / 3.RL.3(RJ) Compare and contrast Suki and her sisters.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RL10
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language: adjectives & articles 3.L.1a
Spelling: CVVC, CVV 3.RF3c; 3.L.2f
Week 2
Reading Selection:How My Family Lives in America / 3RI9 (RJ) Compare and contrast the traditions of 2 of the families.
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:
IA Focus: 3RI9 (compare-contrast texts); 3RI10
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10
Language: adjectives that compare 3.L1g
Spelling: homophones 3.L.4a sentence level context
Week 3
Reading Selection:Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong / 3.RL.4Explain what the author means when she wrote, “My heart beats in two places.”
Rsch.Based Core Instruction:3.RL.4 (literal/nonliteral)
IA Focus:3RL10
Writing: Narrative 3.W.3 3.W.4 3.W.5 3.W.6 3.W.7 4.W.8 3.W.10