Applied Earth Sciences

DelftUniversity of Technology

Curriculum Vitae


FULL NAME: Hans Bruining, DEPARTMENT: Geoengineering

CITIZENSHIP: Dutch (Netherlands)



Gymnasium, Eindhoven (1965)

Master: Physical Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, 1971, cum laude

Ph.D: Physical Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, 1975, Dissertation under Prof. Dr. J. van der Elsken “Elastic Relaxation of a Non-Spherical Impurity; The KI(NO3⁻) System Under Stress”


Professor of Geo-Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geosciences (2007-now)

Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (visiting professor 1.5 month / year, December 2000 - now)

DelftUniversity of Technology, Applied Earth Sciences, Associate Professor, 1991 – 2007

Guest Professor Environmental Geohydrology at the U. of Leuven (Belgium) 1-September 1997-1-September-1998.

The University of Texas at Austin, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering,Visiting Professor 1990-1991

DelftUniversity of Technology, Chemical Engineering/ Mining Engineering, Assistent Professor, 1978 - 1990

Lecturer at Dept. of Physical and Colloid Chemistry (U. of Utrecht), 1 April (1976) to 1 September (1978). Supervisors Dr. H.M. Fijnaut and Prof. Dr. A. Vrij.

Post-Doc at Dept. of Physical Chemistry (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (UK)), 1 May (1974) to 1 April (1976). Supervisor Dr.J.H.R. Clarke.


1982-94: DelftUniversity of Technology: Founder and Director of Dietz Laboratory for Petroleum Engineering

1984-89: Member of European Working Group for Underground Coal Gasification (Dutch Delegate in EEC committee)

1995-2001: Chairman of Educational Committee for the Research School CTG (Centre for Technical Geoscience).

1997-2007: Set up of a subsection Environmental Subsurface Engineering in Faculty of Applied Earth Sciences

2007-now: Professor of Geo-Environmental Engineering


Shell, Wettability modifiers

Shell, Steam induced wettability changes

TAUW, steam cleaning of polluted sites

Oranjewoud, spreading of oil spills


  1. Reward “Outstanding Technical Editor” for “SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering” (September 2001);.
  2. Reward of excellence: SPE Journal Review Chairman (October 2005);
  3. Award of Appreciation, SPE Journal, Outstanding Review Chair, (October 2005-2006)
  4. Award for “Outstanding Service” in 2007, as SPE Editorial Review Committee Member
  5. 2007 SPENORTHSEA REGIONAL TECHNICAL AWARD, for Distinguished Contribution to Petroleum Engineering in the Area of Reservoir Description and Dynamics.


Undergraduate (Master level):

Introduction in Petroleum Engineering

Base course Petroleum Geostatistics

Introduction to Reservoir Engineering

Reservoir simulation

Graduate (PhD level):

Geostatistics for heterogeneity modeling

Upscaling and stability problems of flow in heterogeneous porous media

Fundamentals of soil and groundwater remediation

Geostatistical characterization of heterogeneous structures

Enhanced Oil Recovery

External courses:

Reservoir Fluid and Heat Flow Simulation with EXCEL

Geostatistical Resource Modeling Using EXCEL

Hydrological transport processes


Society of Petroleum Engineers




Program coordinator of Spearpoint Earth; fundamental transport processes

Educational committee (member)

Scientific Committee (member)


Technical Editor, Computational geosciences, 1995--present.

Review Chairman, Society of Petroleum Engineers journal SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 1999-2005.

Review Chairman, SPE Journal, 2001-now

Organization Committee Gordon conference for flow in porous media (Aug. 1998) and (July 2004).

Member of the Arsenic Mitigation Research Foundation (AMRF) (2000-now)


Read / Written / Spoken
Dutch / Fluent / Fluent / Fluent
English / Fluent / Fluent / Fluent
German / Fluent / Understandable / Good
French / Fluent / Understandable / Good
Portuguese / Fluent / Understandable / Good
Computer / C/Fortran/Basic / Matlab/EXCEL / STARS (CMG)


  1. Prof. Dr. J. D. Jansen, Applied Geoscience, TU-Delft, Mijnbouwstraat 120, 2628 RX Delft, , Phone: 31-15-2787838, Fax: 31-15-278-1189
  2. Prof. Ir. C.P.J.W. van Kruijsdijk, Shell Canada, 4th Avenue, SWCalgary, T2P 0J4, Phone (403-691-3111),
  3. Prof. Dr. C.J. van Duijn, Rector-Magnificus of the TU-Eindhoven, Professor of Applied Analysis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, , Phone, 31-40-2472240
  4. Prof. Dr. D. Marchesin, Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Estrada Dona Castorina, 110 –Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janiero, Phone: 55-21-2529-5069 , Fax: 55-21-2529-5075


A. Refereed Archival Journal Publications

  1. Klukhuhn, A.F.W., Klootwijk, B. Van der Elsken, J. and Bruining, J.: “Electric field dependence of a hydrogen impurity mode in SrTiO3”, Phys. Rev.Lett. 25 380 (1970)
  2. Bruining, J. and Van der Elsken, J.: “Angular and radial relaxation of a crystal lattice around a non-spherical impurity; The KI(NO3) system under uniaxial stress”, Phys. Rev. B 118 5123 (1975),
  3. Bruining, J. and Clarke, J.H.R.: “Depolarized Rayleigh scattering from liquid carbonmonoxide ,nitrogen and oxygen”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 31 355 (1975)
  4. Bruining, J. and Clarke, J.H.R.: “Molecular orientation correlations and reorientational motion in liquids carbonmonoxide, nitrogen and oxygen at 77K: A Raman and Rayleigh lightscattering study”, Mol.Phys. 31 1425 (1976)
  5. Bruining, J. and Clarke, J.H.R.: “Derivation of the internal field correction factor for polarized and depolarized light scattering in a dense molecular fluid using the dipole oscillation approach”, Mol.Phys. 38 1301 (1979),
  6. Bruining, J. and Fijnaut, H.M.: “A rotational diffusion coefficient of the 70S ribosome by depolarized laser light scattering”, Biophys. Chem. 9 345 (1979),
  7. Clarke, J.H.R. and Bruining, J.: “The absolute intensity of depolarised light scattering from liquid Argon”, Chem.Phys.Lett. 80 42 (1980),
  8. Gijbels, M.R. and Bruining, J.: “Spontaneous ignition time of underground coal; Estimation from oxidation rates determined in the laboratory”, Erdöl und Kohle 35 (8) 376 (1982)
  9. Dietz, D.N., Bruining, J. and Heijna, H.B.: “Foamdrive seldom meaningful”, J.P.T. 37 921-922 (May-1985)
  10. Ronde, H, Bruining, J., Essink, J.P.O. and Maljaars, A.P.E., “Heat exchange effects during underground gasification of thin coal layers”, Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 2 (4) (1986)
  11. D. M. Boersma, J. Bruining, H. Ronde and R. A. Gotlieb, Capillary behaviour of multi-phase systems in porous media, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,Volume 2, Issues 2-3,April 1989,Pages 141-147
  12. Bruining, J., Duijn, C.J. van, and Schotting, R.J.: “Simulation of coning in bottom-water driven reservoirs”, Transport in Porous Media, 6:1,35-69 (1991),
  13. Batenburg, D.W. van and Bruining, J.: “The efficiency of filtration gasification”, In Situ, 17(4):413--437 (1993),
  14. Batenburg, D.W. van, E.N.J. Biezen, Bruining, J.: “A new channel model for underground gasification of thin deep coal seams”, In Situ; A Journal of Earth Resource Utilization, V.18, 4, p. 419-451 (1994),
  15. Lingen, P.P. van, Bruining, J. Kruijsdijk, C.P.J.W. van: “Capillary entrapment due to small-scale wettability heterogeneities”. SPE 30782. Proceedings, Volume Reservoir Engineering of 70th SPE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition; Society of Petroleum Engineers, 22-25 October 1995, Dallas, Texas, USA, 1995, p. 829-843, ibid: Capillary entrapment caused by small-scale wettability heterogeneities. SPE Reservoir Engineering, 11, 2, p. 93-99 (1996),
  16. Kuijper, R.A., Meer, Th. H. van der, Bruining, J:. “Simulation of Underground Gasification of Thin Coal Seams”, In Situ, 20 (3), p311-346 (1996),
  17. Bartelds, G.A., Bruining, J. and Molenaar, J.: “The modeling of velocity enhancement in polymer flooding”, Transport in Porous Media 26,75-88 (1997),
  18. Bruining J., Batenburg, D.W. van , L.W.Lake , Yang, A.P. : “Flexible spectral methods for the generation of random fields with power-law semivariograms”, Mathematical Geology, 29, p. 823-848 (1997) . ISSN: 0882-8182,
  19. Buu-Long Nguyen, Bruining, J., Slob, E.C., and Hopman, V., “Delineation of Capillary Transition Zone from Ground Penetrating Radar data”, SPE 36638, SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition Part Π pp 647-660, Denver, 6-9 October Denver (1996) also Published in SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering vol 1 (4) p. 319-327. ISSN: 1094-6470 (1998),
  20. Eyden, J.T. van der, Meer, Th.H. van der, Hanjalic, K. Biezen, E.N.J., Bruining, J.: “Double-diffusive natural convection in trapezoidal enclosures”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN 0017-3910, Vol. 41, nr. 31, p. 1885-1898 (1998),
  21. Waal, W.W. van der, Mikes, D. and Bruining, J.: “Inertia factor measurements from pressure-time decline curves obtained with probe-permeameters”, In Situ November, vol 22, Number 4, p 339-371 (1998), ISSN 0146-2520
  22. Mikes D., O.H.M. Barzandji, J. Bruining, and C.R. Geel, “Upscaling of small-scale heterogeneities to flow units for reservoir modeling”, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 23 (9-10) 931-942 (2006)
  23. Mikes, D. and Bruining, J., Standard flow cells to incorporate small-scale heterogeneity (crossbedding) in a reservoir model, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 23 (9-10) 979-993 (2006)
  24. Drabe, K.E. and Bruining, J.: “Derivation of Two-Phase Flow Equations in a Compressible Porous Medium”, In Situ , 55-73 (Jan 1999), ISSN 0146-2520,
  25. Buu-Long Nguyen, Bruining, J., Slob, E. and Geels, A.M.: “Measurement of DNAPL concentration with Time Domain Reflectometry”, SPE 36638, SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition Part Π , October San Antonio (1997). Published SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering (December 1999),
  26. Godderij, R.R.G.G., Bruining, J. and Molenaar, J.: “A Fast 3D Interface Simulator for Steamdrives”, SPE Journal 4 (4), December (1999),
  27. Nguyen B.L., Geels, A.M., Bruining, J., Slob, E.C: “Calibration measurements of dielectric properties of porous media”, SPE Journal, 4, p. 353-359 (1999),
  28. Bruining, J., Duijn, C.J. van, “ Uniqueness Conditions in a Hyperbolic Model for Oil Recovery by Steamdrive” Computational Geosciences” No 4, pp 65-98 (February 2000),
  29. Dekking F.M., Kraaikamp, C., Elfeki, A.M., and Bruining, J., “Multiscale and multiresolution stochastic modelling of subsurface heterogeneity by tree-indexed Markov chains”, Computational Geosciences 5 (1), pp. 47-60 (2001).
  30. Vermolen, F.J., Bruining, J. and Duijn, C.J. van, . “Gel placement in porous media: constant injection rate”, Transport in Porous Media, 44, pp. 247-266 (2001),
  31. Jiejie Huang, J. Bruining and K. -H. A. A. Wolf, Modeling of gas flow and temperature fields in underground coal fires, Fire Safety Journal,Volume 36, Issue 5,July 2001,Pages 477-489
  32. Vermolen, F.J., P.L.J. Zitha, J. Bruining; “A model for a viscous preflush prior to gelation in a porous medium”, Computing and Visualization in Science, No. 4. p. 205-212, 2002, Springer Verlag.8.
  33. Elfeki, A.M.M., Dekking, F.M., Kraaikamp, C. & Bruining, J., “Influence of fine-scale heterogeneity patterns on large-scale behaviour of miscible transport in porous media. Petroleum Geosciences”, Vol 8 (2), pp159-165 (2002).
  34. Bruining, J., Marchesin, D. and Duijn, C.J. Van, “Steam Injection into Water-Saturated Porous Rock”, IMPA-Preprint, Instituto de Matematica Pura and Applicada, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (2003), Comp. Appl. Math. 22 (3) 359-395 (2004)
  35. Bruining, J., Marchesin, D and Schecter, S., “Steam Condensation Waves in Water-Saturated Porous Rock, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems”, 5 81-106 (2004)
  36. Bruining, J. and Marchesin, D. , “Nitrogen and steam injection in a porous medium with water”, Transport in Porous Media (March 2006), 62 (3), 251-281
  37. Bruining, J.and Duijn, C.J.: “Traveling waves in a finite condensation rate model for steam injection”, Computational Geosciences (December 2006) Vol 10 (4) , 373-387
  38. Darwish, M.I.M., V. van Beek, J. Bruining, “In situ Arsenic removal using redox condition alteration: Visualization experiments”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration,Volume 88, Issues 1-3,January-March 2006,Pages 19-23
  39. Siemons, N., Bruining, J., Castelijns, H. and Wolf, K.H., “Pressure dependence of the contact angle in a CO2-H2O-coal system”, J. Coll. and Interface Science Volume 297, Issue 2, 755-761 (2006).
  40. Mazumder, S., Hemert, P van, .Bruining, J., Wolf K.-H.A.A., Drabe, K., In situ CO2–coal reactions in view of carbon dioxide storage in deep unminable coal seams, Fuel, Volume 85, Issues 12-13, September 2006, Pages 1904-1912
  41. Rossen, W.R. and Bruining, J., “Foam Displacements With Multiple Steady States”, SPE-Journal, 12 (1) pp 5-18 (2007)
  42. Bruining, J. and Marchesin, D. , “Maximal Oil Recovery by Simultaneous Condensation of Alkane and Steam”, Phys. Rev. E, third series, 75 (3) 036312 pp 1-16, 2007
  43. Uffink, G., Elfeki, A., Dekking, M., Bruining, J. and Kraaikamp, C. “A comparison of models for advection, dispersion and kinetic adsorption”, submitted to Advances in Water Resources (2007)
  44. Siemons, N., Wolf, K.H. and Bruining, J., “Interpretation of Carbon Dioxide Diffusion Behavior in Coals”, International Journal of Coal Geology,72, (3-4), pp 315-324 (2007)
  45. Wolf, K.H. and Bruining, J., “Modelling the interaction between underground coal fires and their roof rocks”, Fuel 86 pp 2761-2777, (2007)
  46. Plug, W.J., Slob, E.C., Bruining, J. and Moreno Tirado, L., “Simultaneously measured capillary pressure and electric permittivity hysteresis in multi-phase flow through porous media,”Geophysics, 72, A41-A45, 2007.
  47. Plug, W.J., Bruining, J.; Capillary pressure for the sand - CO2 - water system under various pressure conditions; application to CO2 sequestration., Advances in Water Resources,Volume 30, Issue 11,November 2007,Pages 2339-2353
  48. Plug, W., E. Slob, J. van Turnhout, and J. Bruining, “Capillary pressure as a unique function of electric permittivity and water saturation,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L13306-1- L13306-5, 2007, selected as highlight #15 of the Journal, AGU Journal Highlights—14 August 2007
  49. R. Farajzadeh, H. Salimi, P.L.J. Zitha, J. Bruining. “Numerical simulation of density-driven natural convection in porous media with application for CO2 injection projects”, Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., Vol. 50, Issues 25-26 (2007), Pages 5054-5064.
  50. R. Farajzadeh, A.Barati, H.A. Delil, J. Bruining, P.L.J. Zitha, “Enhanced mass transfer of CO2 into water and surfactant solutions”, Petroleum science and technology, Vol. 25, Issue 12 (2007) pages 1493 – 1511.
  51. Hans Bruining, “Laboratory experiments and modeling for remediation against the non-sustainable society”, Inaugural speech TU-Delft, 18 April 2008
  52. Andro Mikelic and Hans Bruining, Analysis of model equations for stress-enhanced diffusion in coal layers. Part I: Existence of a weak solution, SIAM J. Math. Anal. Volume 40, Issue 4, pp. 1671-1691 (2008).
  53. P. van Hemert, K-H. Wolf, and J. Bruining “The intrinsic reliability of manometric sorption apparatus using supercritical carbon dioxide,” accepted for publication in SPEJ.
  54. Plug, W.J., Mazumder, S., Bruining, J., Capillary Pressure and Wettability Behavior of the Coal-Carbon Dioxide-Water System at High Pressures, SPE 108161, SPE Journal, December 455-464 (2008)
  55. R. Farajzadeh, J. Bruining, P.L.J. Zitha, Comparative study of CO2 and N2 foam in porous media, accepted in Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (2008).
  56. R. Farajzadeh, Andrianov, A, Bruining, H., Zitha, P.L.J. , Enhanced mass transfer of CO2 into water: experiment and modeling, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48 (9), pp. 4542-4552 (2009).
  57. Nora B. Sutton, Geert M. van der Kraan, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, Gerard Muijzer, Johannes Bruining and Ruud J. Schotting, “Characterization of geochemical constituents and bacterial populations associated with As mobilization in deep and shallow tube wells in Bangladesh”, Water Research 43 (2009) 1720-1730
  58. Hemert, P. van, Bruining, J., Rudolph, E. S. J., Wolf, K.H.A.A. and Maas, J., Improved manometric set-up for the accurate determination of supercritical carbon dioxide sorption, Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (035103) 1-12 (2009)
  59. Hamidreza Salimi and Hans Bruining. 2010. Upscaling in Vertically Fractured Oil Reservoirs Using Homogenization. Transport in Porous Media 84 (1): 21-53.
  60. Hamidreza Salimi and Johannes Bruining, “Improved Prediction of Oil Recovery from Waterflooded Fractured Reservoirs Using Homogenization”, SPE Res Eng &Eval 13 (1) 44-55, SPE-115361-PA, (2010)
  61. Mailybaev, A.A., Bruining, J. and Marchesin, D, Filtration Combustion in Wet Porous Medium, SIAM J. APPL. MATH., Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 1157–1177 (2010)
  62. Geert M. van der Kraan, Johannes Bruining, Bart P. Lomans, Mark van Loosdrecht and Gerard Muyzer, “Microbial diversity of an oil-water processing site and associated oil field: the possible role of microorganisms as information carriers from oil-associated environments, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, accepted (2010)
  63. Salimi, H., Bruining, J.,Upscaling in Partially Fractured Oil Reservoirs Using Homogenization, SPE 125559-MS, accepted in SPE Journal (2010)
  64. Salimi, H., Bruining, J.,The Influence of Heterogeneity, Wetting, and Viscosity Ratio on Oil Recovery from Vertically Fractured Reservoirs, unsollicited paper accepted in SPE Journal (2010)
  65. P. van Hemert, E.S.J. Rudolph, J. Bruining, and K-H.A.A. Wolf, Delft University of Technology, Estimate of Equation of State Uncertainty for Manometric Sorption Experiments: Case Study With Helium and Carbon Dioxide, SPE Journal, Volume 15, Number 1, Date March 2010, Pages pp. 146-151
  66. Geert M. van der Kraan1, Johannes Bruining, Bart P. Lomans, Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht1 and Gerard MuyzerMicrobial diversity of an oil-water processing site and its associated oil field: The possible role of microorganisms as information carriers from oil-associated environments, FEMS Microbiol Ecol 71 (2010) 428–443
  67. S. Mazumder, F. Vermolen and J. Bruining, “Anomalous diffusion behavior of CO2 in the macromolecular network structure of coal and its significance for CO2 sequestration”, accepted for SPERE (2010)
  68. Wanderson Lambert,Dan Marchesin, Johannes Bruining, The Riemann solution for the injection of steam and nitrogen in a porous medium, ”, Transport in Porous Media , v. 81, p. 505-505, 2010.
  69. Hans Bruining, Mohamed Darwish, Aiske Rijnks, Computation of the longitudinal and transverse dispersion coefficient in an adsorbing porous medium using homogenization being revised for TIPM, 2011
  70. Hamidreza Salimi., Karl-Heinz Wolf., and Hans Bruining. 2010. Modeling the Closure of Thief Zones in Carbonate Reservoirs by Using Acids. Accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research.

B. Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Bruining, J. and Van der Elsken, J.: “Gapmode frequency shifts produced by uniaxial pressure”, XI European Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, Tallin, USSR, b4 118 (1973).
  2. Bruining, J., Whittle,M. and Clarke, J.H.R.: “Light scattering studies of molecular motions in glass forming liquids “, Lasers in Chemistry, London (1977).
  3. Dietz, D.N. and Bruining, J.: “Underground combustion of heavy oil; Implication for underground coal gasification”, Meded. Rijks Geologische Dienst 33 72 (1980).
  4. Dietz, D.N. and Bruining, J.: “In situ gasification with heat recuperation by cold water injection”, SPE 10187, 1-10 (1981).
  5. Dietz, D.N. and Bruining, J.: “Underground coal gasification with heat recuperation”, Geologie en Mijnbouw 61 389 (1982).
  6. Bruining, J., Van Beurden, B.C.A.M., Dietz, D.N., Heijnen, W.H.P.M. and Maljaars, A.P.E.: “UCG with liquid water and air of the deep thin coal layers in the Netherlands”, Proc. of the 9th UCG Symposium ,August 1984.
  7. Ronde, H., Bruining, J., Oude Essink, J.P. and Maljaars, A.P.E.: “Heat exchange effects during underground gasification of thin coal layers”, Proc. of the 10th UCG Symposium, Augustus 1984).
  8. Bruining, J., Dietz, D.N., Heijnen, W.H.P.M., Metselaar, G., Scholten, J.W. and Emke, A.: “Enhancement of distillation effects during steamflooding of heavy oil reservoirs”, New technologies for the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources”, Proc. 2^{nd} EC symposium Luxembourg, 5-7- December (1984) 907-913.
  9. Bruining, J., Dietz, D.N., Emke, A. Metselaar, G. and J.W.Scholten: “Improved recovery of heavy oil by steam with added distillables”, 3rd European Meeting on Improved Oil Recovery, Rome, Proc I (1985) 371-378.
  10. Bruining, J., Ronde, H. and De Kempenaer, J.G.: “Mass transfer phenomena during cavity growth”, Proc. of the 11th UCG Symposium ,Augustus 1985.
  11. Ronde, H., Bruining, J., Tajik, S. Van der Woude, R. and Boshuizen, B.: “Simplified modeling to interpret high pressure tube coal gasification results in permeable packed beds”, Proc. of the 12th UCG Symposium, September 1986.
  12. Bruining, J., Ronde, H., Boersma, D.M. and De Haas, B.T.: “Coal sample preparation and mass transfer phenomena during tunnel gasification”, Proc. of the 12th UCG Symposium, September 1986.
  13. Van den Broek, W.M.G.T., Bruining, J., Dietz, D.N. and Weijdema, J.: “Het oplossen in grondwater van radio-actief afval vermengd met glas”, Procestechnologie No 1 (1987) 29-32.
  14. Bruining, J., Herkstroter, N.M., Tajik, S., Ronde, H. and Boersma, D.M.: “Mass transfer phenomena during underground gasification of coal”, Proc. International Conference on Coal Science 26-30 Oct. (1987), Maastricht, 585-588.
  15. Bruining, J., Batenburg, D.W. van, De Haan, H.J. and Quak, R.: “The efficiency of the distillation mechanism to enhance steamdrive recovery”, 4th European Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery (Hamburg 27-29 Oct. (1987), 887-898.
  16. Kühnel, R.A., Scarlett, B. and Bruining, J.: “Analysis of particles from UCG tests for recognition of thermal conditions in underground gasification chambers”. In workshop on UCG, New Delhi, India, pp 1-8 (24-25 September 1987), Annexure 15.
  17. Palmgren, C.T.S., Bruining, J. and Duijn, C.J. van: “The beneficial effects of distillation to sweep efficiency enhancement of steam drive recovery”, New Technologies for the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources, 3rd symposium, (22-24 March 1988).
  18. Batenburg, D.W. van and Bruining, J. “Semi-steady state approximation for underground gasification of thin coal seams”, 14th Annual Underground Coal Gasification Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 15-18 (1988).
  19. Palmgren, C.T.S., Bruining, J. and Haan, H.J. de: “The effect of viscous gravity and capillary forces on the behaviour of the steam condensation front”, 5th European Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Budapest (1989).
  20. Boersma, D.M., Bruining, J. and Ronde, H.: “Capillary behaviour of multi-phase systems in porous media”, 4th European Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery (Hamburg 27-29 Oct. (1987), 183-193; ibid.