Year1/2 curriculum plan 2014/15

Autumn 1 / Autumn2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Castles / On the road to Bethlehem / 999! / Life on Earth / Toys / Playtime / Theme title
Everyday materials
Seasonal changes / Use of everyday materials (Emergency services clothes) / Identifying plants/animals
Plant/body parts
Needs of animals/offspring / Working scientifically - compare how different things move on different surfaces / Differences between living/dead/non-living
Identify common animals and plants in their habitat / Science
Use a range of materials creatively to design and make a product / Sculpture - Mother Nature-natural art / Range of artists, drawing, painting and sculpting / Art and design
Basic knowledge, understanding and skills
Explore and use mechanisms / Design, make and evaluate food suitable for emergency service workers / Design, make and evaluate a moving toy for a young child / Design and Technology
How we find out about the past
Asking and answering questions about the past / Identify seasonal and daily UK weather patterns
Use compass and map to describe location, features and route on a map / Lives of significant individuals - Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole / Name/locate the continents and oceans
Name and locate 4 countries of UK + capital cities + seas / Changes within living memory – What toys did my Grandparents play with? / Using basic geographical vocab to refer to local familiar features
Using aerial images
Using fieldwork skills / History/Geography
Basic skills
Intro to suite, keyboard, saving etc
Interactive castle websites / We are celebrating – creating a card digitally / We are storytellers – producing a talking book / We are collectors – finding images using the web / We are treasure hunters – using programmable toys / We are games testers – exploring how computer games work / Computing
What does it mean to belong? / How and why should we celebrate special times? / What do stories of Jesus tell Christians about how to live? / How and why should we celebrate special times? / Who is a Jew and what do they believe? / How do we show we care for others? / RE
Non-fiction –Labels, lists and captions
Narrative -Traditional stories with a castle setting. (Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Snow Queen) / Non-fiction –Instructions
Poetry / Narrative –Extended Stories/Significant Authors - Georges’ Marvellous Medicine / Narrative – Different Stories by the same author – The Owl that was Afraid of the Dark or Animal Stories – Dick King-Smith
Non-fiction -non chronological reports / Narrative-Stories with familiar settings
Information texts -Fact and fiction
Toy poems – Pattern and Rhyme
SATs / Non-fiction – recount (fact and fiction)
Poetry – Playtime (Poems on a theme) / Literacy
Class rules routines / Opinions, listening to others
Remembrance / Drugs medicines/Fire safety / Caring for creatures / Sharing / Going for Goals / PSHE
Medieval music
Listen with concentration and understanding / Use voices expressively and creatively
Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music / Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds / Carnival of the animals
Listen with concentration and understanding / Composition
Nutcracker suite
Make and combine sounds creatively
Play tuned and un-tuned instruments / Composition
Playground chants,
Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds / Music
Gymnastics / Multi-skills
Gymnastics / Multi skills Games
Dance / Yoga
Team Games / Dance
Team Games / Athletics
Yoga / PE
Parktake Theatre group medieval castle workshop. / Visit a quality Christmas Production / Organise parents who are doctors/nurses to visit
Visit fire station / Farm/zoo visit / Sudbury visit-Museum of Childhood
Toys from the past workshop / Darley Park visit and picnic / Enrichment

Y1/2 curriculum plan (Year 1)

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
What is it like at the seaside? / What celebrations are important to us? / What was it like in the Great Fire of London? / What is it like in Space / Why are animals amazing? / Who is coming to the Olympics? / Theme Title
Fair testing – how much water to make best sandcastle.
Ice lolly investigation-melting. / Growing older
Life Cycles-frog etc-links to Explanations in Literacy
Sort and name animals and their young
Investigation about ourselves / Sources of light
Comparinglight sources
Being seen at night – reflectors (Light and Dark)
Where do we keep fire equipment in school. / Electricity – making circuits. Children circuit with wires/real circuits in small groups. / All about animals
Differences between animals
Investigations on variation / Sound walks around school area
Investigate objects that make sound
Sound investigation using voices
Investigation into sound and distance / Science
Investigating what the seaside was like in the past, comparisons with today, features of seaside / Why do we celebrate bonfire night?Gunpowder plot / Maps of London
Fire of London
Samuel Pepys
Great Fire of London / Identify people from the past who are famous for exploring space.
Space travel using a timeline
Points of view of people who have travelled into space
research / Animal habitats and the world eg caring for animals, rainforests, WWF / Barnaby Bear continents and countries.
Explore developing countries eg India – atlases, maps.
How was it in the past when people did not have electricity?
Developing countries – how do they cope without electricity? What do they use instead? / Geography/History
Self portrait,-using range of materials
Bonfire art-string and paint pictures Christmas art activities / Observational drawing of solar system using pastels
Colour mixing – Mars –red
Clay models of aliens
3D rocket ship / Exploring patterns in other cultures eg Tartan, Aztec ,North American, other country’s writing and mark making,.
Potato patterns etc. / Art
Design a puppet – character from Punch and Judy / Design and make a birthday cake. / Making pictures with moving parts – flames, fire engines
Pop-ups, sliders etc. / Winding mechanisms
Axles, rollers, pulleys, shoeboxes – Design and make an animal home with a winding mechanism / Design and Technology
Basic skills
Intro to suite, keyboard, saving. Clicker 5 seaside sentences, design a postcard using art software, create pictograms for favourite ice cream flavour / Dazzle – Bonfire pics.
Clicker 5 –Bonfires
Labelling and classifying / Using a word bank to write about the great Fire of London.
Fire poems.
Fire safety interactive games. / Animal reports
Research into different animal characteristics. / Bee-Bots/Roamer – designing routes for Roamer and program routes.
Children think of buildings in countries studied and make their own circuit for Bee-Bots to follow. / ICT
Celebrations / Hannukah
Christmas gifts and giving / Judaism - Shabbat / Easter – getting ready (Lent) / The Bible storytelling / Christianity Places of worship / RE
Y1- unit 1 -Narrative Stories with Familiar Settings
Y1 –non-fiction unit 5 Recounts facts and fiction
Lighthouse Keepers Lunch
Katie Morag
Grace Darling / Y2-Unit 2 non-fiction Explanations – life cycle, using arrows flow diagrams etc. 3 weeks
Y1-Unit 1 – non-fiction- Labels, lists and captions / Y1- Narrative Unit 3 -Traditional and fairy tales– links with music / Y1 – Narrative unit 4 Stories about fantasy worlds
Y2 –unit 4 – non-fiction – non-chronological reports – intro.(1 week) / Y2 – unit- non-fiction Non-chronological reports (continued)
Y2 – Poetry- unit 2 – Really Looking
Y2- Unit 1- Poetry – Patterns on the page / Y1- narrative – unit 2 – Stories from a range of cultures/predictable/patterned language.
Y2 – Poetry –unit 3 – Silly Stuff / Types of Writing
Class rules, routines etc / Personal safety
Fire service / Lent, preparation / SEAL
Endangered animals - WWF / Racism
prejudice / PHSE
Seaside songs / Singing
Christmas songs / Themed with literacy- traditional and fairy tales / Space Planets sounds on keyboards, composition / Rainforest sound effects, pitch, silence / Multicultural songs listening / Music
Net/wall games / Gymnastics/Net and wall games / Dance/games / Playground games
Gymnastics / Games-playground markings
Animal dance / Athletics
Outside games-playground markings / PE
Visit from Partake
Filey trip / Artist- David Wadsworth potter/theatre visit / Fire service visitor / Visit to National Space Centre, Leicester / Visit to Twycross zoo. / Invite visitors in to talk about other cultures.. / Enrichment activities