The Stolen Party
By Liliana Heker
Before you read: Have you ever wanted something desperately but you could not afford to get it? How would you describe that feeling?
Do you think society has categories and levels of people? If so, what are they? What are they based on?
After you read: vague
1. People are treated differently based on class? How?
2. Why is Rosaura’s mother so cynical about the party?
3. The story contains a number of descriptions of people who have assumptions about others for various reasons. For example, Rosaura’s mother thinks that all rich people are liars. Senora Ines thinks all girls want a bracelet and all boys want a yo-yo. What are these assumptions commonly referred to as?
What other kinds of these assumptions are there in the society in which we live.
Indicator / AssumptionEx: Jocks / Stupid, insensitive, aggressive, only care about sports
4. Even though Rosaura’s mother did not want her daughter to go to the party, she made sure her dress was starched and her hair was shiny. Why?
5. Rosaura’s mother tells her daughter if anybody asks; to say she is the daughter of an employee. Why?
6. Create a character sketch of Rosaura. Skim the story and look for examples(include the page number)of the following :
Her responses to othersHer actions
Her opinions
What is your opinion of Rosaura? What do you like or dislike about her?
7. Go back and re-read the final paragraphs in the story. How do previous incidents in the story become ironic?
8. In this story, what do the two one dollar bills symbolize or stand for?
9. The author describes the relationship or moment between Senora Ines and Rosaura as an “infinitely delicate balance.” What does this mean? Do you think it is an appropriate description?
10. What is the theme of this story?
Writing Assignment: A : An interior monologue is all about character and voice. It's about knowing your character so intimately that you know his or her innermost thoughts. You want to capture the emotion of the character so it is important to use powerful descriptive words and emotive language.
Write an interior monologue describing what Rosaura felt and thought as she stood close to her mother, when her “eyes had a cold, clear look that fixed itself on senora Ines’s face.
Writing Assignment B: An opinion piece offers the writers views, insights, and experiences or it may offer suggestions on how to deal with certain issues. In some opinion pieces, the writer gives a personal view of an issue, by talking about their experiences and why they are involved in the particular issue. An opinion piece often attempts to influence or inform, by compelling the audience to gain understanding by thinking about things in new and insightful ways.
Using your own experiences, the story, the questions below and the class discussion as a catalyst for your own insights, write an opinion piece about serotypes.
What are your views on stereotypes? Why do they exist? Is there any validity to them? Are all stereotypes bad? Do we lose or gain by buying into them? Do you have any stereotypical views that you are aware of? When are they helpful? When do they become dangerous?