작성일 / 2008-06-12
수업명 / 전기전자컴퓨터 응용 실험
조 교 / 권 태환
이 름 / 심 호기
학 번 / 32011671



1bit Full Adder
1.VHDL Source : half_adder.vhd

entity half_adder is

port(a, b : in bit;

c, s : out bit);

end entity half_adder;

architecture arch_adder of half_adder is


s <= a xor b;

c <= a and b;

end architecture arch_adder;

2.VHDL Source : full_adder.vhd

entity full_adder is

port(a, b, cin : in bit;

cout : out bit;

sum : out bit);

end entity full_adder;

architecture arch_adder of full_adder is

component half_adder is

port(a, b : in bit;

c, s : out bit);

end component;

signal s1st, c1st, c2nd : bit;


adder_1st :

half_adder port map(a, b, c1st, s1st);

adder_2nd :

half_adder port map(s1st, cin, c2nd, sum);

cout <= c1st or c2nd;

end architecture arch_adder;

3.Screen shot : Functional simulation waveforms

4.Screen shot : Timing simulation waveforms


8bit Ripple Carry Adder

1.VHDL Source : half_adder.vhd

entity half_adder is

port(a, b : in bit;

c, s : out bit);

end entity half_adder;

architecture arch_adder of half_adder is


s <= a xor b;

c <= a and b;

end architecture arch_adder;

2.VHDL Source : full_adder.vhd

entity full_adder is

port(a, b, cin : in bit;

cout : out bit;

sum : out bit);

end entity full_adder;

architecture arch_adder of full_adder is

component half_adder is

port(a, b : in bit;

c, s : out bit);

end component;

signal s1st, c1st, c2nd : bit;


adder_1st :

half_adder port map(a, b, c1st, s1st);

adder_2nd :

half_adder port map(s1st, cin, c2nd, sum);

cout <= c1st or c2nd;

end architecture arch_adder;

3.VHDL Source : RCA.vhd

entity RCA is

port ( x_in, y_in : in bit_vector(7 downto 0);

c_in : in bit;

sum_out : out bit_vector(7 downto 0);

c_out : out bit);

end entity RCA;

architecture arch_adder of RCA is

component full_adder is

port ( a, b, cin : in bit;

cout, sum : out bit);

end component;

signal c_inner : bit_vector(0 to 6);


adder_0 :

full_adder port map (x_in(0), y_in(0), c_in, c_inner(0), sum_out(0));


for i in 6 downto 1 generate

adder_1to6 :

full_adder port map(x_in(i), y_in(i), c_inner(i-1), c_inner(i), sum_out(i));

end generate;

adder_7 :

full_adder port map (x_in(7), y_in(7), c_inner(6), c_out, sum_out(7));

end architecture arch_adder;

3.Screen shot : Functional simulation waveforms

4.Screen shot : Timing simulation waveforms


Binary to Seven Segment Converter

1.VHDL Source : SevenSegment.vhd

entity SevenSegment is

port(S_in : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);

S_out : out bit_vector(6 downto 0);

S_carry : out bit);

end entity SevenSegment;

architecture behav of SevenSegment is

component bin2bcd

port(a : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);

b : out bit_vector(3 downto 0);

c : out bit);

end component;

signal s_inner : bit_vector(3 downto 0);


converter1 :

bin2bcd port map (S_in(3 downto 0), s_inner(3 downto 0), S_carry);

S_out <= "1111110" when (s_inner = "0000") else

"0110000" when (s_inner = "0001") else

"1101101" when (s_inner = "0010") else

"1111001" when (s_inner = "0011") else

"0110011" when (s_inner = "0100") else

"1011011" when (s_inner = "0101") else

"1011111" when (s_inner = "0110") else

"1110000" when (s_inner = "0111") else

"1111111" when (s_inner = "1000") else

"1111011" when (s_inner = "1001") else


end architecture behav;

2.VHDL Source : bin2bcd.vhd

entity bin2bcd is

port(a : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);

b : out bit_vector(3 downto 0);

c : out bit);

end entity bin2bcd;

architecture behav of bin2bcd is




case a is

when "1010" => b <="0000"; c<='1';

when "1011" => b <="0001"; c<='1';

when "1100" => b <="0010"; c<='1';

when "1101" => b <="0011"; c<='1';

when "1110" => b <="0100"; c<='1';

when "1111" => b <="0101"; c<='1';

whenothers => b <= a; c<='0';

end case;

end process;

end architecture behav;

3.Screen shot : Functional simulation waveforms

4.Screen shot : Timing simulation waveforms


Button SW 7seg conv.

1.VHDL Source : SW2bin.vhd

entity SW2bin is

port(SW : in bit_vector(15 downto 0);

CnvtoBin : out bit_vector(3 downto 0);

Com : out bit_vector(7 downto 0));

end entity SW2bin;

architecture behav of SW2bin is


CnvtoBin <= "0001" when (SW = "1000000000000000") else

"0010" when (SW = "0100000000000000") else

"0011" when (SW = "0010000000000000") else

"0100" when (SW = "0001000000000000") else

"0101" when (SW = "0000100000000000") else

"0110" when (SW = "0000010000000000") else

"0111" when (SW = "0000001000000000") else

"1000" when (SW = "0000000100000000") else

"1001" when (SW = "0000000010000000") else

"0000" when (SW = "0000000001000000") else

"1010" when (SW = "0000000000100000") else

"1011" when (SW = "0000000000010000") else

"1100" when (SW = "0000000000001000") else

"1101" when (SW = "0000000000000100") else

"1110" when (SW = "0000000000000010") else

"1111" when (SW = "0000000000000001") else

"1111";-- 버튼 2개 눌림 등의 입력은 False 로 출력

Com <= "11111111" when (SW = "0000000000000000") else


endarchitecture behav;

2.VHDL Source : Button2Sevensegment.vhd

entity Button2Sevensegment is

port(S_in : in bit_vector(15 downto 0);

S_out : out bit_vector(6 downto 0);

Com_out : out bit_vector(7 downto 0));

end entity Button2Sevensegment;

architecture behav of Button2Sevensegment is

component SW2bin

port(SW : in bit_vector(15 downto 0);

CnvtoBin : out bit_vector(3 downto 0);

Com : out bit_vector(7 downto 0));

end component;

signal s_inner : bit_vector(3 downto 0);


converter1 :

SW2bin port map (S_in(15 downto0), s_inner(3 downto 0), Com_out(7 downto 0));

S_out <= "1111110" when (s_inner = "0000") else

"0110000" when (s_inner = "0001") else

"1101101" when (s_inner = "0010") else

"1111001" when (s_inner = "0011") else

"0110011" when (s_inner = "0100") else

"1011011" when (s_inner = "0101") else

"1011111" when (s_inner = "0110") else

"1110000" when (s_inner = "0111") else

"1111111" when (s_inner = "1000") else

"1111011" when (s_inner = "1001") else

"1110111" when (s_inner = "1010") else

"0011111" when (s_inner = "1011") else

"1001110" when (s_inner = "1100") else

"0111101" when (s_inner = "1101") else

"1001111" when (s_inner = "1110") else

"1000111" when (s_inner = "1111") else

"1001001";-- 이 표시가 나오면 안됨

end architecture behav;

3.Screen shot : Functional simulation waveforms

4.Screen shot : Timing simulation waveforms

5.Programming 결과

지난번에 만든 BCD to 7Segment 를 개조해서 SW to 7Segment를 만들어 보았다. 버튼을

1개 누를 때, 해당 버튼에 해당하는 숫자, 문자가 출력되게 하였으며, 만약 버튼이 1개

이상으로 눌릴 경우에는 ‘F’ (false)를 출력하도록 했다.


4bit Up&Down Counter

1.VHDL Source : Switch.vhd

Library ieee;

Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

Entity switch is

port(rst : in std_logic;

clk : in std_logic;

d_in : in std_logic;

d_out : out std_logic);

End entity switch;

Architecture arch_switch of switch is


process(rst, clk)

variable d_in_sig : std_logic;


if rst = '1' then

d_out <= '0';

d_in_sig := '0';

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

if d_in = '1' and d_in_sig = '0' then

d_out <='1';

else d_out <='0';

end if;

d_in_sig := d_in;

end if;

end process;

End architecture arch_switch;

2.VHDL Source : counter_4bit.vhd

Library ieee;

Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

Entity counter_4bit is

port(rst : in std_logic;

clk : in std_logic;

inc : in std_logic;

dec : in std_logic;

cnt_out : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));

End entity counter_4bit;

Architecture arch_counter of counter_4bit is


process(rst, clk)

variable cnt : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);


if rst = '1' then

cnt := "0000000";

cnt_out <= (others => '0');

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

if inc = '1' then

cnt := cnt + 1;

elsif dec = '1' then

cnt := cnt - 1;

end if;

cnt_out <= cnt;

end if;

end process;

End architecture arch_counter;

3.VHDL Source : UpnDown_Counter.vhd

Library ieee;

Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

Entity UpnDown_Counter is

port(rst_t : in std_logic;

clk_t : in std_logic;

inc_btn : in std_logic;

dec_btn : in std_logic;

cnt_out_t : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));

End entity UpnDown_Counter;

Architecture arch_counter of UpnDown_Counter is

component switch

port(rst : in std_logic;

clk : in std_logic;

d_in : in std_logic;

d_out : out std_logic);

end component;

component counter_4bit

port(rst : in std_logic;

clk : in std_logic;

inc : in std_logic;

dec : in std_logic;

cnt_out : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));

end component;

signal in_inc : std_logic;

signal in_dec : std_logic;

signal in_bin : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

signal in_bcd : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);


input_inc :

switch port map (rst_t, clk_t, inc_btn, in_inc);

input_dec :

switch port map (rst_t, clk_t, dec_btn, in_dec);

inc_dec :

counter_4bit port map (rst_t, clk_t, in_inc, in_dec, in_bin);

cnt_out_t <= in_bin;

end architecture arch_counter;

4.Screen shot : Functional simulation waveforms

5.Screen shot : Timing simulation waveforms



1.VHDL Source : Watch.vhd

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity watch is

port(clk : in std_logic;

rst : in std_logic;

hour10 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

hour1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

min10 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

min1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

sec10 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

sec1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));

end entity watch;

architecture arch_watch of watch is


process(clk, rst)

variable vhour10 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

variable vhour1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

variable vmin10 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

variable vmin1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

variable vsec10 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

variable vsec1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);


if rising_edge(clk) then

if rst = '1' or vsec1 = "1001" then

vsec1 := "0000";


vsec1 := vsec1 + 1;

end if;

sec1 <= vsec1;

if rst = '1' or (vsec10 = "0101" and vsec1 = "0000") then

vsec10 := "0000";

elsif vsec1 = "0000" then

vsec10 := vsec10 + 1;

end if;

sec10 <= vsec10;

if rst = '1' or (vmin1 = "1001" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000") then

vmin1 := "0000";

elsif vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000" then

vmin1 := vmin1 + 1;

end if;

min1 <= vmin1;

if rst = '1' or (vmin10 = "0101" and vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000")then

vmin10 := "0000" ;

elsif vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000" then

vmin10 := vmin10 + 1;

end if;

min10 <= vmin10;

if rst = '1' or

(vhour10 /= "0010" and vhour1 = "1001" and vmin10 = "0000" and vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000") or

(vhour10 = "0010" and vhour1 = "0011" and vmin10 = "0000" and vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000") then

vhour1 := "0000";

elsif vmin10 = "0000" and vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000"


vhour1 := vhour1 + 1;

end if;

hour1 <= vhour1;

if rst = '1' or (vhour10 = "0010" and vhour1 = "0000" and vmin10 = "0000" and vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 = "0000")then

vhour10 := "0000";

elsif vhour1 = "0000" and vmin10 = "0000" and vmin1 = "0000" and vsec10 = "0000" and vsec1 ="0000" then

vhour10 := vhour10 + 1;

end if;

hour10 <= vhour10;

end if;

end process;

end architecture arch_watch;

2.Screen shot : Functional simulation waveforms

3.Screen shot : Timing simulation waveforms