Mime Cards
The idea behind mime cards is that you experience being part of the action first hand, but that you are directed by the narrative, therefore this activity is good at the start of a lesson or unit as it low anxiety.
TASK – to dramatise the prologue in pairs using mime. The rules are therefore to not use speech, and in this instance to only mime the physical action and not use any actual bodily contact.
Within each pair there will be one person labelled a and one person labelled b. There are 4 cards and you should read the action for your person when you are asked to, and follow the direction for the mime on the cards.
Card 1 / Card 1Person a
Lie as if asleep but with eyes open. Sense that someone is nearby and in the room but do not move. / Person b
Enter the room with the sleeping person. Ensure you are not being seen by keeping to the sides of the room.
Card 2 / Card 2
Person a
Jump up suddenly as you have just been attacked-your face as been cut! Look around as you do not know who, or where your attacker is. Guard yourself and be wary. / Person b
Hide in the shadows, waiting for your moment to attack again. Slowly, raise your sword above your head and prepare for battle.
Card 3 / Card 3Person a
Notice the ninja hiding in the shadows and raise your sword to attack.
As you are kicked, fall down clutching your chest as you are doubled in pain. / Person b
Anticipate an attack, spin round and (mime!) kick your opponent in the chest.
Card 4 / Card 4
Person a
You are on the floor, dazed and confused and cannot move. You try opening your mouth to cry for help but realise that you cannot speak. Your body is numb and you cannot see.
You are struck for one fatal last blow. / Person b
Hide back into the shadows. Observe your victim checking that he is not moving and that you are not being seen. Move over to the shadows towards him. Take one fatal last blow and drive your sword into his body (mime!).