Product Model #:
Model Description:
Kit RTR Z Scale N Scale HO Scale On30 Scale
Inspection Date:
Inspector Name:
Inspector Phone:
Inspector NMRA #:
Inspector Email:
Submitter’s Name:
Manufacturer Name:
Submitter’s Address 1:
Submitter’s Address 2:
Submitter’s City: / State/Province:
Submitter’s Country: / Zipcode:
Submitter’s Telephone: / FAX:
Submitter’s Email:
Copyright © 2010, National Model Railroad Association, Inc.Revision April 28, 2010 Page 1 of 6 pages
1A) Typeof Locomotive / Power Unit (check one)
Steam / Length / Width / HeightDiesel / Prototype
Self-Powered / Model
1B) Prototype Representation
Is this model a reasonable representation of the prototype? Yes No1C) Model Characteristics
Painted? Yes NoPrimary Construction Material?
Wood Plastic Resin Brass
Copyright © 2010, National Model Railroad Association, Inc.Revision April 28, 2010 Page 1 of 6 pages
Locomotive Inspection Form
2) S-9 Electrical
Is this a model that utilizes power from the rails? Yes No For what:
If this model utilizes power through the rails, complete the table below:
Power Source / Supported / Vmin / Vmax / Vmax Tested / Integrated Controller Provided / Optional Controller SupportedAC / Yes / No / OK / Yes / Yes
DC / Yes / No / OK / Yes / Yes
If Vmim and/or Vmax are NOT documented by the manufacturer, write “NS” in the Vmin/Vmax columns above.
Standard S-9 Electrical provides certain requirements for two-rail equipment running on direct current, DC. If this locomotive or powered equipment is not powered via DC, check the box to right:
Skip the rest of this section and continue with Section 3.
Standard S-9 Electrical and associated Recommended Practices make reference to “Right Hand Rail”. The term “Right Hand Rail” means the rail to the right of the observer standing between the rails with his/her back to the front of the locomotive.
For these next checks, please connect a DC model railroad power pack to a short section of track. If the Power Pack has both DC and AC terminals, ensure that you connect theDC terminals of the power pack to the rail. Also be certain that you can identify to which rail the positive (+) potential is connected.
Identify Power Pack used (Manufacturer & Model #):
If you have a locomotive with an interface socket (e.g., for plugging in a DCC decoder) in it, you will need to have a DC shortingplug installed in order to run this test. Place the locomotive on the track with the right hand side of the cab on the right hand rail. If the power pack has a Forward/Reverse switch, move the switch to the Forward position.
Apply power. Does the locomotive move in a forward direction? Yes No
Now move the switch to the Reverse position.
Apply power. Does the locomotive move in the backward direction? Yes No
Does varying the voltage/current alter the speed of the locomotive? Yes No
Notes:3) S-2 Couplers
Check where any couplers are installed on the model: Front Back Type:
Check if couplers are included in the box but not installed: Front Back Type:
If provided, check color of the provided couplers: Black Rust Other Color:
If not provided, is a coupler pocket provided? Yes No Description:
If not provided, are mounting holes for coupler provided? Yes No For what coupler:
If provided, check if metal couplers? Front Back
Does model have metal couplers? Front Back
If model has metal coupler, check if couplers are insulated from rest of model: Front Back
If model includes coupler, coupler pockets, or coupler mounting holes, are
couplers at correct height? Front: Yes No Back: Yes No
Identify gauge or tool used to check coupler height:
Notes:S-4 Wheels
Does the model include wheel sets? Yes No
Proto Fine
If Yes, indicate applicable wheel standard:
Std Deep
Z / Proto:220
Fine: Z
Std / 0.236” (max) / 0.218” (min) / 0.053” (min) / NC / 0.020” (max) / NC
N / Proto:160
Fine: N / 0.336” (max) / 0.323” (min) / 0.051” (min) / 0.013” (max) / 0.017” (max) / 0.349” (max)
Std / 0.323” (max) / 0.297” (min) / 0.071” (min) / NC / 0.022” (max) / NC
HO / Proto:87 / 0.621” - 0.623” / 0.609” – 0.613” / 0.064” – 0.069” / 0.012” – 0.014” / 0.012” 0.014” / 0.633” – 0.640”
Fine: HO / 0.613” (max) / 0.581” (min) / 0.086” (min) / 0.025” (max) / 0.023” (max) / 0.638” (max)
Std / 0.605” (max) / 0.566” (min) / 0.108” (min) / NC / 0.028” (max) / NC
S / Proto:64 / 0.845” – 0.849” / 0.828” – 0.834” / 0.087” – 0.092” / 0.017” – 0.019” / 0.017” – 0.019” / 0.862” – 0.873”
Fine: S
Std / 0.839” (max) / 0.800” (min) / 0.108” (min) / NC / 0.030” (max) / 0.093” (max)
Deep / 0.777” (max) / 0.705” (min) / 0.172” (min) / 0.065” (typ) / 0.093” (max) / NC
On30 / Proto: 87
Fine: HO
Std / 0.605” (max) / 0.566” (min) / 0.108” (min) / NC / 0.028” (max) / NC
Note: If cell is empty or NC, there is no criterion
In the table below, start with the leading wheel-set on the locomotive as wheel-set #1. On steam locomotives, remember to inspect the tender wheel-sets as well and record the results following the locomotive wheel-sets.
*Alternatively, standard S-4 dimensions may be checked using an NMRA or NMRA-approved Standards Gauge (indicate Pass/Fail in the table above, and indicate what gauge was used in the NOTES area below.
Measurement / Wheel-Axles Measured(inches) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Wheel Check Gauge (K) (B+T)
Back to Back (B)
Flange Width (T)
Flange Depth (D)
Measurement / Wheel-Axles Measured
(inches) / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Wheel Check Gauge (K) (B+T)
Back to Back (B)
Flange Width (T)
Flange Depth (D)
If YES, are the wheels insulated from the axles: One Both
Notes:5) S-7 Clearance
Standard S-7 Clearances provides guidance on clearances for cars and locomotives. The silhouette of a clearance gauge actually checks for clearances of structures, bridges, tunnels and platforms based on AAR data. The S-7 Clearance Gauge, whether incorporated into the NMRA Standards Gauge (Type I) or a separate stand-alone Clearance Gauge, is suitable for use for most rolling stock, except for modern cars such as double-stacks and tri-level auto carriers. S-7 Clearances are intended for tangent (straight) track and/or very broad curves.
Will this model pass unobstructed through the area specified by the S-7 Clearance Gauge for this scale?
Yes No
Identify gauge used for this check:
6) RP-25 Wheel Contour
RP-25 provides for a recommended wheel contour for optimum track holding ability and most prototypical appearance within the interchange limits of Standard S-4.
Does this manufacturer claim on their packaging and/or documentation or other published materials that this model’s wheels have RP-25 Wheel Contours?
Yes No
7) RP-9.1.1 Electrical Interface & Wire Color Code
7A) RP-9.1.1 provides recommended color assignments for manufacturers of model locomotives hat use wires to connect power pickups to loads (motors and/or lights). Certain of these are applicable to all locomotives while others are applicable if the locomotive includes certain features. Remove the shell of the locomotive and complete the checklist below.
Does the locomotive use wires in the connection of the power pickup to loads? Yes No
If NO, ski Section 7B below. If YES, complete the table below.
RP-9.1.1Color / Wire Connection
Exists in Loco
(Y or N) / If Exists,
Color used in
Locomotive / Matches
From Right Hand Rail power pickup to motor or interface / Red / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
From Interface to Motor Brush (+) connected to Right Hand Rail (1) / Orange / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
From Left Hand Rail power pickup to motor or interface / Black / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
From Interface to Motor Brush (-) connected to Left Hand Rail (1) / Gray / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
Front Headlight(s) Power Sink / White / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
Rear headlights(s) Power Sink / Yellow / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
Common (+) Headlight(s) / Function(s) Power Source / Blue / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
Common (-) Power Sink / Black w/
White Stripe / Yes No / N/A RedOrangeBlackGrayWhiteYellowBlueBlack/WhiteOther / Yes
Note: Provide only when an interface is built in the locomotive
7B) RP-9.1.1 provides recommended specifications for Electrical Interfaces (referred to as Interfaces in this document) that are sockets or plugs. The RP provides for 3 different Socket Interfaces (Small, Medium, and Large), and one Plug Interface that may be used in locomotives. Please indicate if this locomotive contains any of the following Interfaces:
Locomotives Includes: Small Socket Medium Socket Large Socket JST Plug
Packaging includes Pictogram for: Small Socket Medium Socket Large Socket
Locomotives providing a Socket Interface may offer a basic service interface with the
minimumconnections, or may offer an extended service interface with additional
connections. For those providing an extended interface, the locomotive manufacturer
should provide documentation that clearly shows which connection is wired to which
built-in equipment. In addition, the manufacturer’s extended interface should be designed
in such a way tat it is possible to insert a basic service plug only in those socket holes
corresponding to the basic service socket. If the locomotive includes a socket interface,
complete the section below:
Locomotive Includes: Basic Interface Extended Interface
Is Pin 1 on the Interface socket clearly marked (e.g. triangle, number 1, etc.)? Yes No
If an Extended Interface is included:
a)Does the manufacturer include documentation indicating what built-in equipment is connected to each pin on the extended interface? Yes No
b)Does the manufacturer’s socket allow a basic service interface to be connected? Yes No
If Yes, how?
c)Does the manufacturer clearly mark the basic interface pins on extended interface other than by the indication o Pin 1 (e.g. a box around the basic interface socket holes)? Yes No
7C) If the locomotive has a Socket Interface, complete the appropriate Socket Test below. Otherwise skip this section.
CAUTION! CAUTION! Before executing either the Small or Medium Socket Test Procedures, you need to determine the voltage(s) that is/are supplied to any lamps in the locomotive. DCC decoders generally provide track voltage to the lamps, unless specially configured. Please consult the documentation provided by the manufacturer to determine the voltage of the provided lamps. If you do not find the voltage of the lamps documented, you need to measure the voltage using a VOM. Failure to perform this check prior to the Socket Test procedure creates substantial risk that when the decoder is installed and the lights turn on, the lamps will instantly burn out due to track voltage being supplied when the lamps are designed for a lower voltage. If lamps designed for less than track voltage are installed, for the “DCC Test” in the Socket Test Procedure, you wither must use a DCC decoder that supports and is configured for the lower voltage prior to installation, or you must replace the low voltage lamps with lamps designed for track voltage (e.g., Miniatronics 12V, 14V, or 16V lamps) prior to installing the decoder.Record the voltage for the lamps in the space below and indicate whether the voltage(s) is documented or measured.
Voltage(s)Documented Measured
Small Socket Test Procedure
To be supplied – Contact NMRA C&I Program Chair for assistance if this procedure is required.
Medium Socket Test Procedure
Test / Procedure / Expected Result / Passor Fail
Analog Test
(forward) / Place the locomotive with shorting plug
installed on a section of analog powered
(DC) track with positive voltage on the
right hand rail / Locomotive should move away from the tester
and headlight in the direction of travel (if it exists)
should be lit. / PassFail
Analog Test
(reverse) / Place the locomotive with shorting plug
installed on a section of analog powered
(DC) track with positive voltage on the
left hand rail / Locomotive should move toward the tester
and headlight in the direction of travel (if it exists)
should be lit. / PassFail
Pin #8 Test / With power to the track turned off, connect
an ohmmeter between Pin #8 and the right
hand rail / The ohmmeter should indicate that there is a
direct connection between Pin # 8 and the right
hand rail / PassFail
Pin #3 /
Pin # 7
Test / With power to the track turned off, connect
an ohmmeter between Pin #3 and Pin #7 / The ohmmeter should indicate that there is no
connection between Pin #3 and Pin #7. A
connection should only be measured if the
locomotive supports Function 1 (F1) and then
the ohmmeter reading should only represent the
F1 load. / PassFail
DCC Test / Install a DCC decoder that has been
previously checked and has wires to all eight
pins. Caution: Use care to ensure that the
orange wire on the decoder is aligned with
Pin #1. Turn on the DCC system and instruct
the locomotive to move forward. / Locomotive should move in the direction the
manufacturer desires to be the forward direction.
Decoder Used (Mfg/Model)
/ PassFail
The decoder should be able to independently
control FL(f), FL(r) and F1. If it exists, turn
on FL(f) (also known as F0(f) or forward
headlight) / If it exists, the desired forward headlight as
specified by the manufacturer should illuminate. / PassFail
Instruct the locomotive to move backward
and if it exists, turn on FL(r) (also known as
F0(r) ) / If it exists, the desired rear headlight as
specified by the manufacturer should illuminate
and the locomotive should move forward / PassFail
If F1 exists, turn on F1 / The extra function, if it exists, should turn on. / PassFail
Test / Install a DCC decoder that supports Analog
mode. Make sure the analog mode is
enabled in CV29. Place the locomotive with
decoder installed on an analog powered
(DC) track with positive voltage on the
right hand rail. / Locomotive should move away from tester and
the headlight in the direction of travel (if it exists)
should be lit.
Decoder Used (Mfg/Model) / PassFail
Note: If the locomotive includes a decoder, the decoder needs to be run through a series of baseline tests using the procedures described in “NMRA DCC Decoder Test, User Manual” by Ken West and a thorough exercise of all the functions and features of the decoder. Please contact the NMRA Chairman, C&I Group for additional information.
10) Additional Notes:
I certify that I inspected the model indicated, and accurately recorded the results of my inspection on this document.
Inspector’s Signature:
Copyright © 2010, National Model Railroad Association, Inc.Revision April 28, 2010 Page 1 of 6 pages