Notes for Interns
We really appreciate your offer to volunteer at The Stitching Project.
We are based just outside Pushkar, in Rajasthan, India, at the edge of the Thar Desert.
Our workers are mainly rural, home based women in the surrounding areas.
Whilst Pushkar is a tourist mecca and known hippy haven, the surrounding rural areas are true village life and quiet traditional and conservative.
We feel we need to make a list of observations about how we operate in our area as well as helpful hints for living in the developing world.
We will need to formulate a plan between us for your visit taking note of:
- Proposed dates of visit
- What you would like to offer during your internship
- What do we have to offer you?
- How will you get here?
- Accommodation etc are ta your expense, lunch and chai each day in the workshop
Notes on Pushkar
Pushkar is Holy Place for Hindu people, and it strictly vegetarian, no alcohol.
Pushkar is a Hindu pilgrimage town, with nearly 400 temples, where regular pujas (prayers) create the town's episodic soundtrack of chanting, drums and gongs, and devotional songs are often booming out from crackling speakers. The town wraps around a holy lake, said to have appeared when Brahma dropped a lotus flower. It also has one of the world's few Brahma temples. The little island on the lake is said to be the location from which Brahma went ontocreate the whole Universe.
Please note all of the ghats [ steps] leading down to the water’s edge are sacred. If you wish to walk upon them – please remove your shoes. Respect people’s privacy as they worship at this Holy Lake. No photographs.
An early morning walk around the Lake is lovely and peaceful.
Sometimes a problem….
This is a very holy spot and it is considered most beneficial to be blessed with these waters. In fact it is said a blessing with these waters can wash away all your bad Karma, ….unfortunately there are some who are actively building up their own bad karma hassling tourists.
Say no to any one offering you flowers in the street or offering to perform a blessing for you.
If you would like a blessing head up to the Gandhi ghats on the far side of the lake to the side of town we come in, there is a Brahmin school there and you are more likely to come across a real priest. Your hotel or we can arrange an introduction to a pleasant priest if you would like. Anyone performing blessings is of the right caste to do so, just some are much more pushy than others.
Set a price for the blessing before you start and don’t let anyone hassle you into more. [ in situations like this I usually have 100 Rp in one pocket so I can pull it out and say this is all I have- take it or leave it!]
At the workshop, our home or the village
Workshop hours-
9-6 Thursday to Tuesday. Closed Wednesday.
Lunch is served everyday
Chai Tea as sweet as you like served during the day
Quality water filter here for drinking water.
Appropriate Dress is fairly conservative
- females at least calf length dress/pants/skirt, shirt/ top NOT low cut, singlet type. A scarf thrown over shoulders often worn.
-males longer shorts or pants. Short sleeve shirt.
We have made a conscious decision to be fairly conservative in our behaviour in village situations as it makes our women and their families more relaxed. We are friendly and business like; we do want to try and blend into our community as much as we can rather than be seen as ‘foreigners’.
Interns especially females are kind of carrying the flag for education and a wider world outlook, we would really appreciate your understanding.
We often host student groups from University of Technology Sydney, They make such an impact on our girls and their families as they are young women, getting an education and travelling far away from home to work on it. We encourage our visitors to bring samples of their work to show, and make sure we pass on gossip of what you are studying.
Appropriate Behaviour-You will be associated with The Stitching Project even if you are staying in Pushkar.
If you behaviour is inappropriate, or attracting the notice of authorities it does reflect seriously back on us. Anyone acting within the law will have no problems at all with authorities but inappropriate behaviour is seriously treated.
We are careful to distance ourselves from foreigners’ holiday partying, this type of thing does not go well with conservative village people, they are quiet shocked.
We expect a commitment on your part to keep any partying for after your time in Pushkar.
- It is very important to arrange Comprehensive Travel Insurance to cover the whole time of your trip.
- Please make sure you cover personal accident, medical expenses, repatriation if injured or taken ill and losses if you need to cancel your trip
Passports and Visas
- Passports need to be up-to date and valid for the 6 months after the trip.
- Participants are responsible for this.
- Please obtain a TOURIST VISA- there is no remuneration for your work, you are not employed, you are here in the capacity of a tourist to look and see.
Medical matters
- Participants are responsible for obtaining medical advice to suit their needs before travel. It is suggested you consult your GP before departure and have with you enough items to cover all your medical needs during your stay OS.
- You are fully responsible for obtaining adequate medical advice and implementing it before the trip.
- There are good local doctors if you have any problems
Good Health Practices.
- Sturdy, comfortable footwear, India can be a bit rough on the feet, scratches can become infected.
- Drink a lot of water- edge of the desert environment is dehydrating- you will get headaches and stomach upsets. 3 litres per day at least of bottled water, workshop and farm house has quality water filters installed, fill up there if you like.
- Our summer time [April to July] can see temperatures stay in the 40’s for weeks at a time. Monsoon- hopefully July to September, humid, 30’s some rain storms in a good year. Winter [December to February]- nights are very cold, days around 20’C.
Kayef Stitching Project LLP will endeavour to make your stay with us fruitful, enjoyable and informative as we can, we are happy to share our experience and advice both as a business and as people living and working in rural India.
Kayef Stitching Project LLP assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage to property or baggage or for any injury, illness or death or for any damages or claims however caused arising directly or indirectly from accidents, loss or damage to person or property, delays, transport failure, strikes, wars, terrorism, and uprisings or acts of God etc over which Kayef Stitching Project LLP has no control.
Please read the notes carefully, if you feel you care comfortable with our requests and the waiver
Please sign and date a copy of this form and forward it to us
Our very best wishes
Fiona and Praveen