Minutes of Meeting

Educational Subcommittee

A meeting of the Educational Subcommittee was held at the office of Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers on -

Thursday, November 20, 1997 at 9:30 A.M.

The following members were present -

Ms. Maria Walsh Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation

Mr. Dave Bartlett Premier Insurance Company

Mr. Andrew Fink Premier Insurance Company

Ms. Susan McGuirl Hanover Insurance Company

Mr. Don Cann Metropolitan Property & Casualty

Representative Producer –

Mr. James Doherty Doherty Insurance Agency

Also present were -

Mr. Bill Kelleher Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation

Mr. Bob Hallinan Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation

C.A.R. Staff -

Mr. Robert Bell Claims Manager

Ms. Susie Almonte Winters Claims Analyst

Minutes of Meeting November 20, 1997

Educational Subcommittee Page 2


97.55  Educational Subcommittee

Ms. Walsh called the meeting to order. The subcommittee discussed possible dates for the seminars. It was decided that the seminars will be in May. The two locations were discussed and it was also decided to keep them as is because they are easily accessible and very accommodating. Ms. Winters would check the locations for available dates. Ms. Walsh asked if anyone had any topics for this year’s seminars.

Ms. McGuirl asked Mr. Bell what kind of feedback he received from the prior seminar. Mr. Bell informed the committee that last year’s attendees would like to continue seeing information on fraud, and also on physical damage and accident reconstruction. They would also like to see information on how appraisers can help to fight fraud. Mr. Bell also stated that it was noted that the attendees enjoyed being involved in the seminars and the practicality of the case.

Next the subcommittee discussed topics for the 1998 Cost Containment Seminars and Ms. Walsh said that this seminar could focus on appraisals and physical damage and then move into the medical area with a chiropractor. Ms. McGuirl suggested taking a case and building it to a bodily injury claim. Mr. Cann then suggested having a low impact segment. Ms. McGuirl said that having an appraiser, an RN and an attorney would all be good tools. It was also decided that having a mini tradeshow on the Internet may be a good idea. Mr. Bell suggested that Ms. Gedziun handle any portion of the seminar involving the Internet.

Fees were discussed and it was determined that they would stay at $25 for early registration and $30 for late registration and at the door.

The subcommittee members were assigned to the following contacts for the next meeting:

Valerie Gedziun Internet Information

Susie Winters Locations

Bob Bell Medical Review

Don Cann Accident Reconstructionist

Bill Kelleher/Bob Hallinan Accident Reconstructionist

Sue McGuirl Medical Review

Andrew Fink Attorney

Dave Bartlett Nurse

Maria Walsh Guest Speaker

Minutes of Meeting November 20, 1997

Educational Subcommittee Page 3

The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 10:30 AM.

There being no further business Mr. Doherty made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bartlett seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Susie Almonte Winters

Claims Analyst

Boston, Massachusetts

November 25, 1997