Born 1949 Poland
1992 Offered Australian Residency As A Distinguished Painter
Lives and Works in Tasmania
1991 Associated Professor in Fine Arts
1985 PHD Fine Arts
1977 Graduates At The Faculty Of Painting, Graphic Art And Sculpture [Dist.]
At Academy Of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland.
Master Degree In Fine Arts- Painting And Graphic Art,
Teaching Position [Drawing Studio] At The Academy.
Solo exhibitions
2013 The Studio Colville Gallery, Hobart
2012 New Works Colville Gallery, Hobart
Realistic Paintings Soho Galleries, Sydney
2011 Colours Colville Gallery, Hobart
The Fragments Arifakt Gallery, Deloraine
2010 Entry Soho Galleries, Sydney
Recent Paintings Chapman Gallery, Canberra
2009 Past Glory The Salamanca Collection Gallery, Hobart
Empty Art Images Gallery, Adelaide
2008 Check Point Chapman Gallery, Canberra
2007 Realist Paintings Soho Galleries, Sydney
Cities Delshan Gallery, Melbourne
2006 Windows The Salamanca Collection Gallery, Hobart
Past Recalled Chapman Gallery, Canberra
2005 Studies And Sketches The Salamanca Collection Gallery, Hobart
Return Maria Perides Gallery, Brisbane and Soho Galleries, Sydney
2004 Light The Salamanca Collection Gallery, Hobart
The Journey Maria Perides Gallery, Brisbane
2003 Metropolis Chapman Gallery, Canberra and Soho Galleries, Sydney
2001 Passage Chapman Gallery, Canberra
2000 Heat Soho Galleries, Sydney
Shine Despard Gallery, Hobart
1999 Blue Street Chapman Gallery, Canberra
Maze Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts, Brisbane -
1998 The City Despard Gallery, Hobart
1997 Places Chapman Gallery, Canberra and Michel Sourgnes Fine Arts,
1996 Dreamer Gallery Two, Launceston
1995 Nostalgia Chapman Gallery, Canberra
The Web Of Magic Solander Gallery, Canberra
1994 Private Movie Gallerie D" Art Kay a, Bruxelles, Belgium
1993 Salon Des Arts Gallery in Novotel Bayside, Melbourne
Private Movie Part II and III Swing Bridge Art Gallery, Dunalley
1992 Quarter To Four Swing Bridge Art Gallery, Dunalley
1991 Raumbilder Ehemaligen Synagogue, Hemsbach, Germany
Interiors Gallerie D'Art Kay a, Bruxelles, Belgium
Des Paysages Francois Gallerie Les Ateliers, Paris, France
Bwa Arsenal -City Gallery, Poznan, Poland
1989 Wattletree Gallery, Melbourne
1987 Bwa Arsenal-City Gallery, Poznan, Poland
1980 Nova Gallery, Poznan, Poland
1978 Museum Of Gorzow, Poland
Selected group exhibitions
2012 Winner Alan Gamble Memorial Art Prize- Mosman Art Prize, Sydney
2011 6th Annual Artists Show Colville Gallery, Hobart
Hutchings Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart
2010 5* Annual Gallery Artists Exhibition, Colville Gallery, Hobart
2009 Summer Eclectic Exhibition, The Salamanca Collection Gallery,
Cigar Boxes Show, Artifakt Gallery, Deloraine
2008 10 Years Of Artifakt Gallery, Deloraine
Summer Eclectic Exhibition, The Salamanca Collection Gallery,
Winter Eclectic Exhibition-Music, The Salamanca Collection Gallery,
2007 Art Sydney, Premier Art Fair, Sydney
2006 The Winnowing Of The Grain, Red Wall Gallery, Hobart
The ltfh Festival Of Polish Visual And Performing Arts-Abode Exhibition,
Bond Store At The Tasmanian Museum And Art Gallery, Hobart
2005 Artifakt In November, Artifakt Gallery, Deloraine
2004 The 9th Festival Of Polish Visual And Performing Arts, Parlament House,
Sydney, Argyle Stores Gallery,Sydney
2003 The Fringe Exhibition, Tasmanian Craft Fair, Artifakt Gallery, Deloraine
Island Art Prize, Stanley, Tasmania
Urban Realism, Soho Galleries, Sydney
2002 ArtSingapore The Contemporary Asian Art Fair, with Soho Galleries,
Australian Contemporary Art In Singapore, Australian High Commission
Melbourne Art Fair, with Despard Gallery,Hobart
We Are Australian, Touring Exhibition, Victorian Art Centre, Melbourne,
2001 We Are Australian, Touring Exhibition, Switchback Gallery, Monash Uni.
2000 Melbourne Art Fair, with Despard Gallery, Hobart
We Are Australian, Touring Exhibition, The Immigration Museum,
Melbourne, Volvo Gallery, Sydney, Adelaide Festival Centre,
Canberra Museum, Hamilton Art Gallery, Tasmanian Museum And
Art Gallery, Hobart
1998 Sixth Contemporary Art Fair, Melbourne Royal Exhibition Building
Festival Of Polish Visual Arts, National Gallery Of Victoria, Melbourne
1996 Homage To Masaccio, University Of Tasmania, Hobart
Daniel Chodowiecki Stiftung, Drawing Prize, Kunst Akademie, Berlin,
Fifth Australian Art Fair, Melbourne, with Gallery Two, Launceston
1992 Chair Indulgence, Salon Des Arts And Craft, Melbourne
1986 Polish Contemporary Painting Festival, Szczecin Zamek, Poland
1985 Metaphor In Polish Painting, Museum And Art Gallery, Koszalin, Poland
1984 New Realism In Polish Art, Schwed Kunsthalle, Germany
1983 Young Artist From Poznan, Museum Of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1981 Fantasy And Metaphor, Touring Exhibition, Polish Embassies in Austria,
Hungary and Bulgaria
19 7# International Triennial Of Drawings, Wroclaw, Poland
Young Figuration From Poznan To Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Awards and scholarships
2012 Winner- Alan Gamble Memorial Art Prize, Mosman Art Prize, Sydney
2003 Highly Commended, Island Art Prize, Stanley, Tasmania
1996 Highly Commended, Circular Head Arts Festival, Tasmania
1994 Highly Commended, Trust Bank Art Award, Tasmania
1985 Fellowship, Polish Council For The Arts
1980 Award, Spychalski Prize Exhibition, Poznan, Poland
1979 Fellowship, Polish Council For The Arts
1978 Award- Prints, Wroniecki Prize, Poznan, Poland
Award- Drawing, Wroniecki Prize, Poznan, Poland
Award- Painting, Attitudes-Krakow Prize, Poland
1977 Scholarship, Polish Council For The Arts
Selected commissions
1996 Udo Ditter GMHB &CO, Haslach, Germany
1995 Aust-Netherlands Chamber Of Commerce, Hobart
1994 Execuitive Relocation South-East Asia, Melbourne
Celebrate Tasmania Committee, Hobart
1993 Tasmanian Of The Year Committee, Hobart
1989 Endo Japan, Melbourne Office
1988 Blackburn & Lockwood, Melbourne
1982 Museum Of Polish Army, Poznan- Portrait Of Gen.Kutrzeba,
September 1939 Pictures
1988-91 Frescos Reconstruction In Baroque Church, Boleslawow, Poland
1986-87 Sculptures Renovation, Baroque Church, Boleslawow, Poland
1985 Renovation Of Presbytery And Paintings, Baroque Church,
Gieraltow, Poland
1982-84 Interiors,Frescos, Sculptures And Pictures Renovation And
Reconstructions In Baroque Church And Cloister, Horyniec, Poland
Selected publications
"Art Interview" Online Magazine, "Realist Paintings" By Robert Kennedy,
October 2007
"Jerzy Michalski- Selected Reviews-Australia", Booklet By Spot Print. Brisbane
April 2009
Mercury, Hobart, March 1993, November 1994, December 1995, August 1998,
September 2000, December 2001, September 2004, May 2009, February 2011
"Life On The Edge" Peter Adams Blog, February 2011
The Canberra Times, February 1995, June 1995, July 1997, September 1999,
July 2001, October 2003
Antiques & Art In Victoria, April 2007
4RPH Radio, Brisbane- Interview with Brenda Gale, June 2005
Brisbane News, May 2004
Antipodes- New York, June 2004
"Jerzy Michalski-The Artist" Film Doc. By Roman Liszka, Independent
Production, Gorzow, Poland, 2000
The Dictionary Of Biography- Polonia, PWN, Poland 2000.
"Latarnik" Polish TV Art Program, 1998,1999
National Gallery Of Victoria Exhibition Program 1997-98
Australian Art Collector, Issues 3,21,24,25,28,29,32
The Courier Mail, Brisbane, August 1997
The Review, Brisbane, September 2007
Craft Arts Internatinal, Issue 38, October 1996
Who's Is Who Of Australian Visual Artists- Thorpe Second Edition
Artlink, Vol. 14, Nr 1,1994
Ideart News-Paris, January 1994
The Bulletin News Weekly- Bruxelles, December 1993
Academy Of Fine Arts In Poznan, ASP Press-1989
Fine Art In Poznan, Publishing House, Poland 1987
Lexicon Of Polish Artists- Polish Academy Of Science 1978-94
Anu Collection Canberra
Parlament House Collection Canberra
The Tamar Collection Lounceston, Tasmania
Rolf Ditter Collection Haslach, Germany
Academy Of Fine Arts Poznan, Poland
Department Of Education And Arts Warsaw, Poland
National Museum And Art Gallery Gdansk, Poland
Silesia Museum And Art Gallery Katowice, Poland
Museum And Art Gallery Koszalin, Poland
Museum And Art Gallery Radom, Poland
Natinal Museum Of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
City Art Gallery Poznan, Poland
City Art Gallery Konin, Poland
City Art Gallery Leszno, Poland
City Art Gallery Bielsko Biala, Poland
Private Collections in USA, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland,
Austria, Bulgaria, Unated Kingdom, Hong Kong, China, Poland, Australia,
New Zealand, Japan, Argentina, Bolivia,