Accessing reports in REX
- PC users must use Internet Explorer (IE) to properly view REX reports. Mac users must use Firefox. In other browsers you may open reports, but results will not be shown.
- If off-campus, you will need to sign on to before running any REX reports.
- Go to the REX home page
- In the Authorized Users Only area of this web page, select ‘Guided Reports’
- Enter “ad\your username“ and password (Use your myUMBC username and password) . If experiencing problems, be sure that you have added “ad\” before your username.
The page you are now seeing is what we refer to as ‘Home’. We have grouped the reports into folders on this page. The top of the page will show breadcrumbs as you navigate through the folders.
Some reports will run when you open them and others require you to select variables from each of the parameters before you click on ‘View Report’ to get the report.
The parameter ‘Version’ allows users to query the data based on a specific day during the term. For instance all official reporting for student enrollment is based on a snapshot taken “Day 10” and is called version ‘Begin Term Census’. The version ‘Current Snapshot’shows the data as of the close of business (COB) of the prior day.
If looking for OIR reports that areon the OIRweb site, go to the folder ‘Census Data’. All of this data is on the version ‘Begin Term Census’.
To export report data, select the icon and then the desired format (Excel, PDF,etc)
The folder ‘Data Administration’ is a good source to see reports about some of the data in REX. Some useful reports in this folder include
- Plan Metadata - the rollups of plans to organizations to colleges, and other attributes
- List of Reporting Organizations by College – what organizations are within your college
- List of Subjects by Reporting Organization – what subjects are within your organizations
- My Report History – a list of the reports YOU have run most often or most recently. A link to this report is also available from the REX web site, on the right side.
If you have questions about the reports or the data. On the REX web site, under the Getting Help tab, select ‘Submit an RT ticket’
Data warehouse – Data is copied every night from systems like PeopleSoft, into a form that is easier for reporting.
REX – name of UMBC’s data warehouse reporting environment. It is short for Report Exchange.
Guided Reports – pre-defined reports that the REX team has developed and allows the user to select variables to query on. These reports can also be referred to by the software used to write the reports, ‘Reporting Services’.
Exploratory Reports - Advanced users, with additional training, can explore the data to create their own reports. These have also been referred to as “Proclarity”, which is the name of the software.