Seeley Scrapbbok #1 covers dates from 1945 through 1981. Proper names are in all capital letters and places are in upper and lower case letters.
1961 Baraboo High School Class, 54
40 et 8, 19, 20, 28
4345 DeVolis Parkway, Madison, WI, 19
442 North Sherman Avenue, Madison, WI, 25
4713 Armistice Lane, Madison, WI, 16
4857 Clover Lane, Madison, WI, 14
4-H leader, 23
4-H, 27
4th degree Knights of Columbus, 30
A & W Root Beer stand, 20
A&W Root Beer Stand, Stoughton, WI, 32
A. Ringling Theater, 16
AARP (A.A.R.P.), 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 41, 45, 46, 51, 52
ABELMAN, Carrie , 19
ABELMAN, James, 19
ABELMAN, Ralph S., 19
ACCOLA, Ida Mae, 48
Accounting Department, 49
Adams County Memorial Hospital, 14
Adams Friendship, WI, 49
ADAMS, Dorothy, 40
ADAMS, George Jr., 40
ADAMS, James, 40
ADAMS, John, 40
ADAMS, LeRoy, 40
ADAMS, Milton, 40
ADAMS, Mrs. Clem, 10
ADAMS, Russell C., 40
ADAMS, Steve, 46
Adams, WI, 7, 35
Advent Christian Church, Baraboo, WI, 5, 11, 24, 28, 30, 33, 41
Advent Community Church, 27
Advertising agency, 38
Advisory Board of University of Wisconsin, Sauk County Campus, 44a
Aerospace Workers Lodge 1406, 17
Aetna Life and Casualty Co., 14
AHRENSMEYER, Mrs. Howard, 25
Al Malaikah Shrine, 27
Al Ringling Theater, Baraboo, WI, 1, 36
Al Ringling, 18
ALAND, Edmund, 30
ALAND, Gladys W., 30
ALAND, Jerome J. (Bud), 30
ALAND, William M., 30
Alaska, 39
ALBERT, Donald, 24
ALBERT, Grant S., 24
ALBERT, James, 24
ALBERT, Mrs. Vernon, 15
ALBERT, Raymond, 24
ALBERT, William, 24
ALBERTS, Mrs. William (Marilyn), 26
ALBERTUS, Lettie, 8
ALBRECHT, Charles, 25
ALBRECHT, Ernest H., 25
ALBRECHT, Harold, 25
Albuquerque, NM, 5, 22, 45
Alder Avenue, 560 Delavan, WI, 20
Alderman, 42
ALEXANDER, Mrs. Edward (Dorothy), 22
ALEXANDER, Mrs. Gerald (Mary), 29
ALEXANDER, Mrs. Kenneth (Hannah), 36
ALEXANDER, Mrs. Thelma, 51
Alexandria, VA, 53
Alhambra, CA, 22, 29
ALLEY, Clay H., 17
ALLEY, Elaine, 17
ALLEY, Elizabeth, 17
ALLEY, Mrs. Roger (Frances), 35
ALLEY, Roger, 17
Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity, 35
Altar Sodality, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Baraboo, WI, 48
Altpeter Bottling Works, 3
Amateur Radio Operator, 44c
Ambulance Driver, 45
America, 9
American Automobile Association, 50
American Cancer Society, 15, 19, 25, 31, 38, 39, 43, 50
American Citizen, 53
American Football League, 17
American Institute of Banking, 6
American Legion Auxiliary, 20
American Legion Post 172, 50
American Legion Post 26, Baraboo, WI, 21, 22, 42
American Legion Post, Baraboo, WI, 37
American Legion, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28, 31, 36, 39, 40, 45, 52
American Legion, Delavan, WI, 20
American Legion, WI Dells, WI, 24
American Revolution, 13
American State Bar Association, 28
Americana Nursing Home, Madison, WI, 28
Amery, WI, 19, 48
Anchorage, AK, 43
ANDERSON, Chris, 24
ANDERSON, Harold, 32
ANDERSON, Mrs. Arthur (Nilde), 23
ANDERSON, Mrs. Don (Virginia), 19
ANDERSON, Mrs. Donald E. (Virginia), 25
ANDERSON, Mrs. Ethel, 25
ANDERSON, Mrs. Gladys, 13
ANDERSON, Mrs. J. E., 5
ANDERSON, Mrs. Kevin (Linda, 47
ANDERSON, Mrs. Russell (Betty), 21
ANDERSON, Pastor J. P., 6, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33, 39, 42, 44a, 45, 50, 53
ANDERSON, Reverend Charles, 32
ANDERSON, Ronald, 32
ANDERSON, Stella A., 53
ANGELL, Douglas, 38
ANGELL, Milton, 38
ANGELL, Mrs. Russell, 38
ANGELL, Russell (Bill), 38
ANGLE, Denman, 51
ANGLE, Glen R. (Pat), 51
ANGLE, Rolley, 51
ANKENBRANDT, Mrs. Louis, 9
ANSTETT, Mrs. Gerald (Irene), 33
Antigo, WI, 29
Apache Junction, AZ, 43
Apostolate, 38
Appleton, WI, 36, 38, 49
Appraiser, 42
ARGYLE, Alfred A., 4
Arizona, 11
Arkdale, WI, 41
Arlington, VA, 42
ARMBRUSTER, Dewey A., 43
Armed Forces, 5
Army hospital, 17
Army, 35
ARNAR, Doris, 40
ARNDT, Mrs. Ethel, 24
ARNER, Doris, 29
Arneson – Olson Funeral Home, 10
Arthritis Foundation of WI, Dane County, Unit, 11
Arthritis Foundation, 47, 49
Ash, 1409 Baraboo, WI, 42
Assembly of God Church, 32
Assistant Manager, 34b
ASTLE, Betty G., 46
ASTLE, Robert, 53
Atascadero, CA, 27
Athletic director, 17
Atlanta, GA, 16, 18, 44a
Attendant, 45
Attic Angel Nursing Home, Madison, WI, 39
Attic Angels Tower, Madison, WI, 39
Auditor, 36
Augusta, GA, 18
Augusta, WI, 10
Aurora, CO, 20
Aurora, IL, 5, 12, 27
Austin, MN, 31
AUSTIN, Mrs. Amol (Della), 22
AUSTIN, Mrs. Della, 35
AUSTIN, Mrs. Emil, 15
AUSTIN, Rev. James, 54
Austin, TX, 46
Auto Accident, 45
Auto Body Repair Shop, 20
Auto Mechanic, 16, 42
Auto Salesman, 52
Automobile business, 16
Automobile dealer, 13
Auxiliary of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 4
Avon Park, FL,
B. C. Ziegler Co., 43
B. P. O. E., Baraboo, WI, 12, 19, 20
B.A.A.P., 23
B.P.O.E. 688 (Baraboo Elks), 19, 22, 24, 25, 33, 37, 39
B’nai B’rith, Madison, WI, 39
Baca Raton Community Hospital, 31
Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP), 24, 26, 33, 34
Badger Lodge 345 F. and A.M., 34b
Badger Ordinance Plant, 38
Badger Ordnance Works, WI, 5, 17, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 41, 51
Badger, SD, 24
BAER, Sophie, 53
BAILEY, Floyd, 3
BAILEY, Mrs. Earl, 7
BAILEY, Mrs. James (Mary), 43
BAILEY, Violet, 41
Bailiff, 22
BAIR, Harold S., 53
BAKER, Sue, 33
BAKER, William, 31
BALFANZ, Mrs. Adlynn, 47
BALL, Mrs. Ray (Leola), 50
BANNAN, Mary, 47
BANNER, Edward M., 23
Baptist Church, North Freedom, WI, 38
Baraboo (WI) Masonic Blue Lodge, 35
Baraboo AARP organization, 20
Baraboo Artists League, 47
Baraboo Business College, 17
Baraboo Church of God, 20, 36, 37
Baraboo Circus Barracks of WWI Vets, 22
Baraboo City Assessor, 12
Baraboo City Policeman, 26, 51
Baraboo Common Council, 42
Baraboo Country Club, 44a, 46
Baraboo Country Club, Baraboo, WI, 19, 35, 38
Baraboo Elks Club, 16, 21, 30, 34b, 35, 36, 37, 39, 51
Baraboo Elks Lodge, 13, 15
Baraboo Expansion Board, 46
Baraboo Expansion Corporation, 19
Baraboo F&A No. 34, 21, 25, 42
Baraboo High School Athletic Fund, 29
Baraboo High School, 13, 20, 43, 44c, 45, 47, 51
Baraboo Jaycees, 54
Baraboo Kiwanis Club, 16, 39, 44a
Baraboo Lion’s Club, 39, 46
Baraboo Manufacturers Association, 44a, 54
Baraboo Masonic Club, 30
Baraboo Masonic Lodge Consistory, WI, 35, 46
Baraboo Merchants Baseball Team, 38
Baraboo National Bank, Baraboo, WI, 25, 33, 39, 48
Baraboo News Agency, 45
Baraboo News Republic, Baraboo, WI, 1
Baraboo Nursing Home, 21
Baraboo Park Board, Baraboo, WI, 6
Baraboo Police and Fire Commission, 37
Baraboo Police Department, 19
Baraboo Public Library, 49
Baraboo Savings & Loan Association, 42
Baraboo School Board, 35
Baraboo School System, 48
Baraboo Seventh Day Adventist Church, 47
Baraboo Sportsman’s Club, 51, 53
Baraboo Tent and Awning, Baraboo, WI, 27
Baraboo VFW, 11
Baraboo Volunteer Fire Dept., 21
Baraboo Water Commission, 44a
Baraboo Water Department, 19, 21
Baraboo, WI, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 , 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33, 34a, 34b, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44a, 44b, 44c, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Baraboo’s 21, 33, 36,
Baraboo-U.W. Campus Commission, 35
Barber, 51
BARCLAY, Pastor Russell, 49
BAREBO, Rev. Donald, 15, 20
BARKER, Edward J., 33
BARKER, Felix, 33
BARKER, Fitzhugh, 33
BARKER, Paul, 33
BARKER, Walter, H., 33
BARKLEY, Wilbur, 1
BARNES, Gladys, 28
BARRETT, Estle, 6
BARRETT, Mrs. Charles, 34b
Barrington, IL, 4
BARRON, Ezra, 43
Base Veterinarian, 51
BASSETT, Arthur, 3
BASSETT, Hollis P., 20
BASSETT, Katherine, 7
BASSETT, Viola, 7
BASSETT, William, 7
BASTIAN, Mrs. Edward, 4
BASTON, Mrs. Avon, 15
BATCHLOR, Mrs. Duwayne (Debbie), 46
BATES, J. T. , 1
Battle Creek, MI, 9, 33
BATTLES, Earl J., 16
BAUER, Pearl M., 39
BAUMBACH, Reverend Ralph F., 32
BAUMGARTEN, Alexander, 41
BAUMGARTEN, Delores, 41
BAUMGARTEN, Edward, 41
BAUMGARTEN, Gilbert, 50
BAUTCH, Mrs. Robert (Susan), 30
BAXTER, Lillian, 23
BAYER, Alfred (Pete), 45
BAYER, Alfred, 21
BAYER, Darlene, 21
BAYER, Fred, 45
BAYER, George J., 45
BAYER, Gertrude, 45
BAYER, Henry, 21, 45
BAYER, Mrs. Alfred (Mattie), 33
BAYER, Walter F., 21
Bayfield, WI, 47
BEARDSLEY, Mrs. Karl, 19
BEASTER, Mrs. Michael, 7
Beatrice, NE, 52
BEAVER, Flora, 34
BEHAN, Evelyn, 45
BEHNKE, Durlin, 36
BEHNKE, James, 36
BEHNKE, Mrs. Donald (Helen), 38
BEHNKE, Norma, 31
BEHNKE, Walter H. (Boom), 36
Belgium, 18
BELL, Arthur, 7
BELL, Clark, 7
BELL, Kenneth, , 7
BELL, Lester, 7
BELL, Mona, 7
BELL, Mrs. Faye, 10
Belleville, WI, 10
BELLOWS, Glen F., 16
BELLOWS, James A., 22
BELLOWS, James, 16
BELLOWS, Mrs. Glen, 11
BELLOWS, Mrs. James (Ella), 37
BELLOWS, Mrs. Leota, 28
Beloit Vocational School, 32
Beloit, WI, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 35, 44a, 52
BELTON, Grover, 16
BELTON, Paul, 16
Belvidere, IL, 27, 43
BENDER, Mrs. Eugene (Vera), 47
BENYO, Mrs. George (Vivian), 38
Benzies Fuel Company, 23, 35
BENZIES, Sandra, 35
BENZIES, William Jr., 35
BERG, Andrew, 34b
BERG, Elmer J., 34b
BERG, Esther, 37
BERG, Mrs. Alice, 19
BERGEMANN, Lavita B., 48
BERGMAN, Lucille, 14
BERGMANN, Louise, 9
BERKAN, Mrs. Florence, 24
Berkley Addition, Baraboo, WI, 16
BERKLEY, Bernard H., 17
BERKLEY, E. E., 13
BERKLEY, Edgerton E., 16
BERKLEY, Esther, 13
BERKLEY, Gladys, 13
BERKLEY, Mrs. Edgerton (Vi), 27
BERKLEY, Mrs. Ellen , 12
BERKLEY, Ralph E., 13
BERKLEY, Rosemary, 13
BERKLEY, Tyler, 13
BERKLEY, Wilber, 1
BERNHARD, Bernice, 28
BERNHARD, Clayton, 42
BERNHARD, Gilbert, 42
BERNHARD, Theodore L., 42
BERRETH, Albert, 41
BERRETH, Andrew, 41
BERT, Violet, 34b
BESSEY, Alton (Bud), 15
BESSEY, Mrs. Martha, 15
BESSEY, Mrs. Martha, 7
Beth El Temple, 39
Beth Israel Center, 39
Beth Israel Center, Madison, WI, 39
Bethany Evangelical Free Church, 8
Bethany Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 53
Bethlehem, PA, 14
Betsy Ross Ice Cream Parlor, Baraboo, WI, 3
BETTINGER, C. J. (Slim), 1
Betty Crocker Magazine , 27
BEYER, Rev. Bruce, 42
BEYER, Rev. Bruce, 52
BEZANSON, Mrs. Marshall, 27
Big Red Club, 44a
Billings, MT, 25
BIMEL, Mrs. Clyde (Irene), 50
BINFELD, Tamara, 35
BINFELD, Walter, 35
BINFIELD, Connie, 35
BINGHAM, Mrs. Mabel, 47
Birch, 1015 ,Baraboo, WI, 49
BIRDICK, Harriet , 48
BIRDSELL, Mrs. Roger (Katherine), 7
Birmingham, MI, 11, 38
BISCH, Arthur, 33
BISCH, Fred A., 33
BISCH, Helen, 33
BISCH, Leo A., 33
BISCH, Lt. Col. Fred (Tim), 33
BISCH, Roy, 33
BIWERSI, Carson J., 24
BIWERSI, Conrad, 24
BIWERSI, S. M., 24
BIWERSI, Viola, 24
Black Hawk, WI, 16, 22
Black River Falls, WI, 28, 45
BLACK, Mrs. Ruby,
BLACK, Mrs. Ruby, 12
Blackhawk Cemetery, 39
Blacksmith, 24
BLAHA, Mrs. John (Emma), 32
BLAIR, Mrs. Jennett, 17
BLASER, Mrs. Frank (Darleen), 30
BLASKA, Max, 41
BLEEKER, Mrs. Dorothy, 38
BLOOD, Mrs. Eugene (Jean), 29, 40
Bloomer, WI, 42
Blue Lodge, 25, 28, 31
BLUNT, Mrs. Howard, 43
Board of Directors, Baraboo National Bank, 46
Boaz, WI, 47
BOCK, Mrs. Robert (Sally, 35
Body Shop Operator, 24
BOEHM, Mrs. Hazel, 24
BOGAN, Lulu, 4
BOLGRIHN, Mrs. Pat, 34
BOLZ, Emma, 20
BONHAM, Mrs. Linda, 43
BONNELL, Cindy, 45
BONNELL, Eva, 28
BONNELL, Lorene, 28
BONNELL, Mrs. Lester (Beatrice), 28
Bookkeeper, 17
Bookkeeper, 45
Booneville, MO, 25
BORCK, Carl, 46
BORCK, Mrs. Lewis, 15
BORCK, Vera, 46
Bordeau, France, 19
BORKENHAGEN, Mrs. Floyd (Dorothy), 51
BORN, Fred, 46
Boscobel, WI, 21, 43
BOSSARD, Mrs. Pearl, 28
Boston, MA, 53
BOWEN, Mrs. Mitchell (Bonnie), 53
Bowsers Tavern, Lynn Street, Baraboo, WI, 36
BOXRUD, Rev. David, 20
BOYD, Alfred, 19
BOYD, Bruce, 19
BOYD, LaVerne, 19
BOYD, Lester, 19
BOYD, Mary, 19
BOYD, Thomas, 19
Boynton Beach, FL, 32
Bozeman, MT, 18
BPOE 688, 44a
Bradenton, FL, 25
BRADLEY, Emma, 23
Bradley, IL, 47
BRAIM, Mrs. Lillian, 38
BRANCEL, Mrs., 36
BRAUN, Daisy F., 23
BRAUN, James V., 23
BRAUN, Leon E., 23
BRAUN, Mary, 23
BRAUN, Mrs. Leon, 33
BRAUN, Mrs. Verlyn (Violet), 47
BRAUN, Robert C., 23
BRAUN, Robert E., 23
BRAUN, Willis H., 23
BRENNAN, Francis M., 47
BRENNAN, Mrs. Eugene (Dorothy), 9
BRETSCH, Mrs. Wayne (Lila), 22
BRIGGS, Beulah, 7
BRIGGS, Dwaine, 44c
BRIGGS, Edith, 44c
BRIGGS, Harry M., 44a
BRIGGS, Reginald, 7
BRIGGS, Rev. Alvin, 21
Briggsville, WI, 4
BRIGHAM, Gladys M., 31
BRIGHAM, Grace, 31
BRISCOE, Lawrence E., 24
BRISCOE, Mrs. Jane, 20
Bristol, VT, 1
Brodhead, WI, 41
Brookfield, WI, 21, 33
Brookland, WI, 41
BROOKS, Mrs. Gerald (Donna), 36
Brooksville, FL, 53
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Baraboo, WI, 4, 10, 18
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, 16, 42
BROTHERSON, Mrs. Shirley, 33
BROTHERSON, Shirley, 39
BROWN, Alba C., 51
BROWN, Fern Dell, 51
BROWN, Frederica, 51
BROWN, Mrs. Arlie, 9
BROWN, Mrs. James (Marlene), 35
BROWNING, Mrs. William, 18
Brownsville, TX, 26
BRUENIG, Mrs. Lee, 15
BRYNING, Lennace, 41
BUBLITZ, Alma, 36
BUCHANAN, Mrs. Neil, 10
BUCHOLTZ, Blanche, 32
BUCHOLTZ, Gustave, 32
Bucyrus, OH, 50
BUELOW, Deborah, 19
BUELOW, Duey, 39
BUELOW, Harley, 39
BUELOW, Mrs. Dewey (Doris), 19
BUELOW, Reuben H., 39
BUELOW, Rosella, 38
BUGBEE, Mrs. Edna, 31
Building Committees, 42
Building Maintenance Contractor, 53
BUMGARNER, Mrs. DeWitt, 12
BUMGARNER, Mrs. Evelyn, 52
BUMP, Alma, 38
BUMP, Arthur M., 11
BUMP, Earl, 11
BURCKHART, Mrs. Chester (Nellie), 30
BURCKHART, Mrs. Robert (Margaret), 30
BURKE, Mrs. Tom (Mary), 36
Burlington, WI, 23
BURMESTER, Mrs. Jack (Dorothy), 48
BURMESTER, Shirley, 30
BUROS, Addie, 10
BUROS, Ann, 10
BUROS, Clayton, 10
BUROS, Elton V., 10
BUROS, Lester, 10
BUROS, Robert, 10
BUROS, Roy, 10
Bus Coordinator, 26
Business Administrator, 34b
Butler, WI, 23
Butte, MT, 39
Butter Maker, 31
Butterfield Cemetery, 41
BUTTERFIELD, Chester, 19
BYE, Pastor Wayne, 26
C. W. Hawes & Co., Inc. Egg Business, 34b
CABRERA, Mrs. Isaac (Kay), 20
CADY, Mrs. Kenneth (Judy), 34
CAFLISCH, Dean, 42
CAFLISCH, Elizabeth, 42
CAFLISCH, Everett N., 42
CAFLISCH, Frank, 42
CAFLISCH, Glenn, 42
CAFLISCH, Gordon, 42
CAFLISCH, Mrs. Anthony, 6
CAFLISCH, Mrs. Louise, 20
CAFLISCH, Mrs. Norma, 36
CAFLISCH, Neil, 42
CAFLISCH, Roger, 42
CAHOON, Claude, 29, 40
CAHOON, Horace, 24
CAHOON, Ivan ATiny@, 17
CAHOON, James, 24
CAHOON, Mrs. Wilbur D., 29
CAHOON, Ora, 40
CAHOON, Paul, 24
CAHOON, Wilber, 40
CAHOON, Wilbur D. (Bud), 29, 40
Caledonia Methodist Cemetery, WI, 13
Caledonia, IL, 38
Caledonia, WI, 23
Calgary, Canada, 11
CALIAS, Peter N., 36
California, 6, 15
CALKINS, Mrs. Nancy, 17
Calvary Cemetery, Reedsburg, WI, 48
Cambridge, WI, 48
Camp Gray, 19
Camp Springs, MD, 31
CAMPBELL, Clifford, 20
CAMPBELL, Mrs. Ruth Olive, 20
CAMPBELL, Robert, 20
Canada, 13
CAPAUL, Stan, 7
CAPENER, LeRoy (Jr?), 51
CAPENER, LeRoy R., 51
CAPENER, Mrs. Lloyd, 5
CAPENER, Ruth, 51
CAPENER, Wilbur, 51
CAPITO, Mrs. Elmer, 23
Captain, 17
Captain, 51
Car agency, 15
Cardiff, CA, 33
Cards, 13
CARLIN, Bud, 41
CARLSEN, Albert, 27
CARLSEN, Marlin D., 27
CARLSEN, Mrs. Albert V. (Bessie), 27
CARLSON, Rev. Gene W., 34
Carmichael, CA, 16
Carpenter, 50, 51, 52
CARPENTER, Clio C., 21
CARPENTER, Edward, 21
CARPENTER, Elmer, 21
CARPENTER, Floyd, 31
CARPENTER, Marlene, 21
CARPENTER, Rev. Dwight, 27, 30, 31, 33, 38, 41, 44c,
Carpenter’s Feed Mill, 28
Carpentersville, IL, 42
CARR, Douglas A., 46
CARR, James, 46
CARR, Jenny, 49
CARR, Logan, 46
Carroll College, 40
CARROLL, James, 47
CARROLL, John, 47
CARROLL, Mary Margaret, 47
CARROLL, Mrs. James (Janice), 46
CARROLL, Mrs. Jerry (Bonnie), 21
CARROLL, Robert, 47
Carson, CA, 41
CARTER, Bob, 54
CASH, Irene, 34b
Cashton, WI, 7
CASLISCH, Craig, 31
CASLISCH, Robert, 31
CASLISCH, Virgil H., 31
CASS, Mrs. Ralph (Alice), 33
CATTAU, Rev. R. J., 48
Cazenovia, WI, 9, 53
Cedar Rapids, IA, 14, 35
Cemetery Board, 42
Central WI Adequate Wiring Bureau, 17
Centralia, MO, 25
Chairman of the Board, 44a, 48
Chamber of Commerce of Baraboo, WI, 20
Chamber of Commerce of Wis. Dells, WI, 20
CHANDLER, Mrs. Leora, 5
CHANDLER, Mrs. Mary, 25
CHAPIN, Helen, 41
Chapter 215 Order of the Eastern Star, Beloit, WI, 32
Chapter, 25
CHARD, Mabel B., 18
CHARD, Mabel, 7
CHARD, Mrs. Carrie E., 7
Charter Member, 17
Charter President, 54
CHASE, Carroll, 37
CHASE, Denman, 37
CHASE, Fred D., 37
CHASE, Harold, 32
CHASE, Mrs. Fred, 5, 10
CHASE, Thomas, 37
Chattanooga, TN, 42
CHESLEY, Mrs. Dale (Katherine), 51
Chicago Garage, 15
Chicago Harbor, 39
Chicago Northwestern Railroad, 3
Chicago, IL, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45, 47, 50, 51
Chicago-Northwestern Railroad, 45
Chief Operator, 37
Chile, WI, 30
CHIPMAN, Mrs. James (Bernadine), 30
Chippewa Falls, WI, 18, 22, 34a
CHOSE, Tom, 32
Christmas Tree Farm, 44a
Chula Vista, CA, 23
Church Boards, 52
Church Council, 18
Church of God, West Baraboo, WI, 21, 50
CHURCH, Mrs. Olive, 11
CHURCHILL, Mrs. Oscar (Etta), 41
Circus Fans Assoc. of America, 38
Circus World Museum, Baraboo, WI, 6, 17, 25, 44a, 53
Circus, 18
Citizens Loan and Finance Co., 34b
Citrus Heights, CA, 47
City Health Officer, 31
City Library, 28
City of Baraboo, WI, 25, 26
City Service Oil Company, 42
Clarendon Hills, IL, 22
CLARK, Mrs. George (Elaine), 38
Classmates, 54
CLAYTON-JONES, Mary Catherine, 8
Clear Water, FL, 36
Clearwater, FL, 12, 21, 51
Clerk, 29
CLEVELAND, Leonard W., 45
CLEVELAND, Myrtle M., 45
Cleveland, OH, 3, 17
CLEVELAND, Robert L., 45
CLIFT, Mrs. Jane, 17