Vote Māori Development
Vote Māori Development
Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections
Annual and Permanent Appropriations
2017/18Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type / Estimates
$000 / Supplementary
$000 / Total
Departmental Output Expenses
Hōtaka Ratonga Whenua Māori (Māori Land Service Programme) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to the design, establishment and on-going operations of the Māori Land Service. / 1,796 / 9,594 / 11,390
Kaupapa Whakamaumahara Pakanga Whenua Māori (Māori Land War Commemorations) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to support for commemorations relating to the Māori Land Wars. / 1,000 / 138 / 1,138
Whakapakari Kaupapa Whānau Ora (Whānau Ora Commissioning Approach) (M82)
This appropriation is limited to activities associated with developing, implementing, administering and evaluating the Whānau Ora commissioning approach. / 4,749 / - / 4,749
Total Departmental Output Expenses / 7,545 / 9,732 / 17,277
Departmental Capital Expenditure
Te Puni Kōkiri Utunga Haupū Rawa (Te Puni Kōkiri - Capital Expenditure) PLA (M46)
This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of Te Puni Kōkiri, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. / 594 / 1,206 / 1,800
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure / 594 / 1,206 / 1,800
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Kōtuitui Te Ture Whenua (Te Ture Whenua Network) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to the purchase of interventions, tools and research to support initiatives which assist Māori land owners to improve the productivity of their land. / 5,200 / (2,043) / 3,157
Ngā Whakahaere a Te Tumu Paeroa (Māori Trustee Function) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to the purchase of trustee and land management functions from the Māori Trustee. / 11,261 / - / 11,261
Pāpāho Reo me ngā Kaupapa Māori (Māori Broadcast and Streamed Services) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to the promotion of the Māori language and culture through television and radio broadcasting or streamed content; and the administration of Te Māngai Pāho. / 58,759 / - / 58,759
Tahua Whanaketanga Māori (Māori Development Fund) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to purchasing partnered interventions, tools and investigative studies required to accelerate Māori development. / 17,397 / 621 / 18,018
Te Kōtuitui Hanga Whare mōngāi Māori (Māori Housing) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to providing practical assistance and resources to whānau and Māori housing providers to improve housing outcomes for Māori. / 19,641 / 1,419 / 21,060
Whakaata Māori (Māori Television) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to the administration of the Māori Television channel. / 19,264 / - / 19,264
Whakamahi i ngā Huanga a Whānau Ora (Commissioning Whānau Ora Outcomes) (M82)
This appropriation is limited to purchasing the achievement of Whānau Ora outcomes from non-government commissioning agencies. / 71,481 / 340 / 71,821
Whakarauora Reo mō te Motu (National Māori Language Revitalisation) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to supporting the revitalisation of the Māori language at a national level; and the administration of Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori. / 5,704 / - / 5,704
Whakarauora Reo mō te Whānau, Hapū, Iwi me te Hapori (Family, Tribal and Community Māori Language Revitalisation) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to supporting community initiatives aimed at revitalising, developing and promoting the Māori language through the Maihi Māori (the Māori Language Strategy); and the administration of Te Mātāwai. / 15,817 / (869) / 14,948
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses / 224,524 / (532) / 223,992
Benefits or Related Expenses
Takoha Rangatiratanga (Rangatiratanga Grants) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to financial assistance to promote and enhance initiatives for the social, economic and cultural advancement of Māori. / 480 / - / 480
Total Benefits or Related Expenses / 480 / - / 480
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Poari Kaitiaki Māori o Taranaki (Taranaki Māori Trust Board) PLA (M46)
This appropriation is limited to payment of annuity to the Taranaki Māori Trust Board, in accordance with section 9(2) of the Māori Trust Boards Act 1955. / 15 / - / 15
Rōpū Whakahaere, Rōpū Hapori Māori (Community and Māori Governance Organisations) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to supporting the work of community organisations and Māori governance organisations. / 3,769 / - / 3,769
Takoha a te Karauna ki te Hapori o Parihaka (Crown Contribution to the Parihaka Community) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to contributing to development projects for the Parihaka community. / - / 9,000 / 9,000
Te Pūtahi Paoho (M46)
Administration costs of Te Pūtahi Paoho (the Māori Television Electoral College). / 131 / (131) / -
Utu Kāpeneheihana ki te Poari Kaitiaki Māori o Aorangi (Ex-gratia Payment to Aorangi Māori Trust Board) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to a one off ex-gratia payment to the Aorangi Māori Trust Board. / 1,000 / - / 1,000
Utu Whakahaere Whenua Karauna (Administrative Expenses for Crown Land) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to operating expenses associated with Crown-owned land administered by Te Puni Kōkiri under Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989. / 49 / - / 49
Whaiwāhitanga Māori (Māori Participation) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to increasing awareness and levels of participation in electoral processes amongst Māori; including supporting the work of the Māori registration service to link Māori with their tribes and tribal groups. / 1,876 / - / 1,876
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses / 6,840 / 8,869 / 15,709
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Hauora me te Oranga Māori (Māori Health and Wellbeing) MCA (M46)
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the physical and mental wellbeing of Māori. / 6,550 / (1,000) / 5,550
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Ārai Whakamomori Rangatahi Māori (Rangatahi Māori Suicide Prevention)
This category is limited to interventions and research to support Māori Suicide Prevention Services working to prevent suicides amongst Māori youth. / 1,500 / - / 1,500
He Ratonga Hauora Matua (Targeted Health Services)
This category is limited to supporting improved health access and outcomes for whānau in rural communities or where barriers to accessing healthcare exist. / 1,000 / (1,000) / -
He Tikanga a-Whānau mō te Whakakore Tukino (Whānau-centred Family Violence Interventions)
This category is limited to supporting whānau to access and participate in family violence intervention initiatives. / 550 / - / 550
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Hiki i te Ao Māori - Tautoko Tikanga me te Hākinakina Māori (Moving the Māori Nation - supporting Māori Culture and Sport)
This category is limited to programme development and implementation of initiatives to support Māori sports and cultural activities, including capacity building support for Māori sports and cultural bodies. / 3,500 / - / 3,500
Takatutanga me ngā Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Engagement and Investment) MCA (M46)
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to facilitate a flow of resources from the Crown to Māori and a two way flow of information between the Crown and Māori. / 35,580 / (1,346) / 34,234
Departmental Output Expenses
Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Investment)
This category is limited to the design, delivery and management of community investment programmes; including management of land administered under Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989. / 13,781 / (3,391) / 10,390
Takatutangaā-rohe (Regional Engagement)
This category is limited to facilitating a two way flow of information between the Crown and Māori through engagement with iwi, hapū and whānau throughout NewZealand. / 21,799 / 2,045 / 23,844
Tohutohu Kaupapa Here me ngā Huanga Patata (Policy Advice and Related Outputs) MCA (M46)
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities. / 18,607 / 3,086 / 21,693
Departmental Output Expenses
Kaupapa Here - Whanaketanga Māori (Policy - Māori Development)
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to Māori Development. / 11,535 / 556 / 12,091
Kaupapa Here - Whanaungatanga Karauna Māori (Policy - Crown Māori Relationships)
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to Crown Māori Relationships. / 4,599 / 1,670 / 6,269
Ratonga Tautoko Minita (Ministerial Servicing)
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities. / 2,473 / 860 / 3,333
Whanaketanga Ohanga Māori (Māori Economic Development) MCA (M46)
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to promote Māori economic development. / 9,660 / (2,283) / 7,377
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Whakapakari, Whakatairanga Tāpoi Māori (Strengthening and Promoting Māori Tourism)
This category is limited to supporting the development and promotion of Māori tourism. / 4,160 / - / 4,160
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Tahua Whanaketanga Hangarau Māori (Māori Digital Technology Development Fund)
This category is limited to the provision of funding for Māori ICT development initiatives. / 5,500 / (2,283) / 3,217
Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure / 70,397 / (1,543) / 68,854
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations / 310,380 / 17,732 / 328,112
Multi-Year Appropriations
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations / Appropriations, Adjustments and Use / $000Non-Departmental Output Expenses
He Huarahi Ki Te Whare (Home Ownership Pathways) (M46)
This appropriation is limited to supporting improved home ownership rates and greater housing independence for whānau.
Commences: 01 July 2017
Expires: 30 June 2020 / Original Appropriation / 8,300
Adjustments to 2016/17 / -
Adjustments for 2017/18 / -
Adjusted Appropriation / 8,300
Actual to 2016/17 Year End / -
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 / 625
Estimated Actual for 2018/19 / 3,838
Estimated Appropriation Remaining / 3,837
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts
$000 / Supplementary
$000 / Total
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations / 310,380 / 17,732 / 328,112
Total MYA Non-Departmental Output Expenses Forecasts / 2,550 / (1,925) / 625
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts / 312,930 / 15,807 / 328,737
Capital Injection Authorisations
2017/18Estimates Budget
$000 / Supplementary
Estimates Budget
$000 / Total Budget
Te Puni Kōkiri - Capital Injection (M46) / - / - / -
Supporting Information
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole
1.2 - Trends in the Vote
Summary of Financial Activity
2017/18Supplementary Estimates
$000 / Departmental
$000 / Non-Departmental
$000 / Total
$000 / Total
Output Expenses / 234,619 / 9,732 / (2,457) / 7,275 / 241,894
Benefits or Related Expenses / 480 / N/A / - / - / 480
Borrowing Expenses / - / - / - / - / -
Other Expenses / 6,840 / - / 8,869 / 8,869 / 15,709
Capital Expenditure / 594 / 1,206 / - / 1,206 / 1,800
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure / - / - / N/A / - / -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)
Output Expenses / 61,397 / 1,740 / (1,000) / 740 / 62,137
Other Expenses / 9,000 / - / (2,283) / (2,283) / 6,717
Capital Expenditure / - / N/A / - / - / -
Total Appropriations / 312,930 / 12,678 / 3,129 / 15,807 / 328,737
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts
Tax Revenue / - / N/A / - / - / -
Non-Tax Revenue / 10 / N/A / - / - / 10
Capital Receipts / - / N/A / - / - / -
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts / 10 / N/A / - / - / 10
Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations
2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses
Hōtaka Ratonga Whenua Māori (Māori Land Service Programme) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to the design, establishment and on-going operations of the Māori Land Service.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2017/18Performance Measures / Estimates
Standard / Supplementary
Standard / Total
Development of a detailed business case for the delivery of the Māori Land Service / 100% / -100% / Expired
Development of a programme business case for the delivery of services to Māori land owners / New measure / 100% / 100%
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $9.594 million to $11.390 million in 2017/18 due to:
a drawdown from the Māori Land Service contingency fund ($10.394 million), and
an expense transfer from 2016/17 for continued activities after the delayed presentation of the programme's single stage business case to Cabinet ($500,000).
This increase was partly offset by:
a reprioritisation of the Te Ture Whenua Post-Enactment Implementation fund after the Bill was withdrawn ($800,000), and
an expense transfer from 2017/18 to 2018/19 due to programme deliverables extending across those financial years ($500,000).
Kaupapa Whakamaumahara Pakanga Whenua Māori (Māori Land War Commemorations) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to support for commemorations relating to the Māori Land Wars.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by$138,000 to $1.138 millionin 2017/18due to an expense transfer from2016/17to ensure that funds werealigned with the timing of Māori Land Wars commemoration events ($998,000).
This increase was partly offset by a reprioritisationexercise($860,000).
Whakapakari Kaupapa Whānau Ora (Whānau Ora Commissioning Approach) (M82)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to activities associated with developing, implementing, administering and evaluating the Whānau Ora commissioning approach.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2017/18Performance Measures / Estimates
Standard / Supplementary
Standard / Total
The satisfaction of the Minister for Whānau Ora with the advice provided will be assessed through the Ministerial Satisfaction Survey / 70% / - / 70%
Whānau Ora initiatives are funded in accordance with the National Integrated Investment Approach and Regional Integrated Investment Plans / 100% / -100% / Expired
Whānau Ora initiatives are funded in accordance with the approved budget and annual investment plan / New measure / 100% / 100%
2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections
Te Puni Kōkiri Utunga Haupū Rawa (Te Puni Kōkiri - Capital Expenditure) PLA (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of Te Puni Kōkiri, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Capital Expenditure
$000 / Supplementary
$000 / Total
Forests/Agricultural / - / - / -
Land / - / - / -
Property, Plant and Equipment / 444 / 1,206 / 1,650
Intangibles / 150 / - / 150
Other / - / - / -
Total Appropriation / 594 / 1,206 / 1,800
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $1.206 million to $1.800 million in 2017/18 due to:
increase in leasehold improvements and furniture required ($676,000)
increase in planned motor vehicle purchases ($294,000), and
increase in forecast technology purchases ($236,000).
Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets
Te Puni Kōkiri
Details of Net Asset Schedule / 2017/18Main Estimates Projections
$000 / 2017/18
Supplementary Estimates Projections
$000 / Explanation of Projected Movements in 2017/18
Opening Balance / 10,321 / 10,321 / Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2017.
Capital Injections / - / -
Capital Withdrawals / - / -
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) / - / -
Other Movements / - / -
Closing Balance / 10,321 / 10,321
Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations
3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Kōtuitui Te Ture Whenua (Te Ture Whenua Network) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to the purchase of interventions, tools and research to support initiatives which assist Māori land owners to improve the productivity of their land.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriationdecreased by $2.043 millionto $3.157 million in 2017/18 due to a reprioritisation exercise ($4.980 million).
Thisdecrease was partly offset by anexpense transfer of $2.937 million from 2016/17to align funding with project timelines.
Tahua Whanaketanga Māori (Māori Development Fund) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to purchasing partnered interventions, tools and investigative studies required to accelerate Māori development.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriationincreased by $621,000 to $18.018 million in 2017/18 due to an expense transfer from 2016/17 following the Vote Māori Development appropriation restructure from the following disestablished appropriations:
Whakamana (Leadership) ($1.144 million)
Rawa (Resources) ($398,000)
Mātauranga (Knowledge) ($390,000), and
a fiscally neutral transfer from non-departmental output expense Whakarauora Reo mō te Whānau, Hapū, Iwi me te Hapori (Family, Tribal and Community Language Māori Language Revitalisation) to assist whānau in accessing Kōhanga Reo services ($1 million).
The increase waspartly offset by:
a fiscally neutral transferto non-departmental other expense: Takoha a te Karauna ki te Hapori o Parihaka (Crown Contribution to the Parihaka Community)as part ofa support package for the Parihaka Community ($1 million)
a reprioritisation exercise ($932,000), and
a fiscally neutral transfer to the Takatutanga me ngā Haumitangaā-rohe(Regional Engagement and Investment) Multi-CategoryAppropriation for the change in categorisation of business and community hub running costs ($379,000).
Te Kōtuitui Hanga Whare mōngāi Māori (Māori Housing) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to providing practical assistance and resources to whānau and Māori housing providers to improve housing outcomes for Māori.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $1.419 million to $21.060 millionin 2017/18due to an expense transfer from 2016/17to align funding in accordance with paymentmilestones for housing projects transferred from the following disestablished appropriations:
Rural and Māori Housing ($950,000)
Māori Housing Network ($298,000)
Iwi Housing Support ($113,000), and
Kāinga Whenua Infrastructure Grant ($58,000).
Whakamahi i ngā Huanga a Whānau Ora (Commissioning Whānau Ora Outcomes) (M82)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to purchasing the achievement of Whānau Ora outcomes from non-government commissioning agencies.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $340,000 to $71.821 million in 2018/19 due to a fiscally neutral transfer of $4.340 millionfrom Vote Children afterthe cessation ofthe Whānau Ora Information System, 'Mahere'.
This increase was partly offset by an expensetransfer of $4 million to 2018/19in anticipation of aministerial review of Whānau Ora.
Whakarauora Reo mō te Whānau, Hapū, Iwi me te Hapori (Family, Tribal and Community Māori Language Revitalisation) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to supporting community initiatives aimed at revitalising, developing and promoting the Māori language through the Maihi Māori (the Māori Language Strategy); and the administration of Te Mātāwai.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $869,000 to $14.948 million in 2017/18 due to a$1 million fiscally neutraltransfer of Kohanga Reo funds tothe non-departmental output expense: Tahua Whanaketanga Māori (Māori Development).
This decreasewas partly offset by a fiscally neutral transfer of $131,000from non-departmental other expense: Te Pūtahi Paohoto fundthe disestablishment of that entity.
3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Takoha a te Karauna ki te Hapori o Parihaka (Crown Contribution to the Parihaka Community) (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to contributing to development projects for the Parihaka community.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increasedby $9 million to $9 millionin 2017/18 due to:
an expense transfer from 2016/17 to ensure funds remain available for when the Parihaka Community wish to receive them ($8 million), and
a fiscally neutral transfer from the non-departmental output appropriation: Tahua Whanaketanga Māori (Māori Development Fund) as part of a support package for the Parihaka Community ($1 million)
Te Pūtahi Paoho (M46)
Scope of Appropriation
Administration costs of Te Pūtahi Paoho (the Māori Television Electoral College).
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $131,000 to nilin 2017/18 due to a fiscally neutral transfer to non-departmental output expense: Whakarauora Reo mō te Whānau, Hapū, Iwi me te Hapori(Family, Tribal and Community Māori Language Revitalisation)tofundthe disestablishment of Te Pūtahi Paoho.
Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Hauora me te Oranga Māori (Māori Health and Wellbeing) (M46)
Overarching Purpose Statement
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the physical and mental wellbeing of Māori.
Scope of Appropriation
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Ārai Whakamomori Rangatahi Māori (Rangatahi Māori Suicide Prevention)
This category is limited to interventions and research to support Māori Suicide Prevention Services working to prevent suicides amongst Māori youth.
He Tikanga a-Whānau mō te Whakakore Tukino (Whānau-centred Family Violence Interventions)
This category is limited to supporting whānau to access and participate in family violence intervention initiatives.
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Hiki i te Ao Māori - Tautoko Tikanga me te Hākinakina Māori (Moving the Māori Nation - supporting Māori Culture and Sport)
This category is limited to programme development and implementation of initiatives to support Māori sports and cultural activities, including capacity building support for Māori sports and cultural bodies.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $1 million to $5.550 million in 2017/18 due to areprioritisation exercise. This has led to the removal of the He Ratonga Hauora Matua (Targeted Health Services) category, as there are no appropriated funds in this category.
Takatutanga me ngā Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Engagement and Investment) (M46)
Overarching Purpose Statement
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to facilitate a flow of resources from the Crown to Māori and a two way flow of information between the Crown and Māori.
Scope of Appropriation
Departmental Output Expenses
Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Investment)
This category is limited to the design, delivery and management of community investment programmes; including management of land administered under Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989.
Takatutanga ā-rohe (Regional Engagement)
This category is limited to facilitating a two way flow of information between the Crown and Māori through engagement with iwi, hapū and whānau throughout NewZealand.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
$000 / Supplementary Estimates
$000 / Total
Total Appropriation / 35,580 / (1,346) / 34,234
Departmental Output Expenses
Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Investment) / 13,781 / (3,391) / 10,390
Takatutangaā-rohe (Regional Engagement) / 21,799 / 2,045 / 23,844
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses
Revenue from the Crown / 34,934 / (1,936) / 32,998
Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Investment) / 13,135 / (3,981) / 9,154
Takatutangaā-rohe (Regional Engagement) / 21,799 / 2,045 / 23,844
Revenue from Others / 646 / 590 / 1,236
Haumitangaā-rohe (Regional Investment) / 646 / 590 / 1,236
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $1.346 million to $34.234 million in 2017/18 due to: