18th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking
“Reinventing Libraries for the Future: Innovations, Trends and Technologies”
November 24-26, 2015
Venue: Dr. B.R.AmbedkarBhavan, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka
November 24, 2015 (Tuesday)
08:00 a.m. / Registration & Breakfast10:00 a.m. / INAUGURAL FUNCTION
10:05 a.m. / Invocation/Lighting of the Lamp
10.10 a.m. / Welcome Address
Dr. R. B. Gaddagimath, University Librarian, Gulbarga University and Organising Secretary, NACLIN 2015
10.15 a.m. / Introductory Address
Dr. H. K. Kaul,Director, DELNET, New Delhi
10.25 a.m. / Inaugural Address by the Chief Guest
Prof. B.G.Mulimani,Hon’bleVice Chancellor, BLDE University, Vijayapura, Karnataka
10.40 a.m. / Release of NACLIN Publications by the Chief Guest
10.45 a.m. / Address by the Guest
Dr. Shanthi K.N.,Member UGC and Professor, Department of Biotechnology, PES University, Bangalore
10.55 a.m. / Address by the Guest
Dr. Satishkumar S.Hosamani, Director, Dept. of Public Libraries, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore
11.05 a.m. / Presidential Address
Prof. S. R. Niranjana, Hon’bleVice Chancellor, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi
11.15 a.m. / Vote of Thanks
Dr. SangeetaKaul, Network Manager, DELNET and Co-Organising Secretary,
11.20 a.m. / Inauguration of the Exhibition by the Chief Guest
11.30a.m. / Tea
12.00p.m. / Tutorial – I Content Management Software : Joomla
Dr. SangeetaKaul, Network Manager, DELNET and Co-Organising Secretary,
12.30p.m. / Product Demonstrations
- Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.
- BalaniInfotech Pvt. Ltd.
- Proquest
01:15 p.m. / Lunch
02:15 p.m. / Tutorial - I Contd. Content Management Software: Joomla
03:30 p.m. / Tea
04.00 p.m. / Tutorial Continued.
04.30 p.m. / Visit to the Exhibition
05.00 p.m. / Releasing Festschrift Volume and Felicitation Programme of Dr. R.B. Gaddagimath, University Librarian, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
07.00 p.m. / Cultural Programme
08:15 p.m. / Dinner
November 25, 2015 (Wednesday)
08.00 am /
09.00 a.m. /Visit to Exhibitions
09:30 a.m. / Technical Session I:Web Overload and the Management of ContentChair: Dr. I. H. Jahagirdar, Consultant (Librarian), NAAC, Bangalore
1. Keynote Paper :Surviving the Web Overload: The Strategies for Librarians
Dr. H.K. Kaul, Director, DELNET.
2. Keynote Paper : Total Quality Management in Libraries
Dr M. IshwaraBhat, Chief Librarian, Presidency University, Bangalore.
3. Keynote Paper : Digital Information Security and Protection of Information Assets
Lt. Vineet Kumar, President, Cyber Peace Foundation, Ranchi.
4. Collection Development Policy and Productivity of
Information Sources (Print and E-Resources) in UniversityEnvironment: A Study
Dr. KhemannaAldi, Deputy Librarian, GulbargaUniversityandDr. Suresh Jange, Deputy Librarian, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi
5. Awareness and Use of Institutional Resources and Government Programmes: A Study of Economically Weaker Group of Women of Karnataka State
Ms. ShobhaPatil, UGC Post Doctoral Fellow, DLISc, and Dr P. G. Tadasad, Professor and Chairman, DLISc., Karnataka State Women’s University, Vijayapura, Karnataka
6. Indigenous Knowledge Pertaining to Folk Medicine of Kalaburagi District
Mr. Dundappa S. Amoji, Research Scholar, DLISc, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi andDr. V.T. Kamble, Professor & Chairman, DLISc, Gulbarga University
7.Open Access Journals (OAJ): Use and Awareness AmongScientific Community
Dr. RajendraBabu H. Assistant Professor, DLISc, Tumkur University, Tumkur andMr. Subhash Reddy, Librarian, P.E.S University, Bangalore
8.An Analytical Study on Indian Open Access Journals in DOAJ
Dr. S. Dhanavandan, Assistant Librarian, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), Gandhigram, Dist. Dindigul, Tamilnadu and Dr. M. Tamizhchelvan, Deputy Librarian, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), Gandhigram, Dist. Dindigul, Tamilnadu
11:00 a.m. / Tea
11.15 a.m.: 12:30 a.m. / Technical Session II: Information Needs and New Roles of Libraries
Chair: Dr D.V. Singh, University Librarian, University of Delhi, Delhi
Co-Chair: Dr. S.B.Patil, University Librarian, Karnataka University, Dharwar
1. Keynote Paper : Select Perspectives on Sustaining the Relevance of the Libraries
Mr. VivekPatkar, Independent Researcher, Mumbai
2.Keynote Paper : Change Management and Transformational Leadership
Dr. Dharam Veer Singh, University Librarian, University of Delhi, Delhi
3. Keynote Paper : eResources @ Library with No Walls, No Firewalls
Dr.H.S.Siddamallaiah, Ex-Visiting Professor Mahasarakham University, Thailand and Ex-Principal Librarian & Information Officer, NIMHANS, Bangalore, India
4. What Adult Users Expect from Urban Libraries in the DigitalShift : A Case Study of City Central Library, Vijayapura, Karnataka
Ms. Rajashri Joshi, Research Scholar, DLISc and Dr P.G.Tadasad,Professor & Chairman, DLISc., Karnataka State Women’sUniversity, Vijayapura, Karnataka
5. Information Needs in ICT Environment: A Study among the Students of Assam Down Town University, Assam
Mr. Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, Research Scholar, GauhatiUniversity, Assam cum Librarian, Assam Down Town University, Assam
6. Cultivating Library Leadership: A Review of Professional Empowerment Training Programs Conducted by DRDO-INMAS
Dr. Rajeev Vij, Joint Director & Scientist ‘F’, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS)DRDO, Delhi and Mr. NaveenSoni, Scientist ‘C’, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS)DRDO, Delhi
12:30 p.m.- 01:00 p.m. / DELNET Presentation by Dr. SangeetaKaul,Network Manager, DELNETMr. O.N. Safapuri, Consultant, Coordination Unit, Bengaluru
01:00 p.m. – 02:00 p.m. /
02:00 p.m. – 03:00 p.m. / Technical Session III Library Technology and TrendsChair: Dr. S.S. Murthy, Former Director, DESIDOC, New Delhi
Co-Chair: Dr. Anand T Bhyarappa, Global Leader,
Knowledge Centre, GE, Bangalore
1. Keynote Paper: Changing Dimensions of Librarianship and Library Services.
Prof. (Dr.) MuttayyaKoganuamath, Professor and Head, Centre for Library and Information Science, Central University of Gujarat,Gandhinagar, Gujarat
2. Keynote Paper : Library 3.0
Dr. M.K.Bhandi, University Librarian, Mangalore University, Mangalore, Karnataka.
3. Keynote Paper : New Technologies for Virtual Reference Services
Dr. I.R.N.Goudar,Adjunct Professor, Mangalore University and Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser, Bangalore University, Bangalore
4. Influence and Effects of WhatsApp on Academic Activities of Agricultural Students in College of Agriculture, Bheemarayanagudi, Raichur
Dr. Krishna S. Maraddi, Assistant Librarian, College of Agriculture,Bheemarayanagudi, (UAS Raichur), Karnataka and Mr. SanthoshKulkarni, Library Assistant, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka
5. Comparative Study on Retrieval Efficiency of Different Types of Search Engines
Ms. R.O. Nanthini, Librarian, The Study L’ecole International,Puducherry and
Mr. R. Jayakumar, Chief Librarian, The Study L’ecole International, Puducherry
6. Bridging the Gap between CMS and Semantic Web
Mr. VikasBhushan, Junior Research Fellow, DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, Mr. ShivShaktiGhosh, Junior Research Fellow, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, Tamilnaduand Ms. SudiptaBiswas, Senior Research Fellow , DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
6. Digital Preserving of Multimedia and Photographic Collections of Raman Research Institute Library: A Case Study
Mr. M.N. Nagaraj, Assistant Librarian, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka & Research Scholar, Dept. of Library Information Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore, Karnataka; Mr. Raju Varghese, Photographer, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka and Mr. M.K. Bhandi, University Librarian, Mangalore University, Mangalore, Karnataka
03:00 p.m. – 03:15 p.m. /
Gulbarga University Library: Presentation
03:15 p.m. – 03:45 p.m. /Poster Presentations
Chair: Dr. (Mrs.) Neela J. Deshpande, Former Librarian & Head Dept. LISJayakar Library, SPPU, Pune, Maharashtra
03.45p.m. – 04:00 p.m. /
04.00 p.m. – 05.00 p.m. / Technical Session IV : PUBLIC LIBRARIESChair: Dr. Satishkumar S. Hosamani, Director, Department of Public Libraries, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore
Co-Chair: Dr. M.Krishnamurthy, Assoc. Professor, DRTC, ISI, Bangalore, Karnataka
1.Keynote Paper :Best Practice for Comprehensive Resource Management in Public Libraries
Mr. Carlos M. Fernandes, Curator, Goa State Central Library, Goa
2. Keynote Paper: Current Trends in Public Libraries of Karnataka
Dr. Satishkumar S. Hosamani, Director, Department of Public Libraries, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore
3. Best Practices in Library and Information Services to Persons with Disabilities
Mr. Prakash B. Waghmare, Librarian, Government First Grade College, Manahalli, Bidar, Karnataka
05:00 p.m. /
Visit to Exhibitions
06.00 p.m. – 07.30 p.m. /Cultural Programme
7:30 p.m. /Dinner
November 26, 2015 (Thursday)08.00 am /
09.00a.m.–09.30 a.m. / Visit to Exhibitions
10.15 a.m. / Technical Session V: COPYRIGHT & IPR
Chair: Prof. J.S.Patil,Dean, Faculty of Law, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi and Former Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli, Karnataka.
Co-Chair: Dr. H.P.Shekhar, Chief Librarian, BLDE University, Vijayapura, Karnataka
1. Keynote Paper : Death of Copyright in IT Era.
Prof. J.S.Patil,Dean, Faculty of Law, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi and Former Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli, Karnataka.
2. Keynote Paper : Copyright Protection vis-à-vis Accessibility of Copyrighted Works: The Role of Libraries in the Digital Era
Dr. Devidas G. Maley, Assistant Professor of Law, Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Law, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka
3. Unintentional Plagiarism: Reasons for Occurrence and Guidelines to Overcome it.
Mr. R. Jayakumar, Chief Librarian, The Study L’ecoleInternationale, Puducherryand Ms. R.O. Nanthini, Librarian, The Study L’ecoleInternationale, Puducherry
4. Licensing of Electronic Resources in Jayakar Library, SavitribaiPhulePune University
Mrs. Priyanka P. Wadekar, Assistant Librarian, Jayakar Library, SavitribaiPhulePune University, Pune and Dr. (Mrs.) Neela J. Deshpande, Former Librarian & Head Dept. LIS, Jayakar Library, SPPU, Pune
Chair: Dr. V.T.Kamble, Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, Gulbarga University, Karnataka
1. Keynote Paper : Social Science Literature: Content, Structure and Use Pattern
Dr. P.R. Goswami, Librarian & Head (KN), Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi
2. A Scientometric Analysis of Literature Growth in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Mr. R. Govindarajan, Librarian, Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology, Madurai ,Mrs. S. SanthaSubbulaxmi, Manager-Web Applications, Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology, Madurai, Dr. S. Dhanavandan, Assistant Librarian, Gandhigram Rural Institute, (Deemed University), Gandhigram, Dindigul Dist., Tamilnadu and Dr. S. Senthilkumari, Scientist, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai
3. Application of QR Codes in Academic Libraries: With Special Reference to Central Library, Visva-Bharati
Mr. RamprasadMajumdar, Information Scientist, Mr. SmritimoyGhosh, Professional Assistant and Mr. JishnuMondal, Professional Assistant, Central Library, VisvaBharati, Santiniketan, Birbhum Dist., West Bengal
4. Contribution of India and China to Global Goat Research Publications: A Scientometric Study Based on Cab Direct Online Database
Dr. D. Prabhavathi, Associate Professor & University Librarian I/C,
Sri PadmavathiMahilaVisvavidyalayam, Tirupati
5. Authorship Pattern and Collaborative Strength among Library and Information Science Professionals: A Case Study of the 2001-2014 NACLINProceedings
Dr. M. Doraswamy, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Bishop Caldwell E-resources Centre, Dravidian University, Srininvasavanam, Kuppam Andhra Pradesh and Dr. B.R. DoraswamyNaick, Assistant Professor,University Library, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh
11.30 a.m. - 12.00p.m. / Tea
Chair: Dr.Ramesha, Professor, Dept. of Library & Inf. Science, Bangalore
University Bangalore
1. Keynote Paper : Information Literacy to Metaliteracy: Integrating Metaliteracy across the Curriculum in Higher Education
Dr. N.Parvatamma, Professor, Department of Library and Information Science and Dean, Faculty of Social Science, Gulbarga University, Karnataka
2. Remote Login Access to E-resources: A Study to Understand the Perceptions of Remote Access Users at the KMC Health Sciences Library, Manipal University, Manipal
Dr. MahabaleshwaraRao,Associate Professor and Senior Librarian, Department of Library and Information Science and Health Sciences Library, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal and Ms. Jayalakshmi, 2nd Year MSc. Library and Information Science (Student), Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka
3. Modes of Presentation, Packaging, Formatting and Dissemination of Information: Knowledge Among LIS Professionals
Ms. Deepthi, UGC Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of PG Studies and Research in Library and Information Science, Karnataka State Women’s University, JnanaShakti Campus,Vijayapura, Karnataka and Dr. P.G. Tadasad, Professor & Chairman, DLISc., Karnataka State Women’s University, Vijayapura, Karnataka
4. Evaluation of Library Services and DELNET in the Engineering College Libraries of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts: A Study
Dr. Felcy Lewis, Librarian, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore
5.Reading Habits of the Students of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Degree College, Gulbarga: A Survey
Dr. D.B. Patil, Professor, Department of Library & Information Sciences, Gulbarga University , Gulbarga, Mr. Lokesh S. Mavin, Librarian, The Oxford School (ICSC), Bengaluruand Mr. Satishkumar S.M., Library Assistant, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
12:45p.m.– 01:00 p.m. /
Product Demonstration
01.00p.m.-02.00 p.m. /
02:00p.m.–3.30 p.m. / PANEL DISCUSSION on “Reinventing Libraries for the Future: Innovations, Trends and Technologies”
Chair: Dr. H.K. Kaul, Director, DELNET
3:30 p.m. –
4:30 p.m. / Valedictory Function
Welcome byDr. R. B. Gaddagimath
Report of the Rapporteur-General byDr. Suresh Jange
Feedback from Participants
Valedictory Address by Chief Guest
Presidential Address by Dr. H. K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, New Delhi
Vote of Thanks
Organising Secretary Dr. R. B. Gaddagimath, and Co-Organising Secretary, Dr. SangeetaKaul
04.30 p.m. / High Tea & Distribution of Certificates