2017Racial Equity Grant Funding Guidelines
About Communities Foundation of Texas
Established in 1953, Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) is a public charity that administers more than 950 philanthropic funds established over the years through gifts andbequests from donors in Dallas and across the state of Texas. CFT is a hub for collaboration between donors, nonprofits and other funders to stimulate creative solutions to key community challenges.
To be eligible to participate in CFT’s Letter of Inquiry (LOI) process, the applicant must meet both of the following criteria:
- Have a 501(c)(3) OR faith-based tax-exempt designation from the Internal Revenue Servicethat has been active for two years as of September 1, 2017.
- At least 50% of the population served must reside in Dallas County.
Types of Grants Awarded
Grants awarded from CFT’s discretionary funds can support program needs, capital projects or operating expenses. Requests that meet the following criteria may apply for small grants of up to $5,000 through special funds made available in 2017 to support racial equity work. Does your organization or program:
- Facilitate storytelling to help give voice and understanding to marginalized experiences?
- Engage others in looking at racial inequalities locally?
- Contribute to racial healing activities within and across sectors in Dallas? and/or
- Create and/or implement practical solutions to race-related challenges in Dallas?
Requests that meetany of the following criteria may receive priority consideration:
- Programs and initiatives that offer innovative or creative solutions to key community challenges
- Requests that address a particularly timely need
- Demonstrated ability to create measurable impact
- Strategic, data-driven programs and initiatives
- Collaborative projects that provide greater leverage for philanthropic investments
If you would wish to apply for a larger grant, CFT’s 2017 LOI/Giving Guide application is available online at a deadline of April 3.
Application Process
Racial Equity LOIsmust be received at CFT offices(5500 Caruth Haven Lane, Dallas, 75225) or by e-mail to by 5 PMon April17, 2017. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Applications submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Racial Equity LOIs will be initially reviewed by a staff subcommittee, followed by a community-based advisory committee. Applicants will be notified if more information is needed regarding the funding request. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees makes all final decisions regarding approval of grant recipients.
KEY DATES / March 20, 11:30-1:30pm: Application workshop for racial equity grants(lunch served at 11:30am for those able to join us for food and conversation; 12pm workshop start)April 17 @ 5 PM: Deadline to submit application to or at CFT offices (5500 Caruth Haven Lane, Dallas, TX 75225). You will receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of receipt. 2017 Racial Equity Grant Funding application available at
September 30: All agencies notified about racial equity funding grants
2017Racial Equity Letter of Inquiry Instructions
Your Letter of Inquiry must include the following components. You will be notified if additional information is needed. Please do not call for status notification. Alternatively, you may submit a Common Grant Application (sections I-IV only – no attachments),availableat
I.Contact and Summary Form
You must use the form providedbelow or the Common Grant Application (which can be downloaded from this page). Alternative versions of these forms will not be accepted.
The Letter of Inquiry should follow the outline below. The narrative should be no more than two pages long. Additional pages will not be considered. Please do not use a font smaller than 10pt.
A. Background/History: Describe your organization, including a brief description of your organization's history, major accomplishments, experience and expertise.
B. Describe how a $5K grant received between June and September 2017 would support your work (following grant receipt) to:
- Facilitate storytelling to help give voice and understanding to marginalized experiences
- Engage others in looking at racial inequalities locally
- Contribute to racial healing activities within and across sectors in Dallas, and/or
- Create and/or implement practical solutions to race-related challenges in Dallas
As part of your description, please include the following information (as applicable), in either narrative or bullet form:
- Number of unduplicated individuals served/engagement
- Demographics of population served/engaged
- Geographic area served
- Total agency/program budget numbers
- Amount of funding being raised for the activity, against how much has been raised to date
- Timeline
- Specific goals and objectives
- What indicators you use to define success
C. Please indicate what percentage of your target audience (for the program for which you are requesting funds) are people of color; what percentage of those staffing it are people of color, and what percentage of your organization’s leadership are people of color. Provide a short description about how your staffing choices and target audience(s) fit with your organization’s and/or program’s impact strategy.
Please do not include any other attachments, whether using the above format or the Common Grant Application.
YourRacial Equity Letter of Inquiry must be received by e-mail ()or at the CFT offices(5500 Caruth Haven Lane, Dallas, 75225) by 5 PM onApril17, 2017.
If you have questions about the application process, please or 214-750-4229.
2017Racial Equity LOI Contact Summary Form
Application Deadline: April17, 5PM
Organization / EINMailing Address
Site Visit Address (if different from mailing address)
Name and title of person responsible for compiling the application
Telephone(s) / Fax
E-mail / Website
Executive Director / Board President / Chair
Mission Statement
Please provide 2-4 sentences summarizing your grant request.
Total Agency Operating Budget
Executive Director’s Signature / Date
Note: Electronic signatures will be accepted.
Please attach your 2 page narrative. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.