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Be sure to mark your calendars for the annual Trapper Days celebration! From the Yellow Ball Classic Golf Tournament to the Parade, booths, pancake breakfast, the duck race and everything in between, this is a great weekend to spend enjoying

the town with friends and family. So much planning goes into trapper days to make it fun for everyone! There will be many things to do; Visit all the booths along Denver Avenue, following the parade. Street Dances and visits to the Fort can round out your weekend of fun. Be sure to make plans now to join in the festivities!

17TH Annual Yellow Ball Classic Golf Tournament

When: September 5, 2013

Time: 7:00am Registration

8:00am Shotgun Start

12:00pm Lunch in the Pavilion

Where: Coyote Creek Golf Course

222 Clubhouse Drive

Fort Lupton, CO 80621

Since 1996, the Trapper Days Yellow Ball Classic has raised over $52,000 for the Kelly Martinez Cancer Fund. This fund has helped hundreds of families in our community who have had the misfortune of suffering from a severe medical hardship. All proceeds from the tournament benefit this fund, as well as the Fort Lupton Chamber of Commerce. The registration deadline for participation in the tournament was August 27, 2013. To check registration availability and sponsorship opportunities please contact Don Tomoi or Mariann Johnston at the Bank of Colorado 303-857-3410.

Ice Cream Social

When: Saturday, September 7th

Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm

Where: Fort Lupton City Museum

453 First St.

Enjoy browsing through our city’s Museum while sampling homemade ice creams. YUM!!!


Weekend of September 6th and 7th Tear down: 8th (Early set up Sept 4th and 5th)

Public Parking $5.00: Admission to entire Historic Park-Rendezvous-Fort Donelson House

Independence School. You are invited to participate in Living History demonstrations

and events. Come out for a day or the entire weekend!

Contact Booshway (Smoke Talker) 303-396-8670 or

Chamber Luncheon

When: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time: 11:30am

Where: South Platte Valley Historical Society/The Fort

½ mile west of Highway 85 on County Road 14 1/2

The program will be run by the South Platte Valley Historical Society. At time of check in, there will be a donation jar for any donations you wish to make towards helping the South Platte Valley Historical Society.

Please be sure to RSVP to Sandy at the Chamber office NO LATER THAN 9/9/13

Chamber seeking Door Prizes

The door prizes at the monthly luncheon have been quite a hit! If you have one or two items that you think would be suitable for Door Prizes at our monthly luncheons, please drop them by the Chamber Office or call Sandy and she will be glad to pick them up. Thank you.

Thank you to Nikki Long/State Farm

Thank you to Aims Community College

2013 New Members!

The Chamber is happy to announce new Members for the 2013 year!!

Marge Klein

Margie Martinez Perusek

First United Methodist Church

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

We are excited to have you as a part of the Fort Lupton Chamber and we look forward to working with you!

Optimists Club Duck Race

Be sure to get in on the fun of the “Ducks Across the Rockies” duck race on Sunday the 8th.

Ducks are just $5.00 each and there are some great cash prizes for the winning ducks!

Chamber Member Special Announcements

Please remember that the Fort Lupton Chamber of Commerce is here to help and to encourage community growth within our city! If you have any announcements of upcoming events, employment opportunities, changes in business services, etc. please feel free to email them to Sandy and she will assist you in spreading the word!

Please send email announcements to or call Sandy at 303-857-4474

Free Business Counseling

Counseling sessions will be held twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at the Fort Lupton Chamber of Commerce office.

For more information or to schedule a session call:

Lisa Drew from the Small Business Development Center (970) 396-1920.

September 2012 Calendar

9/2Labor Day

9/4Board Meeting

9/517th Annual Yellow Ball Classic Golf Tournament

9/6 Trapper Days begins

9/7Trapper Days

9/8Trapper Days

9/11Chamber Luncheon

9/22First day of Fall