PiedmontAcademyEarly LearningCenter
570 Piedmont Rd. NE
Marietta, GA30066
Tuition Agreement
I agree to pay the total weekly tuition each Friday for the upcoming week. If my account carries any balance each Monday at 10:00am a late fees will be accrued. I understand that weekly tuition is not prorated for absences of any duration for any cause. This is because staffing and other operational costs are incurred based on fixed levels of enrollment and because few, if any, of these costs are eliminated when a child is temporarily absent.
I understand that I must give two weeks written notice to management prior to the withdrawal of my child(ren). Tuition continues to be due and payable during this period. If no notice is given, two weeks tuition will still be due on the account.
Health Information
In order to keep our children healthy, PiedmontAcademy adheres to the following policies:
- We can not permit children with communicable diseases or illnesses to attend school. We will require a doctor’s note to return to school if a communicable disease has been suspected or diagnosed.
- Children with a fever of 100 degrees or above will be sent home and may return to school when they have been fever free without medication for 24 hours.
- Over the counter medications will be dispensed only if the dosage for the child’s age and /or weight is listed on the label, unless a doctor’s note is provided. OTC medications will be brought to the center in the original container with the child’s name clearly marked on the label. A Medical Authorization Dispensation Form must be filed out and on file before ANY medication is dispensed.
- Each child must provide a GA record of immunization.
- PiedmontAcademyEarlyLearningCenter agrees to keep you informed of any incidents, illnesses, injuries or adverse reactions to medications for your child.
Pick Up / Drop Off
Program day is from 6:30 am – 6:30 pm.
Children should arrive no later than 8:30 am to avoid interruptions in our teaching day.
ALL children must be picked up by 6:30pm.
A late pick up fee of $1 per child/ per minute will be applied and due upon pick up.
Breakfast is served 7:15 am-8:00am only. Lunch is served 12:15-1:00pm only.
- I understand that PiedmontAcademyEarlyLearningCenter is a Christian based Center.
- Children must be escorted into and out of the AcademyEarlyLearningCenter by an adult.
- All Visitors to the EarlyLearningCenter must check in with the Academy Office.
- Although we request cooperation in not disrupting our program, parents are permitted access to all parts of our center at any time their child is present, so long as they are escorted by a staff member.
- I agree to keep the EarlyLearningCenter informed of any significant changes in address, telephone numbers, work location, emergency contacts, child’s physician, child’s health status, immunization records, etc. I understand a designated contact must always be available in the event of an emergency.
- In custody cases, I understand that I must furnish the EarlyLearningCenter with copies of court documents.
- Staff regularly communicates with parents concerning child’s progress, issues relating to care and any individual concerns.
- Parents will be informed and encouraged to attend programs and extra events offered at the Academy.
- Breakfast and Lunch will be provided as well as a morning and afternoon healthy snack for ages 2yrs and older. Children under 2 yrs much bring their own nutritious meals and snacks daily.
Photographic Release
I give my permission to have my child’s photo published in media unless I notify the EarlyLearningCenter in writing. Photographs may also be posted within the center or on the school web site. I give my permission for my child(ren) to be photographed or videotaped while in attendance at the center.
Holidays and Closings
The EarlyLearningCenter will be closed so our staff may observe holidays with their families: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. See the annual calendar for specific dates each year.
The Center will also be closed or delayed for inclement weather. Parents will be notified of such closings. See the handbook for details.
I have received and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth by PiedmontAcademyEarlyLearningCenter and in the Parent Handbook.
Signature of Parent/Guardain:______Date: ______