1791 Tullie Circle, N.E./Atlanta, GA 30329



(Minutes of all Meetings are to be distributed to all persons listed below within 60 days following the meeting.)

These draft minutes must be approved by this committee to be the official approved record.

TC No. 1.6DATEJan 28, 2017



DISTRIBUTION: All Members of TC plus the following:
TAC Section Head: /
All Committee Liaisons As Shown On TC Rosters (Research, Standards, ALI, etc.) / See ASHRAE email alias list for needed addresses.
Mike Vaughn,
Manager of Research & Technical Services /

Sub-committee: Monday 8:00-12:00

Main TC 1.6: Monday 4:15-6:15

Attendees (include voting members and guests)

Name / Affiliation / Name / Affiliation
Roger Lautz, Chair (m) (vm) / AEI / Arthur Hallstrom, Vice Chair (s, m) (vm) / AD Hall
Bruce Billedeaux, PE (m)(vm) / Maverick Technologies / James Turcato (m) / Cal Poly
Sonya Pouncy (s) (cm) / Building Vitals / Raymond Yip (m) / Cal Poly
Charles Dale-Derks (s,m) (vm) / Mcclure Engineering / Brian Holcomb (s) / EAS
Dr Birol Kilkis (m) / Baskent U. / Rex Camit (m) / Seneca College
Jaap Hogeling, Non Quorum – Provided input before meeting
Absent – Kyle Kisebach (vm) / Jose Palma (vm) / David Bornside (vm)
‘s – attended subcommittee / ‘m – attended main meeting / ‘vm - voting member
‘cm – corresponding member / ‘g - guest
  1. Call to Order
  2. Welcome – Introductions
  3. Roll Call
  4. Roger Lautz, Art Hallstrom, Bruce Billedeaux, ChuckDale Derks = Voting Members, have Quorum
  5. Motion to approve last meeting minutes.
  6. Art Hallstrom moved, Chuck Dale-Derks seconded. 4,0,0 CV. Passed.
  7. Roster Changes for next year.
  8. Carryover voting members – Art Hallstrom, Chuck Dale-Derks, Bruce Billedeaux, Jose Palma, Kyle Kisebach, Jaap Hogeling (nq).
  9. Roger Lautz, David Bornside to cm (timed out).
  10. Rex Camit, Sonya Pouncy and Bryan Holcomb to vm.
  11. Dr Birol Kilkis to vm nq.
  12. Art Hallstrom Chair, Chuck Dale-Derks VC, Sonya Pouncy – Sec.
  13. Review of Agenda
  14. Section Head report
  15. Discussed how TAC works
  16. Activity forms need to be done, (turned in on Jan 30)
  17. Chair’s Report
  18. Announcements
  19. We have no awards nominations
  20. Subcommittee Reports
  21. ASHRAE Terms Online - Art Hallstrom
  22. Usage has grown a lot. In last year ASHRAE reported online has 5022 sessions, 3976 users, 27,834 page views. 5.54 pages per session. 78% new viewers and 22% returning.
  23. Terminology Working File – Hallstrom
  24. Have updated terms from last year from ASHRAE Staff. About 1200 terms. Will be adding to working file.
  25. Added 4200 terms from IIR added to working file as a sub group. For use only by refrigeration reviewers. They use keywords so we will start adding keywords to terms.
  26. Added bEQ terms.
  27. Looked at adding position document terms but they have only 3 terms and really are not useable.
  28. Once terms are in working file Chuck Dale-Derks will ask individuals to review and comment on terms they are “experts” one. Should speed up the review process.
  29. Looking to do an ASHRAE Terms On-Line update this spring.
  30. Custom reports – No activity or report from Kyle Kisebach. Rex Camit appointed new custom reports chair. Will learn and test process working with Art Hallstrom. Once he is ready, will announce this option to ASHRAE stds and guideline committees. After a test period an article on terms custom reports will be submitted to the Journal.
  31. TC wants ASHRAER to include abbreviations in online version. Art to ask if they will do it.
  32. Metric Conversations.
  33. Need to update ASHRAE excel sheet for SI-IP conversions to include columns for rational (hard Units) with difference percentage. Might offer several options for user selection. For many applications uses a rational conversion will be more useful for ashrae members outside the US. Would not require dual stds like 90.1 (IP) and 90.1 (SI). But would require a change to ASHRAE Metric policy.
  34. Dr Birol Kilkis offered to update the spreadsheet. TC would like to review before June 1 so it could be approved atr Long Beach meeting.
  35. Handbook/Standards – Bruce Billedeaux
  36. Working on next handbook chapters.
  37. Need to withdraw Std 134. Obsolete. ASHRAE has only 6 in stock and sold 0 last year. Chuck Dale-Derks moved to withdraw. Seconded by Bruce Billedeaux. Motion by Voting members – 4,0,0 CV. Passed.
  38. Research
  39. None proposed or deemed needed
  40. Program – Sonya Pouncy (new Program Chair)
  41. Program for Chicago on Terms updating, custom reports.

b.Program for the next meeting on Terms usable worldwide. Importance.

  1. Web Page – Art Hallstrom (new webmaster)
  2. Will update after this meeting.
  3. Liaison Reports - None
  4. Old Business
  5. Committee membership – Art Hallstrom to ask all members, co-member and provisional members if they want to stay on committee next year. Complete by Feb 28.
  6. Roger Lautz – Review ASHRAE Position Papers for definitions to incorporate. Complete.
  7. New Business
  8. Roger Lautz reported the new MTG on Air Change Rates wanted TC 1.6 Liaison. Roger offered to do it and was appointed.
  9. Next meeting in Long Beach. Subcommittees (all) 9-12 on Monday. Main meeting 4:15 to 6:15 pm on Monday. Main Meeting will be requested as a RPM. Art Hallstrom to bring LCD projector. Subcommittee does not need screen/cart. Both meeting need electric plug strips.
  10. Adjournment – Bruce Billedeauxmade motion, Chuck Dale Derks 2nd. Passed. 6:00 pm