QC News – Updates & Training – March 2017

Welcome all new Members…and this is the way we like to start out each month. We are honored to have you as one of our newest Members! Current newsletters are included in all the Member Kits that go out. Only new Members get hard copy. After your first month, all future Newsletters can be found on our web site: www.QuarterlyConnection.com. Click on the tab at the top that says “QC News”. We used to mail them out to everyone each month. However, once we went over 4000 Members strong, it became too expensive so we started putting it only in the new Member Kits and then posting it online. You can also find previous newsletters there. Plus, you can order hard copy of past newsletters using your order forms.

Important! Read this section…as it affects many of you. Steve Potter is no longer a Member of Quarterly Connection. We will not go into a lot detail here. Basically, he got angry about us sharing the Bitcoin Biz with everyone. None the less, if we had it to do over again…we would do it the same way. When something this good comes along, we feel that you people have a right to know about it. That is why we shared. If you are on the weekly calls or listen to the recordings, you know all about it. Mainly…if you have a Flyer with a Steve Potter testimonial on it, you need to order a new one. You have until the end of this month to mail out any flyers that you have already printed. After that, all mailings must be done with a new flyer. Any nixies that come in with Steve Potter’s testimonial on them will not be re-mailed after April 1. To get a new flyer, simply send in $2 and request one. That’s all there is to it. No, we cannot afford to send everyone a new flyer for free. However, we did lower the price from $3 to $2 in order to make it easier for everyone to get a new one. This helps cover some of our cost. Premium paper and large envelopes are rather expensive. Thank you!

The Bitcoin Biz …is moving along quite nicely. By the time you read this, we will have opened it up to everyone. We have managed to get all the W, R, I, Codes and about ½ of the G codes entered. We will finish the G codes in about a week and that leaves the H codes and the T codes, which will take approximately 10 more days. It has been an interesting wake up call to see how poorly some people follow simple directions. Everything is totally explained on the MyBitcoinBiz site, yet numerous people still could not even get their Usernames done correctly. Our General Manager spent numerous hours putting videos together explaining everything and still, numerous people managed to totally screw up their accounts. We have no more words for this…. On a positive note…MORE people got it right than got it wrong! Well done!

Do you owe us money…if we are managing your account? When the Bitcoin Biz first started, Bitcoins were below $1000. Therefore, it was costing less than $50 to get started with the opportunity. Shortly thereafter, Bitcoins went up over $1000. As a result, the price went up to $55, then $60…and now, it is at $65. If you are a person who sent in only $50, $55 or $60…then you owe us money. Please send in the difference right away as when it is time to renew the admin fee and your Stage 1 upgrade, there will not be enough money in your account to cover this. We took money out of our pockets to get you enrolled. But, we cannot afford to take money out of our pockets a second time to cover your renewals. Each of you knows how much you owe, if any. Please send in the difference right away so as not to become inactive and miss donations. If you can afford it, it would be wise to buy a few extra Bitcoins every week or two. The price will continue to go up and you can profit from this price increase as long as you have some extra ones on hand.

Keeping it short and sweet…for another month here. Too much going on to spend a lot of time writing. Bear with us, soon we will get everything back on track and will have more and more training in the monthly news.

Until next month…take care everyone and may God Bless,

Your QC Staff