1.Approval of March and April Minutes
2.LVCC Report- Diann Marsalek
3.Treasurer's Report- Marie Poppy
4.CDDC Report-Marie Poppy, CLVN Delegate
5.Update of CLVN Website - Marie Poppy
6.Recap of Zoning Plan for CLVN by Ald. Tunney
7.Variance Request - 815 W. Oakdale Rear Set Back
/Voting on Request
8.Change in Zoning Request By Erie Brush at 860 W. Fletcher
established business needs Zoning change for Business License
9.Presentation by Central LakeView Merchants and our Business Members
10.Presentation of Appealing Property Tax Assessment
11.Voting on Proposed CLVN By-Laws
12.Report by Jim Bail - Meeting on Health Care on the North Side
13.Report on Flower and Plant Sale – Marie Poppy
14.Executive Committee Report – Diann Marsalek
15. Email notification and Mailing of Minutes – James Bail
CLVN MEETING LOCATION: ADVOCATEILLINOISMASONICHOSPITALCONFERENCECENTER. YOU MUST ENTER THROUGH HOSPITAL MAIN ENTRANCE!!! Then, follow the signs, which will direct you to “Board Room” in the Hospital’s Nelson St. Conference Building]Parking available at hospital lot on N. Side Wellington, just East of Sheffield.
CLVN President, Diann Marsalek, called the meeting to order on Thursday, April 13, at 7:30 pm. The officers present were introduced which included Marie Poppy-Treasurer, Jim Bail-Corresponding Secretary, Karen Gaus and Laura Kotelman-Recording Secretaries and Pete Griffin-Area Director. A quorum was present for the meeting.
CAPS MEETING RECAP: Diann Marsalek presented a recap of the CAPS meeting held prior to the CLVN meeting. Issues presented to the police included dog walkers not cleaning up after their dogs near Agassiz school. Concerns were also presented for the police to enforce the rules of the road with individuals on bikes. The police encouraged residents to post their property address on the front of their building, garages and garbage cans. Free numbers were distributed at the meeting. The posting of numbers helps the police to locate your property. The police also reminded residents to prevent cars thefts lock your cars, remove valuables, park in well lighted areas, close your windows and remove keys from the car. The next CAPS meeting is scheduled for June 8th at 7:00pm
LVCC REPORT: Diann Marsalek reported that LVCC is sponsoring a membership drive. CLVN was acknowledged by LVCC for signing up new members for their organization. LVCC is working on a program with the Chicago Fire Dept. to alert individuals to ensure smoke detectors are in working condition in their buildings. A forum was also held to address issues of graffiti. A Planned Development is under review for the area of Belmont and Ashland. This 87 foot building (7 stories) would include a 150 condo units, 400 parking spaces. There is 50,000 sq. feet of office space plus 80,000 sq. feet of commercial space. The second Planned Development is an assisted living center for seniors. This development under the direction of St. Luke’s will be located at Greenview and Melrose with 110 units and 137 parking spaces. Finally, LVCC’s Annual Meeting and Elections are scheduled for May 18, 2006 at 5:30pm at BellSchool, 3730 N. Oakley.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Marie Poppy, Treasurer reported the account balance is $3,392.91
ZONING PLAN FOR CLVN PRESENTED BY ALDERMAN TOM TUNNEY: Ald. Tunney pledged to provide notices and information to CLVN via the President with any zoning or variance requests for our area. It is his hope that in the next 2-3 months he will present a Master Plan for the 44th Ward for which will be the guideline for managing the long term development of the ward. The strategic plan was developed with almost two years of work by community representatives from every neighborhood group. The plan will cover zoning, open / green space, traffic management, affordable housing, residential and commercial development.
As for CLVN, re-zoning the Barry/ Fletcher area has been completed is now zoned R4.5 from R5. The 800 block of Oakdale has been approved as a landmark district by the city. Sheffield east side is proposed to remain commercial. Sheffield west side is proposed to be residential except for corners close to the el-stops and places where business exist today such as Oakdale ( Pops), and George (Enterprise) The proposed residential zoning under discussion is R5 with some R4. CLVN’s original recommendation in 2004 to the Alderman was R.4 Diversey has only 4 lots left commercial (C1-2.) The trend on this street is also been moving to residential. New residential zoning is being proposed but the zoning level is not yet finalized. The Alderman distributed a map of these two areas.
The Alderman noted he is seeing requests to de-convert multi units to single family homes. The Alderman knows CLVN history of moving to R.3 zoning on the west side of Sheffield several years ago. At that time there were many single family housing lost to multi unit 3 and 4 flats building. He also noted that CLVN has continually expressed no interested in moving to higher 3.5 zoning. While 3.5 zoning can allow for larger single family housing it can allow for multi unit dwellings. He is aware the community is somewhat skeptical of a need for change and is concerned of losing single family housing stock once again. Poppy advised the membership that Alderman Schulter zoned his ward all R.3 so having only a few blocks of the 44th Ward R3 should not be “hazardous” to the ward losing families. A question was raised about the size of R3 buildings. Residents were directed to look at new construction of single family homes on the 1100 blocks of George, Wolfram, Wellington and Oakdale. Other streets include 3000 block of Seminary and Clifton. There are also some R3 homes on larger lots on the 1100 block of Wellington, and Wolfram. The Alderman would like to finalize CLVN zoning proposals by June so ordinance changes can be introduced to City Council. For those wanting to learn more about the new zoning code the information is available upon the City’s website and information is included with these minutes for the B and C zoning.
The Alderman reported that he sent letters to three residents of the 800 block of Wolfram to see if they wanted landmark status. The neighbors offered little or no interest in this proposal. The Alderman took questions for those in Attendance. The alderman fielded a question about the hospital. The Alderman stated Advocate Illinois Masonic was the highest bidder for InterAmericanSchool property and this land will become designated as a planned development. Parking, traffic issues, building height and open/green space will be discussed as part of the plan. Formal plans have not been presented to the Alderman and it is anticipated this project will take a few years to complete. Inter-American will move into the LemoyneSchoolBuilding in September. The school will be named Lemoyne/Inter-American. The Alderman indicated he heard that Caribou Coffee and Einstein’s may be returning to Diversey and Sheffield with no residential development on the property at this time. The property is located in the 43rd Ward and residents could contact Ald. Vi Daley with questions.
UPDATEONST.JOSEPHHOSPITAL: Ald. Tunney presented a written letter to the community concerning the five parcels of hospital property. St. Joseph’s is seeking a zoning change on the “Surf St. Lot” to build a 9 story mixed use medical office building with an enclosed parking lot for 411 cars. The proposed plan which has been negotiated over years includes: any subsequent construction that requires a permit be approved by the Chicago Plan Commission, on going Traffic Management overseeing, parcels within Planned Development can’t be sold to a private developer, a decrease in allowed height and sq. footage, overnight parking in enclosed lot for community members affected with development and building limits of 125 foot, 9 stories with 3 floors of ambulatory care and 6 floors of doctor’s offices. Any concerns should be addressed to the Alderman’s office.
REQUEST FOR VARIANCE ON 815 OAKDALE REAR YARD SET BACK: A request was made by the property owners, Paula and Tyler Belnap. Their architect, Jerry Hamen, made a presentation and described this land marked property as a single family home on a double lot at the alley. There are currently 2 garages on the property. The variance is requesting to build an additional bedroom over the garage and to connect the existing back porch and mud room of the house. The variance seeks to connect the house to the garage. This would result in a zero rear yard vs. the 30% of the lot depth that is required by zoning. The proposed livable space over the garage is is also outside current zoning requirements. The owners indicated they have support from the neighbors. The architect stated a new garage of brick/stone will be built and a bay will be enclosed for the garbage cans. The plans/drawings were shown to the group. CLVN’s Planning and Zoning Committee has reviewed the request and will give their recommendation at the May meeting prior to the vote on this issue.
WILL’S NORTHWOODS INN 3030-3036 N. RACINE REQUEST FOR A ZONING CHANGE TO OBTAIN A BEER GARDEN LICENSE: Will’s is requesting a zoning change from RT4 to General Commercial Zoning to obtain a beer garden license. The property is located in the 32nd Ward (Ald. Matlak) and South Lake View Neighbor’s has the West side of Racine while CLVN has the east side of Racine. The President of CLVN and members on Clifton/ Racine were sent a notice of a community meeting on April 12, 2006. The President of CLVN and some members attended the meeting. The owners stated they had operated the business for 15 years with no problems. They sell liquor at the bar indoors and patrons can sit with a drink outside. The owners stated if they get the license they want to continue the current business practice. The bar could still obtain 6 special permits for events and parties. Some attendees voiced a concern as to what would happen if the owners sell the bar and new owners want to place a bar in the outside lot. There was discussion of a restrictive covenant to be entered into and placed on the deed. Marsalek suggested CLVN write a letter to Ald. Matlak, Ald. Tunney and South Lake View Neighbors (SLVN) stating the position of CLVN and requesting a restrictive covenant be placed on the deed. Marie Poppy made a motion which was seconded by Aaron Harkin that CLVN sends a letter asking for a restrictive covenant be placed on the deed with the restrictions consisting of no sales of liquor outside, no bar set up outside except for events or parties that have a special use permit, no wait staff serving liquor outside and the patrons return to the bar by 10pm every night. The motion passed after a vote was taken.
CLVN Website:Marie Poppy reported the web site is near completion and is expected to go live by the end of April.
FLOWER SALE REPORT: Poppy and Marsalek reported that the sale will be held on Saturday May 13, 2006 (rain or shine) 9:30am-3:30pm at Agassiz school. The plants are being supplied by GethsemaneGardenCenter. Order forms were available at the meeting and are available at the school office and the Alderman’s Office at 1057 W. Belmont. The school PTA will also hold a bake sale. This is a joint fund raising effort with the school and we ask you spread the word of this event. Volunteers are needed for the day of the event. Please contact Marie at or call at 773.528.4484.
- Permit approved for 902 W. Diversey to erect a 4 story, 4 unit building.
- Permit approved for 854 W. Oakdale to de-convert 2 units to single family.
Presentation made by candidates. Residents can vote on April 19th at Inter American and AgassizSchools for up to 5 parent/community representatives from 6am-7pm by bringing two forms of ID.
BY-LAWS: Marsalek reported proposed By-Laws were mailed to members. Please review and be prepared to vote on these at May meeting. An important change in dues is in the By-Laws to have all members pay dues in January 2007 that would cover the calendar year to 12-31 instead of rolling payment dates.
EXCECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT: Marsalek reported the committee met with the new officers to discuss goals for this year. We will meet again in May to discuss a membership drive and our schedule for events. The president has appointed the following committee chairs: Membership/Finance-Mark Staublin and Planning/Zoning-Co-Chairs Henry Lopez and Marie Poppy. Members are encouraged to serve as committee members.
CLVN MEMEBERSHIP: Marsalek reported Area Directors distributed flyers before the April meeting to announce our meeting and also left a membership application. We are attempting to reach potential new members. Please tell you neighbors about our organization. We especially have trouble getting into condo buildings. Dues are only $7.00 per person and members get their monthly minutes / newsletter. We have 15 new members. Thanks to Marie Poppy, Frank Nussbaum, Frank Pons, Pete Griffin and Mark Staublin for passing out the materials.
CLEAN & GREEN: City has set date of 5-13-06 which is the date of our flower /plant sale. Therefore, CLVN will perform the cleaning in our area May 5-6-from 10am-12pm. Volunteers please meet at the corner of Seminary and Wellington. We will have supplies for cleaning/sweeping. Please bring work gloves if you have them.
SIGN PROJECT: We are working with the alderman’s office to inventory all signs in our area. We will seek to have signs replaced or cleaned. Next year we hope to have light poles painted by the city as we were told there are no funds for this year.
SHARED SIDEWALK PROGRAM:Ald. Tunney also left material on the shared sidewalks. This is a voluntary program for the City and the property owner to share the cost of replacing sidewalks. Property owners pay a sq. foot cost of $2.25 and seniors or those with disabilities pay $1.12. Owners of property need to complete an application and send it to the City. The Chicago Dept. of Transportation will survey the area and send a proposed estimate. Construction runs from May to November. Payments received after Aug. 15 will be completed the following year. Call 312-743-1422 for more information.
CTA WORK ON THE BROWN LINE: Joint meeting with other local branches and the CTA is planned for June to discuss the work on the Brown Line.
PROPERTY TAXES:Assessments will be mailed 5-22-06. Residents have 30 days to file an appeal after receipt of assessment
REIGLER FAMILY: CLVN sent condolences to the family of John Riegler on the death of his wife. CLVN made a donation of behalf of Mrs. Riegler. The family sent us a very nice thank-you note.
ADJOURNMENT: - Motion made and passed to adjourn at 9:05pm.
CLVN CALENDAR / Community Up-Coming Events
5-9 Executive Committee Meeting 7:30 pm
5-11 CLVN Meeting 7:30pm
5-13 Flower and Plant Sale 9:30am Agassiz School
5-18 LVCC Elections and Annual Meeting 5:30pm Bell School
5-19 Fund Raiser/Golf Outing @ Marovitz course, 9 holes $60.00.per or $200.00 for 4 / proceedsto establishpark at 815-817 W. Roscoe
6-3/4 Belmont Sheffield Music Festival
6-8- CAPS Meeting 7pm
6-8 CLVN Meeting 7:30pm- Speaker Ward Superintendent on Sanitation Issues
7-19 Lakeview Garden Walk, interested in showing off your green thumb contact Sharon at
Special Note:If you wish to be added to the CLVN e-mail list contact . List members will receive their minutes, breaking news and other information.E-mail addresses are kept confidential and are not sold or distributed.
Central Lake View Neighbors Membership Form
CLVN Boundaries Belmont to the South-Diversey to the North-West side of Halsted-East side Racine
Please Check Level of Membership Make Checks Payable To: Central Lake View Neighbors
Annual Dues Schedule Mail Check and Application to: Central Lake View Neighbors
( ) Resident $7/per person /yr c/o Diann Marsalek, President
( ) Senior 60 +$3/per person /yr 1108 West Wellington
( ) Affiliate (non-voting) $4 Chicago, Illinois 60657
( ) Institutional $30 / yr
( ) Donation to CLVN*
Check One _____I want to help save money on postage, please e-mail me my minutes. _____ I like my minutes sent by US Mail.
___ Yes, I would also like to become a member of Lake View Citizen Council (LVCC). I am including an addition $5.00 check made payable to LVCC for their annual dues.
NAME______(First) (Middle) (Last)
BUSINESS NAME (if applicable)______
e-mail address______
E-mail addresses are kept confidential and are not sold or distributed to anyone.
Central Lake View Neighbors
c/o Diann K. Marsalek, President
1108 West Wellington Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60657