Item # 4

Short answer questions: Design Field

Competency standard/s

This assessment task forms one part of your assessment in the following units:

● TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs

● TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs.

Your Name:


1. In your own words, explain what Vocational Education and Training (VET) is and describe its key features. Explain key principles of how competency-based training and assessment (CBT/A) works.
2. For each item below, explain what it is and describe its role in the VET system. Include an explanation of how and by whom each is used.
a. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
b. Standards for National VET Regulator Registered Training Organisations (SNR) or Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
Guidance: For item (b) above, base your response on SNR or AQTF, whichever applies in your state.
c. Training packages
3. Explain the differences between:
● a training package qualification, a skill set and an accredited course
● a training and assessment strategy and a learning program plan.
4. For each of the VET-sector organisations listed below:
● In your own words, explain what the acronym stands for
● Briefly describe the main functions of these organisations in VET.
b. VET regulators (ASQA and State Training Authorities)
c. ISCs
d. RTOs.
5. Describe how you do or could determine training needs in your workplace.
6. Name two places where you could go to source learning resources relevant to your industry or area of expertise.
Guidance: ‘Places’ may include organisations (your own or external), individuals or websites that offer relevant learning resources.
7. a. Summarise the implications of copyright legislation when selecting and/or developing learning program resources (¼-½ page).
b. Name at least one organisation you could contact if you have any queries about copyright of learning resources in Australia.
8. Explain your in-depth understanding of training packages by answering the following questions:
a. Name the three endorsed components of a training package and summarise the information found in each component.
b. Describe how and by whom training packages are developed and endorsed. Who has input into the content of a training package?
c. Explain what it means to ‘contextualise’ training package competency standards when using them as the basis for training and/or assessment.
d. Explain what it means to apply a reasonable adjustment when using training package competency standards as the basis for assessment.
9. Research, identify and analyse a training package relevant to your industry. Do the following:
a. Name the training package
b. List the qualifications contained in this training package, or submit a copy of a page/s from the training package that provide/s this information
c. Identify one (1) qualification from the above training package.
i. Name the qualification
ii. Submit a copy of the page/s from the training package that shows the packaging rules for this qualification
iii. Identify an appropriate target client group for this qualification. Briefly describe this target group.
iv. List units from the qualification that you would recommend for this group to complete the qualification. Your list of units must be appropriate for the client group and address the qualification packaging rules.
Guidance: If during training you completed an activity in which you explored a training package and completed similar tasks to a – c above, you may submit the completed activity handout as your way of answering this question.
10. Crack the codes: Using the training package you used to answer the question above:
a. note the codes of:
● the training package
● one qualification from that training package
● one unit of competency from the training package.
b. Explain the meaning of each component of the above codes.
Guidance: If during training you completed a ‘cracking the codes’ activity you may submit the completed activity handout as your way of answering this question.
Or, use the sample answer below to guide you:
● Training package code: BSB07 (Business Services)—
– BSB tells us…; ‘07’ tells us…
● One qualification from BSB07 is BSB40107—
– BSB tells us…; ‘4’ tells us… etc.
● One unit from BSB07 is BSBADM401B—
– BSB tells us…; ADM tells us… etc.
11. Training package competency standards are structured as ‘units’ of competency. In your own words:
● summarise the information contained in each part of a unit listed below
● explain how this information helps you interpret the requirements of the unit and develop training and/or assessment plans and resources.
a. Unit title
b. Unit code
c. Unit descriptor
d. Elements
e. Performance criteria
f. Range statement
g. Employability skills (or for older units, key competencies)
h. Required knowledge and skills
i. Evidence Guide (here discuss critical aspects of evidence plus other information in the evidence guide that helps guide training or assessment of that unit).
Guidance: If during training you completed an ‘Explore a Unit’ activity, you may submit the completed activity handout as your way of answering this question. Or, a1-2 sentence response per lettered item above is sufficient.

Short Answer Questions DES Field V2 2012 Pg. 2