14th Meeting of THESIS
(THESIS / BAD / BSID Research Course)
On Thursday 12th - Friday 13th June 2014
Venue: Willan House, London
Dear Trainees, Registrars, Research Fellows and other members of the B.A.D.
Following the success of last year’s meeting we are organising the 14th Meeting of THESIS, as the THESIS/BAD/BSID Research Course to be held in London 12th - 13th June 2014.
The course will be suitable for SpRs in Dermatology and for SHOs / Foundation Year trainees who wish to pursue a career in either clinical or academic dermatology. New consultants will be most welcome and SpRs in years one and two are particularly encouraged to attend.
Topics to be covered will include:
Clinical research, Professor Catherine Smith, London
How to carry out and write up an MD or PhD, Dr Jane Sterling, Cambridge
NIHR research training fellowships, Dr Helen Harris, NIHR
Why the BAD supports dermatology research, Professor Irene Leigh, London
Skin research from a scientist’s perspective, Professor David Kelsell, London
Skin Research in Industry, Dr Frank Kolbinger, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research,
Dermatology research in the UK and the BSID, Dr Mike Ardern-Jones, Southampton
The British Skin Foundation, Dr Robin Graham-Brown, Leicester
Dermatology Research: choosing your area, Dr Sara Brown, Dundee
Laboratory based research relevant to the clinic, Professor Edel O’Toole, London
Epidemiological research, Dr Carsten Flohr, London
‘What keeps reviewers happy: how to get your paper published’, Dr John Ingram, Cardiff
The registration fee for this meeting is £295. This will include meals and accommodation in a hotel for the Thursday night.In the light of there being limited local study leave funds; the B.A.D. has agreed to provide a limited number of Educational Bursaries to trainees who attend the THESIS meeting.
Important note:
However due to generous sponsorship of this course, this yeara 50% discount is available with the Educational Bursaries which brings the cost of the course down to £100.00 *with accommodation on 12th June or£50.00* without accommodation. (*with a bursary).
Please note that places are strictly limited, (first come, first served only)and are available to UK trainees.
A number of people have expressed an interest in coming to the meeting. To reserve your place please complete the attached registration form. Cheques should be made payable to 'The British Association of Dermatologists' and sent to Conference and Events Office, Willan House, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ. I look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely
Dr Michael Ardern-Jones
Senior lecturer / Consultant Dermatologist
University of Southampton
14th Meeting of THESIS
(THESIS / BAD / BSID Research Course)
12th – 13th June 2014
TITLE: …………..SURNAME: ...... FIRST NAME: ......
HOSPITAL: ......
POSTCODE:………………………POSITION HELD: …………………………………………
TEL NO:………………………………………EMAIL:…………………………………………………
DIETARY / SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: ………………..…………………………………………..
£295£100 *- Full two days of sessions including course dinner at BAD House and accommodation at a local hotel on Thursday 12th June (* with a bursary)
£200£50 ** - Full two days of sessions including course dinner on Thursday 12th June at BAD House with no accommodation (** with a bursary)
Please tick this box if you wish to attend the dinner at BAD House on Thursday 12th June
Waived Registrationfor SpR speaker
Method of Payment:
I enclose a cheque for £______
Cheques should be made payable to British Association of Dermatologists or pay by credit card:
Card Number:
Expiry Date: Security Number: Issue Number:
Name as appears on card: ______
Total amount to be debited: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
For further details please email: or telephone: 020 7391 6358.
Please return this slip and payment to: Conference & Events Services, The British Association of Dermatologists, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
Please note: All cancellations are subject to a £25.00administration fee. No refunds for any cancellations made after 2ndMay 2014
Application for BAD Trainee Bursary
In the light of there being limited local study leave funds the B.A.D. has agreed to provide Educational Bursaries of £100 to trainees who attend the THESIS meeting. To apply for a bursary please fill in the following details:
POSITION HELD: …………………………………………………………………....
PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT…………………………………………………………….