March 13,2018SALES RESULTS

Sold540Hd of Fat Cattle

Fat Strs

$134.25 / 1465lbs(1 Hd) - Brad Renner of New Hartford

$133.25 /1516 Ibs (4 Hd) - Craig Pogemiller of Charles City

$133.00 / 1580 lbs(1 Hd) - Spencer Havig of Osage

$132.75 / 1380 lbs (2 Hd)- Mike & Alec Dearduff of Rockwell

$132.50 /1338 Ibs (3 Hd) - Kent Ubben of Austinville

$132.00/1371lbs (4 Hd) - Doug Martins of Fairbank

$132.00 / 1347 Ibs(2Hd) - Paul Youngblut of Sumner

$131.50 / 1305 Ibs. (2 hd) - Travis Soppe of West Union

$131.50 / 1540 Ibs. (2 hd) - Paul Youngblut of Sumner

$131.50 / 1220 Ibs. (1 hd) - Billie Ryherd of Cedar Falls

$131.00 / 1255 Ibs. (1 hd) - Bill Ball of Fred,burg

$131.00 / 1125 Ibs. (1 hd) - Tim Bunce of Sumner

$131.00 / 1385 Ibs. (1 hd) - Josh Garetson of Ames

$130.25 / 1426 Ibs. (3 hd) - Bruce Pixley of Grafton

Good Trade of Cattle

Bulk Choice Prime$128.00 to $134.25 / Cwt

Fat Hfrs

$134.50 / 1306 Ibs (3 Hd) - Craig Pogemiller of Charles City

$133.50 /1465 Ibs(2 Hd) - Mike & Alec Dearduff of Rockwell

$133.00 / 1172 Ibs (5 Hd) - Kent Ubben of Austinville

$133.00/ 1282 Ibs (4 Hd) - Billie Ryherd of Cedar Falls

$132.75 / 1250 Ibs (1 Hd) - Josh Garetson of Ames

$132.25 / 1165 Ibs (4 Hd) -Bryan Bayness of Fairbank

$131.50 / 1390 Ibs. (6 hd) - Nixt Cattle of Waverly

$131.50 / 1290 Ibs. (1 hd) - Paul Youngblut of Sumner

$131.00 / 1365 Ibs. (2 hd) - Dave Eberline of Bristow

$131.00 / 1275 Ibs. (1 hd) - Travis Soppe of West Union

$131.00 / 1265 Ibs. (1 hd) - Ron Strottmann of Readlyn

$130.50 / 1230 Ibs. (1 hd) - L & H Ranch of Oelwein

$130.00 / 1356 Ibs. (5 hd) - Nixt Cattle of Waverly

$130.00 / 1193 Ibs. (3 hd) - Jason Koop of Ackley

$130.00 / 1117 ibs. (2 HD) - Travis Soppe of West Union

$130.00 / 1240 Ibs. (1 hd) - Dale Matthias of Sumner

$130.00 / 1385 Ibs. (1 hd) - Harvey Drewelow of New Hampton

Bulk Choice Prime$128.00 to $133.50 / Cwt

Fat Holstein Dairy StrsHfrs

HolXbred up to $115.00 cwt

BlkHolstrs of Swiss, Jersey choice Grade $90.00 to $110.00 cwt

$115.00 / 1470 Ibs. (1 hd) - JerseyHfr - J & R Cattle of Algona

$111.00 / 1305 Ibs. (1 hd) -JarseyStr- J & R Cattle of Algona

Bulk Range of Jarseys choice Grade $88.00 to $94.00 cwt

Fat Holsteins

Extreme top

$90.75 /1437 Ibs. (2 hd) - Rottinghaus Farms of Charles City

Pratical Top

$90.00 / 1390 Ibs.(1hd) - Jon Tellen of Gowrie

$90.00 /1440 Ibs. (1 hd) - Duane & Roy Johnson of Parkersburg

$89.75/ 1500 Ibs.(2hd) - Aaron Stevens of Kensett

$89.50 / 1415 Ibs. (1 Hd) - Terpstra Farms of Newton

$89.50 / 1370 lbs (1 Hd)- Shaun Vance of Charles City

$89.00 / 1626 lbs(4 Hd) - Mike Mack of Osage

$89.00 / 1485 Ibs (3 hd) - Darin Bush of Fred,Burg

$89.00 /1407 Ibs (2 Hd) - Scott Ryg of Plymouth

$89.00 / 1745 lbs (1 Hd) - David Gentz of Northwood

$88..75 / 1517 lbs (2 Hd) - Evan Rethmeier of Laurel

$88.50 / 1577 lbs (2 Hd) - Ellis Sprecher of Scarville

$88.50 / 1655 Ibs (1 Hd) - Kevin Kaiser of Waverly

$88.50 / 1495 Ibs (1 Hd)- Carlson Farms of Cedar Falls

$88.50 /1495 Ibs. (1 hd) - Al & Mark Kriegel of Brooklyn

$88.25 / 1621 Ibs. (4 hd) - Duane & Roy Johnson of Parkersburg

$88.25 / 1412 Ibs. (2 hd) - Steve & Cathy Fedeler of Sumner

$87.85 / 1533 Ibs. (9 hd) - Al & Lynn Rinken of Greene

Bulk Choice Prime$86.00 - $89.75 / Cwt

Butcher Bulls

Feed lot Bulls - up to $97.00 cwt

HighDressers -$87.00 to $96.00/Cwt

Butcher Cows -145 hd sold -

Top $70.00

High Dressers $63.00 - $67.50 /Cwt

Low Dressers $55.00 - $61.00 / Cwt

Old & Thin Cows $20.00 - 40.00 / Cwt

Feeder Cattle Sold 200 hd Good Demand

Beef Strs-290 to640 Ibs -$150.00 to $215.00 cwt (Groups)

Beef Strs -650 to 850 Ibs. -$130.00 to $148.00 cwt (groups)

Beef Hfrs -312 to560 Ibs.$140.00 to $195.00 cwt (Groups)

HolStrs - 300 to 490 Ibs. - $90.00 to $120.00 cwt (Groups)

HolStrs - 500 to 800 Ibs.$80.00 to $86.00 cwt( Groups)

Baby Calves

Big Hol Bull Calves-$100.00 to $140.00 hd

New Born Hol Bull Calves -

Beef Calves -up to $550.00 hd

Bred Cows- Cows Bred for Spring Calves

Middle Aged to Older -$725.00 to $1025.00 hd

Bred Hfrs due forSpring -No Test

Cow / Calf Families-No Test