Water, Marine Environment & Chemicals
Chemicals, Biocides & Nanomaterials
Resources Based, Manufacturing and Consumer Goods Industries
Chemicals Industry

Brussels, 11 March 2013

Doc. CA/1/2013 draft rev.2

Draft Agenda

12th Meeting of Competent Authorities
for REACH and CLP

13 March 2013 14:15 – 17:50

14 March 2013 09:00 – 16:30

Room: 1D, Centre A. Borschette

Brussels, Belgium

13 March 2013 Open session 14:15– 17:50

Agenda item / Action / Time (approx.)
Session A: General issues

1. Adoption of agenda

/ Discussion/Adoption
CA/01/2013 / 14:15-14:25

2. follow-up of the 11th meeting of caracal

2.1 Draft summary record / Adoption
CA/69/2012 / 14:25-14:30

3. Report from CA session

3.1 Report from the CA session / Information / 14:30-14:40
Session B: REACH
Sub-session B.1: Commission points

4. Update REACH review

4.1 REACH review – part 1 / Discussion
CA/15/2013 / 14:40-15:40
Coffee break 15:40-16:00
4.1 REACH review – part 2 / Discussion
CA/15/2013 / 16:00-17:00

5. Update Nanomaterials review

5.1 Update on amendment of REACH Annexes for nanomaterials / Impact Assessment / Discussion / 17:00-17:20
5.2 Update on registry of nanomaterials / Discussion
CA/14/2013 / 17:20-17:35
5.3 Debrief from Nanomaterials Workshop (30 January 2013) / Discussion / 17:35-17:50
End of Day 1
14 March 2013 Open session 09:00 – 16:30
Day 2

6. Registration


7. Evaluation


8. Authorisation

8.1 Roadmap 2020 current status and next steps / Discussion
CA/2/2013 / 09:00-09:20
8.2 Recycling and REACH / Information/Discussion / 09:20-09:40
Sub-session B.1: Commission points - continuation
9. Restrictions

9.1 Article 67 (3) of REACH and expiry of existing national provisions

/ Discussion
CA/27/2013 / 09:40-09:55
9.2 Status of Commission project on CMRs in consumers' articles / Discussion / 09:55-10:15
9.3 New CEN test method for PAHs in extender oils – overview of comments received / Discussion
CA/9/2013 / 10:15-10:25
Coffee break 10:25-10:45
Sub-session B.2: ECHA points
10.1 FAQ on CrO3 / Information / 10:45-11:05
10.2 CSA/CSR Roadmap / Discussion
CA/16/2013 / 11:05-11:25
10.3 Status update on applications for authorisation / Information/Discussion
CA/13/2013 / 11:25-11:40
Sub-session B.3: REACH AOB


11.1 Endocrine disrupters under REACH Review articles and update of the expert group meeting / Discussion / 11:40-11:50
11.2 Call for information in the frame of the review required by Art 138(7) on endocrine disruptors / Discussion
CA/4/2013 / 11:50-12:00
11.3 Defence exemption in REACH and CLP / Discussion / 12:00-12:10
11.4 EU contributing to and benefiting from the OECD CoCAM (OECD High Production Volume Programme) / Discussion / 12:10-12:20
Lunch 12:20-13:10
Session C: CLP
Sub-session C.1: Commission points
12. 5th ATP and 6th ATP to CLP (new and revised entry Annex VI) / Discussion
CA/23/2013 / 13:10-13:20
13. Options for updating annex VI when new criteria are adopted / Discussion
CA/7/2013 / 13:20-13:50
14. Update on progress made with regard to Article 45(4) - harmonisation of information for poison centres / Discussion
CA/12/2013 / 13:50-14:10
15. French papers on CLH process and biocidal products classification / Discussion / 14:10-14:30
16. Activities of UNECE GHS and EU coordination / Discussion
CA/11/2013 / 14:30-14:50
17. Justification for demonstration of the need for an action at EU level - Art.36(3) CLP / Discussion
CA/8/2013 vers 1 / 14:50-15:00
18. Stopping the use of DSD classification and potential effects of the deletion of Tab 3.2 of Annex VI / Discussion
CA/58/2012 rev.1 / 15:00-15:10
Sub-session C.2: ECHA points
19. Hazard classes in CLH / Discussion
CA/17/2013 / 15:10-15:40
20. Workshop on C&L Inventory / Discussion
CA/22/2013 / 15:40-15:55
21. Workshop on C&L CLH dossier submission / Discussion
CA/18/2013 / 15:55-16:15


/ 16:15-16:30
Close of the meeting

Information Points:

Information points & outline
1. Work plan of CARACAL / CA/6/2013
2. Action List CARACAL-11 / CA/68/2012 rev.1
3. Report of REACH committee (Fee Regulation and PAHs) / CA/26/2013
4. Mapping study on academic courses relevant to REACH and CLP concluded recently / CA/24/2013
5. Learning from Article 54 / CA/20/2013
6. Low tonnage and polymer reports / https://circabc.europa.eu/faces/jsp/extension/wai/navigation/container.jsp
7.Update on Guidance activities / CA/21/2013
8. Update on the second Registration deadline / CA/19/2013
9.Summary of COM requests to ECHA regarding current and future restriction / CA/5/2013
10. Request to ECHA to prepare an Annex XV dossier with a view to prohibit the placing on the market and use of diaphragms containing chrysotile under entry 6 of Annex XVII to REACH / http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/chemicals/files/reach/restr-asbestos-echa-letter_en.pdf
11. IUCLID 6 survey / CA/25/2013

Rules for information points:

- Information points and accompanying documents are not allocated a specific agenda time but the documents are available on circa before the meeting;

- Information points can be prepared by COM, ECHA or MS and these documents are included in the draft agenda;

- Information points should have a title and a short outline of the main issues discussed in the document;

- Based on the outline referred to above, if any MS considers that information point may merit a specific agenda point, they should inform COM by sending an email to

and at the latest 10 days before the meeting.