Survey of Algorithms used in Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Ping-Herng Denny Lin
Department of Computer Science,
California State University, Fullerton.
Due to the explosive growth of information available in databases, researchers have been looking for ways to make use of data stored. Knowledge Discovery in Databases is the process of finding useful information in a large database. Many algorithms have been suggested and used to find useful data, and the activity is called data mining. This paper briefly describes the relationship between Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and data mining (DM), and surveys algorithms and methods used for data mining. The report will attempt to identify the strengths and weaknesses of data mining algorithms, and list some examples of how these algorithms are used.
Keywords: Algorithms, data mining, knowledge discovery in databases
aaDefinition of terminology
bbData mining tasks
ccData mining methods and techniques
ddExample applications
1Definition of terminology
The purpose of Knowledge Discovery in Database is to find useful information in an ever growing data set size in databases. Computer assisted transactions have generated mountains of data that could be useful to maintain the competitive edge of a company. For instance, retailers such as Wal-Mart have been making the best use of information from their 20 million per day point-of-sale transactions [Hed95], to understand customer purchasing behavior and improve customer service.
While the terms “Data mining” (DM) and “Knowledge Discovery in Databases” (KDD) have been used interchangeably, it is best to differentiate these terms since DM is one of the stages of KDD. The KDD process is generally made up of the following iterative stages [Rei99]:
11Understand the business: This phase is used to identify the domain, objectives, requirements, and feasibility of the data mining project.
21Understand data: This phase is based on data mining objectives identified in the previous stage. It is used to analyze and document available data and knowledge sources in the business, and to study characteristics of the data.
31Prepare data: Format or transform data to suitable media, clean or eliminate missing tuples, and focus the data for data mining. This step is usually the most time consuming part of the KDD project.
41Explore data: This phase is used to explore interesting insights into the data, so that initial hypotheses and models of data can be evaluated and developed.
51Data mining: Select and apply modeling and discovery algorithms to find patterns of interest in the data. This is accomplished by using different algorithms, which is the subject of this paper.
61Evaluate results: Interpret and evaluate data mining results in business terms, and initiate new experiments if necessary.
71Deploy results: Implement results obtained by the data mining process. Maintenance and monitoring data mining results are also part of this phase.
81Document experience: This phase is really done throughout all phases of KDD projects, and documents aspects of the project and deployment of data mining results. This stage enables future projects to be more efficient and effective.
The term “classification” is frequently used as an algorithm for all data mining tasks. Instead, it is best to use the term to refer to the category of supervised learning algorithms used to search interesting data patterns. While classification algorithms have become very popular and ubiquitous in DM research, it is just but one of the many types of algorithms available to solve a specific type of DM task.
Scaleability refers to the ability of data mining algorithms to work under increasingly large databases. Because data mining deals with large databases, scaleability is a desirable feature.
2Data mining tasks
Based on the data collected, data mining algorithms are used to either produce a description of the data stored, or predict an outcome. Different kinds of algorithms are used to achieve either one of these tasks. However, in the overall KDD process, any mixture of these tasks may be called upon to achieve the desired results. For example, in determining consumer preference for a new product, an analyst might first use clustering to segment the customer database, and then apply regression to predict buying behavior for that cluster [Ggr99].
11Description tasks: These tasks describe the data being mined and they are:
11Summarization: To extract compact patterns that describe subsets of data. The method used to achieve this task are Association Rule algorithms.
21Segmentation or Clustering: To separate data items into subsets that are similar to each other. Partition-based clustering algorithms are used to achieve this task.
31Change and Deviation Detection: To detect changes in sequential data (such as protein sequencing, behavioral sequences, etc.).
41Dependency Modeling: To construct models of causality within the data.
21Prediction tasks: To predict some field(s) in a database based on information in other fields.
11Classification: To predict the most likely state of a categorical variable (its class).
21Regression: To predict results that are numeric continuous variables [Fay98].
3Data mining methods and techniques
Because the DM and KDD fields are relatively new, different authors appear to survey methods in different ways.
i1Fayyad’s methods for data mining [Fay98]: Predictive Modeling; Clustering; Summarization; Dependency Modeling; Change & Deviation Detection
ii1Goebel & Gruenwald’s methods for data mining [Ggr99]: Statistical Models; Case-Based Reasoning; Neural Networks; Decision Trees; Rule Induction; Bayesian Belief Networks; Genetic algorithms; Fuzzy Sets; Rough Sets
iii1Aggarwal & Yu’s survey of techniques for data mining [Ayu98]: Association rules, Clustering, Classification
In the course of gathering information for this paper, Aggarwal & Yu's survey turned out to be very helpful in organizing descriptions of various methods. What follows is a survey of methods and techniques for data mining using Aggarwal & Yu's outline, while using information from other sources to describe the different approaches and their strengths and weaknesses as it applies to data mining.
i1Association rules: This type of algorithm seeks to find interesting data correlations between data items in different attributes. These data correlations are rules that state the association between sets of items with some minimum level confidence factor. For example, an association rule is a statement that “90% [confidence factor] of transactions that purchase bread and butter [antecedent] also purchase milk [consequent]” [Ais93].
Advantages: Generates very understandable data, and has become very popular in market analysis (also known as basket analysis).
Disadvantages: Is I/O intensive for repeated passes over the database.
ii1Clustering: These algorithms group similar records into segments which have considerable similarity within a group of points. Each of these segments may be treated differently. These algorithms are also known as unsupervised learning algorithms, and they rely heavily on statistical methods. Gray & Orlowska claim [Gor98] that clustering algorithms are typically in one of the following two forms:
i1Hierarchical clustering: These algorithms form a grouping of the data set by repeatedly joining or dividing existing clusters into new clusters [Gor98].
Table with animal information, used to generate the above hierarchy of clusters:
# / Animal / Feet / Ears / Eats / Gives_Milk / Flies / Swims1 / tiger / claw / external / meat / yes / unable / able
2 / dog / claw / external / grain / yes / unable / able
3 / horse / hoof / external / grass / yes / unable / able
4 / sheep / hoof / external / grass / yes / unable / unable
5 / frog / web / middle / meat / no / unable / well
6 / penguin / web / middle / meat / no / unable / able
7 / bat / claw / external / meat / yes / well / unable
8 / chicken / claw / middle / grain / no / able / unable
9 / rat / claw / external / grain / yes / unable / able
10 / crane / claw / middle / meat / no / well / unable
11 / rabbit / claw / external / grass / yes / unable / unable
12 / camel / hoof / external / grass / yes / unable / unable
13 / pig / hoof / external / grain / yes / unable / able
14 / duck / web / middle / grain / no / able / well
15 / ox / hoof / external / grass / yes / unable / able
16 / swallow / claw / middle / meat / no / well / unable
17 / bear / claw / external / meat / yes / unable / able
18 / ostrich / claw / middle / grain / no / unable / unable
19 / horse / hoof / external / grass / yes / unable / well
20 / eagle / claw / middle / meat / no / well / unable
Results of Hierarchical clustering:
# / Decision Rules Discovered [Hma91]1 / [Feet=web] [Gives_milk=no]
2 / [Feet=hoof] [Gives_milk=yes]
3 / [Feet=claw] [Swims=able] [Feet=claw] [Gives_milk=yes]
Advantages: Hierarchical clustering generates clear rules from the data, without supervision or pre-defined labels.
Disadvantages: Partition clustering algorithms may outperform hierarchical rule-based algorithms [Mpi99].
i1Partition-clustering: These algorithms partition the data set into a specified number of clusters by iteratively selecting a representative point for each cluster, determining a partitioning of the data based on these representative points and evaluating the partition according to metric-distance- or model- based criteria [Fay98]. Metric-distance techniques finds the best k-way partition so that cases in each block of the partition are closer in distance to each other than to cases in other clusters. Model-based techniques find the best fit of a hypothesized model for each of the clusters, to each cluster. Probability measures are used to score the fit of a model to a cluster.
Advantages: Can produce results that promise to be better than rule-based clustering methods [Mpi99].
Disadvantages: Like hierarchical clustering, finding rules that optimally covers all data clusters is an NP-hard problem [Hma91].
ii1Classification: These algorithms rely on human supervision to train itself to classify data into pre-defined categorical classes. For example, given classes of patients that correspond to medical treatment responses, identify most responsive forms of treatment for the patient [Ggr99].
i1Decision Tree: These classifiers use a decision tree to partition data until each partition contains mostly examples from a particular class. The split point in a decision tree is a non-leaf node in the tree that uses some condition (also known as predicates) to decide how data should be partitioned. The terminal nodes in a decision tree contains tuples in the same class.
Advantages: Decision tree algorithms scale well, run fast, and produce highly interpretable results [Eab98].
Disadvantages: Decision tree algorithms suffer because they may find local maximas, producing inaccurate results [Ffa99].
ii1k-Nearest Neighbor: This algorithm finds the nearest neighbors of the test example, and assigns its class label on the majority labels of the nearest neighbors. This technique assumes that locality in the feature space imply strong relationships among class labels [Ayu98].
Advantages:k-Nearest Neighbor algorithms are easy to implement, and its results are interpretable.
Disadvantages:k-Nearest Neighbor algorithms produce huge models for small data sets. Scalability is a serious concern for these algorithms [Eab98].
iii1DNF Rules: On the left hand side of these rules, it specifies a union of a set of possible non-disjoint regions in the feature space; the right hand side corresponds to the class label [Ayu98]. These algorithms aim to generate a minimal and complete rule set that is consistent with the training data [Aho96].
Advantages: DNF Rules generate a small set of consistent rules, so algorithm scales well.
Disadvantages: Finding DNF Rules can be computationally expensive [Win95].
iv1Neural networks: These networks are loosely modeled after the human brain. It is a data structure of functions that given one or more weighted inputs, produces an output which is a class label. Individual pieces of data is fed into the neural network, and the functions in the network are modified (learning) according to the error rates of the output produced. This approach usually results in long training times even if the data set is small [Ayu98].
Advantages: Neural networks produce accurate results.
Disadvantages: Neural networks require long training times and produce hard to understand results. These algorithms are not scaleable [Eab98], and significant data pre-processing is required.
v1Genetic algorithms: These algorithms are used to formulate hypotheses about dependencies between variables. A collection of potential problem solutions compete with each other, and the best solutions are selected and combined with each other, so that the solution set will improve over time [Ggr99].
Advantages: Genetic algorithms produce well tested accurate results.
Disadvantages: Genetic algorithms arrive at results through evolutionary programming, and the results are often hard to understand.
vi1Bayesian networks: These are directed acyclic graphs that represent probability distributions, which can be used to represent expert knowledge. The nodes represent attribute variables and states (events), and edges represent probabilistic dependencies between them. Associated with each node are local probability distributions, and arcs are drawn from cause nodes to effect nodes.
Data mining a Bayesian network consists of using entering expert knowledge into the Bayesian network (using domain experts), and then using a database to update, refine, and improve on the knowledge in the Bayesian network; new graphs may result from this improvement, and the causal relationships between these resulting nodes can be easily interpreted [Hec96].
Advantages: Bayesian networks produce easy to understand results.
Disadvantages: Must gather conditional probabilities from domain experts.
vii1Rough and Fuzzy Sets: These are mathematical concepts that deal with uncertainty. For Rough set models, an upper and lower bound is defined, each of which has members and non-members, respectively. The upper bound of a rough set is the union between the lower bound and the boundary region. Members of the boundary region are "possible members" of a set [Ggr99].
Advantages: Fuzzy set models are less prone to local maximas than decision tree algorithms [Ffa99], and like rough set models, they cope with uncertainty better than any other algorithm.
Disadvantages: Rough and Fuzzy sets require other algorithms to work.
4Example applications
11An Association rule discoverer: Wal-Mart uses an association rule algorithm to decide how goods are to be shelved. For example, one can find cough and cold medicine placed in the paper goods and facial tissue section; the pharmacy section that normally carries cough and cold medicine is usually more than 60 steps away in a different section, but data mining research has shown that a high number of those who buy facial tissue [antecedent] also need cough and cold medicine [consequent].
21A Hierarchical clustering unsupervised learner: Thought/KD1 discovers zoological truths [Hma91].
31A Metric-distance clustering unsupervised learner: 3-level customer profile fraud detector. Authors claim that their approach outperforms another rule-based method for unsupervised learning [Mpi99].
41A Decision tree classifier: SKICAT. Automatically analyzes and catalogues astronomical objects [Fdw96].
51A DNF rule classifier: R-MINI equity return predictor. Produces minimal complete and consistent rules to predict market movements that beat the S&P 500 index [Aho96].
61A Bayesian classifier application: Spam miner. Detects spams with 97% accuracy [Zct99].
71A Rough-Set classifier: PRIMEROSE-REX2. Discovers diagnostic rules extracted from a medical temporal database [Tsu98]. The author has used Rough set model with rule induction to discover new medical information.
This is my first attempt at understanding the research that has been done on the subject of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, and Data Mining. This paper is clearly far from being comprehensive, as the field of KDD and DM is an emerging one, and new techniques continue to be developed.
I have found that every data mining algorithm has its strengths and limitations, and that no single algorithm can be used for all problems. Selecting the best algorithm for the business problem at hand requires an understanding of the capabilities of the algorithm, and how the end-user wishes to use the results of data mining.
6References consulted
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[Hma91] J. Hong, C. Mao, “Incremental Discovery of Rules and Structure by Hierarchical and Parallel Clustering”, Knowledge Discovery In Databases, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, P. 177-194, 1991.